Consciousness Videos

The Mystery Of Consciousness (& Why You Should Care)


How come we have no clue why we’re aware at all? Some live ruminations on why this question matters.

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29 thoughts on “The Mystery Of Consciousness (& Why You Should Care)
  1. The question is why? Why do we exist at all? Does the larger consciousness need the experience of pain and suffering (love, joy, fulfillment etc)? Why not just exist as disembodied consciousness? Is it that 'all lives matter' regardless of the duration or the amount of suffering? I think these are the questions, not unifying quantum mechanics and space/time.

  2. Every conciousness is given a goal to contribute in understanding the uni-verse .with humans being top of the chain amongst observeables… Every perception has a conclusion expressed or unexpressed .So just think Whats gonna be the conclusion of all perceptions at uber most level? .while the homo sapiens realm of conciousness is divided in percieving it as a either a verse (a uni-verse a verse being straight forward accumulation of words letters or whatever) or as a uni-mark (ayah – a marking ,symbols,icons)

    Percieving at these detailed levels it becomes a battle of percieving order vs disorder as the nature of reality.
    Without any doubt since the world as it is ,is a pile of various potentials ,some of which we percieve via senses and some through sense accomodations(tools of understanding)but most importantly not all of them ,,,,this flow of energy that seems to put the Fragile us on a podium to put a spot light back on itself is governed via an ordered process of spotting percieving and responding and a MEMORY .
    Basic law for sustainance of conciousness in this mighty vast and most importantly dangerous reality states that A well ordered conciousness will fit well in the ordered reality and a disoriented conciousness on account of lack of order will hurt the ordered nature in its experiments and i believe will be punished for it at saa'aat.
    Quantum mechanics not only deal with computing technology and revolution we want to achieve out of it but it also discusses the fragility of reality since A precisely ordered observation is only way to observe otherwise its destruction of its very cause and end result.
    And there isn't any limitation to observation except induced entropy .
    Biologically Us developing predictable entropy emotion,rush,variability via serotonin (emotion hormone) and developing a concious decision follows similar rules as of an electron exchange probability in nature as described by heisenberg equation. Denoting presence of conciousness and order and decision though predictable at levels beyond we could imagine before . To dig deeper we are still sharpening our tools because quantum mechanics and fragility of matter jump in.
    Infact the very presence of ultra order at all levels of existence amongst all its fragility bring to principle of All or None and constitute primary ground for realization of 1 supreme observation ,intellact and controll .since there is no order without control and no control without conciousness and no conciousness without perception.

  3. This video just made me aware…. that I am experiencing awareness. And, how can I never be not be aware now. This is the most amazing moment of my life.

    How is this possible?

  4. Right here and now is eternity. Think about it. It’s never not right here and now. This topic is all I care about as well. I’ve been searching for answers now for 2 decades.

  5. It's becoming clearer that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding. By this I mean, can any particular theory be used to create a human adult level conscious machine. My bet is on the late Gerald Edelman's Extended Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. The lead group in robotics based on this theory is the Neurorobotics Lab at UC at Irvine. Dr. Edelman distinguished between primary consciousness, which came first in evolution, and that humans share with other conscious animals, and higher order consciousness, which came to only humans with the acquisition of language. A machine with primary consciousness will probably have to come first.

  6. How about this….a fighter pilot gets shot down in pacific WWII .He goes to a place and meets buddies who were shot down weeks before. His spirt (consciousness) looks for a new icon and shows up in a baby who at 2yrs old has nightmares about his crash. The parents find out from trying to calm him all kinds of info about the Japanese planes and American planes. He took off from a carrier Natoma Bay. He. Goes to a reunion and knows many of the men . He contacts a sister in Texas and tells her things only her brother would know.. An amazing true story . ( book Soul Survivor)

  7. Besides a full blown hyperspace trip this is the best explanation of non duality I've come across. Good job! You summed up what I've been trying to say that so many people can't seem to grasp. Water non dualism the interface analogy physics all of it it's the answer we can't "see".

  8. Yes. Simply yes. Is it the whole truth – probably not. But is there more truth to it than in all the other theories – for sure! Loved the show and had to comment even if I listend to the podcast! Thank you!

  9. 26:40 this is actually not what people are saying happens when the wave function collapses due to 'observation'. No one says that matter (like the moon) doesn't exist prior to an 'observed' collapsed state.

  10. I saw your interview on FB about psychedelics and medicine and then came across this. Totally blew my mind once again. Then saw a program on Curiosity Stream called The Secrets of Quantum Mechanics. This program had a great explanation of the basics behind quantum mechanics which correlate well with what you present here.

  11. Loved this :):) thank you! Remember long time back when learning about electromagnetic spectrum, realizing the tiny part of it we could see or sense and probably insignificant part as well we could measure or figure out, I realized how incredibly limited our perception must be on the grand scale of things. I used to think I could be “standing” right in front of an alien or whatever else unimaginable thing to me this universe has and have no idea, coz all I have is sensors for this miniature part of a spectrum of infinity. Our window sure is small. Here is something finally making sense. Looking forward to more 🙂

  12. Hey Zdogg, good show man loved the episode. 
    I would like to point out a few things but please don't get me wrong. 
    I personally love studying about conciousness and got into a rabbit hole of endless information and studying the work of great bright minds that studied it. 
    The "new theory" of Donald Hoffman mentioned is it really new? I mean the way I see it is is a blend of
    Aldous Huxley's Mind at Large addressed in the doors of perception. The filtering mechanism of all the information. 
    Plato got their more than 2000 years ago with his cave allegory and the shadows ptojected on the wall as to what we perceive as reality. Socrates also was questioning the physical world and what we can say about the world with absolute certainty. Ancient greeks were playing with psychedelics in the Eleusinean mysteries btw which makes sense on these questions origin 😂 Socrate's quote All I know, is that I know nothing still apllies today as it was 2 millenia ago. There are things we know, things we know we don't know, and things we don't even know we don't know.
    The matrix/simulation theory of which Elon Musk is a fan of and many others. In the end it might all be ones and zeros and all this is just a translation. A question I like is what were our thoughts like before/without language btw? 
    Hindu philosophy and the Maya, great illussion I think they call it. 

    Anw, for me is not a matter of illusion but you call it interface I call it spectrum of perception. Like Aldous Huxley coined them doors of perception. As a species, we might want to open them a bit further but if we knock them down and expose ourselves to the full spectrum of reality/information we may go extinct as you pointed out. 
    Isn't that already clear? We know there is more than what we perceive just by looking at the animal kingdom and through our technology. 
    You know you have wifi signal when your phone connects to the internet when you get home but you don't see it. You know that our visible spectrum is within red and violet's frequency and we have infra-red and ultraviolet radiation. Can you imagine if we were able to perceive all these while walking around our daily lives? We wouldn't be able to function, but be overwhelmed by the too much information. Sound as well. Dogs and other animals hear frequencies that we can't, there are special whistles I think pet owners have. Again, imagine if we could hear all the spectrum? I wouldn't want that for sure. Our available spectrum I think it has its reason, I trust Nature and Evolution on what is accessible on us without hacks. 
    We are biological machines evolved through time and we have a set of specs by birth. We can modify them a bit naturally and artificially for sure. For example if you lose one sense, let's say our sight, some other sense may enhance like our hearing to counteract the loss. We can practice echolocation and other cool stuff. We can enhance our senses at a degree for sure. But having access to the whole spectrum is not something that we would want I think. That doesn't mean this reality is an illusion. 
    My take on psychedelics is that it has it pros and cons like most of the fun and interesting things in life have their risk. I am afraid of what's called psychedelic induced psychosis, so I am leaving these stuff for the end of my bucket list at some point where I can afford to lose my sanity (I am copying Richard Feynman's move here where he was afraid that he would break his mind and tried LSD after getting cancer while being trip sitted by Jaron Lanier – now that's a great story). If I get an obsession or a psychosis about the physical world not being "true" I would most probably find myself locked up in a mental asylum. But if Plato says it, his name stays in history forever as one of the most renowned philosophers 😂
    An advice here is to warn people and pay more attention on the dangers of experimenting with psychedelics a bit more rather than just urging people to see what the trees feel like while high on LSD or shrooms. 
    I am closing the rant here at least for now 😂
    Boy do I talk too much for things I like! 
    Apologies for that. There is a meme too long didn't read tldr which would be perfectly fair 😂

    Ps: Rabbit hole material includes:
    Sam Harris (He is still with us and a great neuroscientist and I think you and him would have a lot to talk about in a show as he is also a conciousness, psychedelics, meditation aficionado.) 
    Aldous Huxley already mentioned 
    Terence McKenna (favourite mind and person used to listen him for hours had great sense of humor, check the Stoned Ape theory if you haven't already) 
    John Lilly the inventor of isolation tank (treat with caution here as I think he went too far) 
    Alan Watts (three quotes on psychedelics: 1.If you got the message hang up the phone, 2.Psychedelics are for the conciousness what the microscope is for the biologist – something like that. 3.The mystic swims with delight where the psychotic drowns)

  13. The conscious agent idea is interesting. However, it seems like there must exist some physical reality. The fact that we can go from not knowing something, then to knowing it, then to also explain events that happened in the past, shows that the reality already existed, but needed to be discovered. Throughout history, we've been able to make scientific discoveries to better understand the reality. The discoveries we've made always perfectly fit into a system of logic that we call math, which is used to demonstrate the repeatability and reliability of what we've discovered. 

    Of course, there would need to be some type of interface between the physical reality and our consciousness. Our brain gets bombarded with signals from our eyes, ears, nerves, etc., then it must try to make sense of it. Reality would likely "look" much different from what actually perceive. As a solution, we use math and logic as tools to escape from the limitations of our "interface." We've followed math so devotedly to the point where we've come up with real working fields of science that are completely outside of our intuition, like quantum mechanics and relativity.

    We now know that humans only see a tiny sliver of the full electromagnetic spectrum. We use telescopes to see stars and galaxies unfathomably far away, and we use electron microscopes to see things that are invisible. It's as if humans see the universe through a tiny little peep hole. And through subtle observations and using logic, we extrapolate a new "understanding" of reality and the universe. If something can interact with something that can interact with something that we can observe, then we can develop a type of understanding of it through observations, experiments, and math.

    If there's a tall fence and you don't know what's behind it, you can keep throwing stones over the fence in different trajectories then listening for the resulting sounds. If you are diligent in documenting what you hear, you can eventually develop a useful understanding of what's behind the fence, just by throwing lots of stones and listening.

  14. So basically we are "conscuous" "energy" "spirity" having a "physical" experience… I wonder how beliefs get passed on to the " subgroup" we live in to the city, county, state. Is that the Universal Conscious?
    Interesting indeer

  15. I am surprised. Dr. Hoffman may be a scientist by training but his hypothesis is not scientific. It is philosophy. A mathematical model, which in it self is desperately flawed (I’ve made many mathematical models) can not scientifically prove a philosophy. His hypothesis can not be scientifically tested. It is pure philosophy with the same scientific reliability as a mathematical model that professed to answer the question of how many angels can dance on a pin head. While it, like all philosophical endeavors is interesting and worth studying, it is not a science and Dr. Hoffman, in this instance, is a philosopher, not a scientist.

  16. As much as I love your ZdoggMD top hits, I live for your consciousness talks and videos. Would greatly appreciate more videos with explanations of how this fundamental understanding of awareness and consciousness can lead to living a better life, maybe some practical ways you’ve found that incorporates this profound knowledge and understanding into ways of absolutely dominating life.

  17. Something else that bugs me: Assuming your theory of consciousness being the central force of the universe is true: what causes suffering, disease, Covid? Why is the universe so brutal and merciless? More than 99 percent of all species go extinct. A physical delusion seems to force us into a world where dog eats dog.

  18. Very interesting. I would love if you could talk about something related. Legendary physicist Prof. Roger Penrose (who won a Nobel Prize recently) proved that the microtubules in our brain exchange information with the quantum waves of the universe something like a million times a second. What are the implications?

  19. Probability density functions, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and wave particle duality – that’s some fucked up stuff when you really think about it.

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