Art Theory

The Kunst Saga | How the Right Wing Views Modern Art

Patricia Taxxon

Weaponized Culture.


Brian Eno – 1/1
CoH – 20000 Lieues
Brian Eno – 1/2
Aphex Twin – Lichen


Paul Joseph Watson Is A Pop Culture Pleb STINKPIECE:
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Paul Joseph Watson is Wrong About: Art:
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27 thoughts on “The Kunst Saga | How the Right Wing Views Modern Art
  1. 23:39 – and there it is. Of course the opposition to racism is the real gripe the right wing have with the modern world. That and every other notion that we should treat everybody as equals.

    Scared fucking cowards, every fucking right wing nutjob ever.

  2. I agree generally with this video (and I'm almost always down to dunk on PJW), but… while "replicating real life is a pointless exercise" is technically true, then (from that purely utilitarian perspective of "we need a photographic/realistic image of a person/thing" or "we need some other tool/craftwork"), most abstract and non-realistic art is also a pointless exercise. After all, in theory, if one wanted to make a point or encourage people to ask a question, they could just write it out on a sign or ask it to many different people, instead of making 'art' about it. Art is partly about the act of creation (at least for a lot of people), and it can also be about giving a certain experience to the viewer. The experience/effect you get from a beautiful photograph can be different from the experience/effect you get from a beautiful realistic painting/drawing/sculpture.
    Creating photorealistic images for the pure purpose of having an image of something or someone is rendered mechanically unnecessary by photography, but I would argue that art that tries to replicate a real-life thing is not pointless. The artist may want to express admiration for or draw attention to a particular detail they noticed about the subject, and its beauty, or to represent something about how their brain processes sensory stimuli. (Also, some of us are luddites and good photography is really hard, and equipment/resource-consuming, whereas all I need for drawing is some paper and [colored] pencils.)

  3. Far from hearing so many idiotic straw men at once … and I mean you Taxxon. sorry but your video is unfortunately not a bit better than what you "criticize"

  4. "Post-Modernist Moral Relativist Critical theory espousing Cultural Marxist Nihilists".
    Paul. PAUL. Even I have read enough philosophy to tell that Postmodernism, Marxism and Nihilism are contradictory and can't go together. And I am 17.

  5. The high prices are not a fault of the artist.. It's the fault of the beautiful free market that loves to be value is everything..

  6. I got a feeling Paul is the kind of dude who gets all pissy in museams for not understanding art… Then starts to cry and blames others and not him.. Then locks himself in his little youtube safe space and voices his opinion without challenge.

  7. PJW: Oh my god the left wants to protect the status quo!

    (After showing art pieces which sole purpose to challenge the status quo)

  8. The blue canvas with a white line, is that a Neumann? Or a Rothco? Both painters use highly advanced paint mixing techniques that don’t photograph well. Has Joseph-Watson considered this? Just because it looks esoteric doesn’t mean it’s not skillful. Also, Joseph-Watson doesn’t know how hard it is to be a decent DJ. Like you need to be good at a beat and mixing them together while still reading the crowd. Also, the police raised security concerns, not the museum, on the bunny piece. Joseph-Watson needs to learn how to read.

  9. Fun story: I went to a modern art museum about a year back, I love simplicity and shapes and colors and I thought a lot of the art was pretty to look at. There was one piece I can't remember, but I read in the accompanying pamphlet about the exhibition that the piece, a room full of paintings with these shaky, red fading to black vertical lines on canvas, was about the Holocaust. It genuinely hit me, even before reading that, the raw emotions all around me, the way these lines were so violent and hopeless, it was like red bloody screams fading into black hopeless voids. It was the art that resonated with me the most that day. That piece was inspired by the Cy Twombly piece in that final PJW video. Modern art isn't dampening the human spirit, it's INSPIRING it. Now artistic expression doesn't require a dozen years in the most elite schools and commissions from the world's most powerful merchants, now art is about subjective, raw emotionality and reaction. Now you can make a piece that reflects an emotion or conveys an idea regardless of the piece's realism and people can resonate with that idea simply because they react with the same emotion or understand the idea put forth. That weird islamophobic piece Watson showed is offensive and I don't like the message it gives, but no one's saying it isn't art. It evokes response, maybe the responses it evoked were exactly what the artist hoped it would evoke. That's kinda the point of art. Your expression being thrown into the world and the reactions it creates. It being banned from the exhibit isn't a sign of the ruination of art, it's just another piece in the process.

  10. i see this dumbass on a ton of lefty youtuber's videos and he's just. so hopelessly dishonest. literally everything he does is just "don't think, i have opinions for you, don't look into this, my opinions are fact, being a conservative that shits your pants in terror at the thought of change is counterculture"

  11. I am pretty sure that I have seen that scribble piece in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I was thinking it might be Cy Twombly, whose series based on the Iliad occupies a whole room there and is frankly awe-inspiring and bizarre, but I think it might be one of his contemporaries? It's a cool-looking scribble, honestly. Contrary to popular belief, it's really hard to do a scribble or a splatter like Twombly or Rauschenberg.

  12. It honestly disgusts me that this dipshit is a part of the Watson Clan. Seriously how did this get so bad why are there so amny morons I feel like I'm screaming into the void but WHY IS HE IN THE WATSON CLAN WHERE DID WE GO WRONG AHHHHH

  13. Honestly I think paul has this idea that in the 1800s to 1950s human civilization spawned fully formed and was ment to be frozen and unchanged forever no matter what

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