Consciousness Videos

The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution with Tom Campbell (3 of 3)

Evita Ochel

EBTV with Evita Ochel ( and special guest physicist and author of the book My Big TOE, Tom Campbell (

In this part 3 of 3, Tom talks about and/or explains the following topics:
– the impact all of our choices (work, relationship, food, entertainment, etc) on the quality and nature of our reality
– how we create our own reality
– the role of physics in a future consciousness awakening/expansion
– Dr. Edward Fredkin’s work of reality as a simulation
– the role of “other” in the creation of reality
– the limitations of science
– the merging of science and spirituality
– the science of consciousness
– spiritual evolution and 2012
– Earth changes in relevance to 2012
– the need for spiritual and scientific preparation
– advice for personal spiritual evolution
– the nature of relationships and falling in love
– the importance of doing things for the sake of being, rather than doing
– the importance of being the change we wish to see
– spiritual quest dynamics
– the value of being versus doing
– expectations, ego, fear and how they relate to spiritual evolution
– the current and future state of planet Earth


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33 thoughts on “The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution with Tom Campbell (3 of 3)
  1. Oh, there is no "non-physical." Anything that exists, even an idea is physical in nature because nature is physical. The universe isn't a prerequisite for the physical, the physical is a prerequisite for the universe. If it's not physical, it doesn't exist. It can't exist by definition.

  2. I lean towards the idea that what we call "consciousness" just IS. It's not a feature of a universe or of existence, it IS the universe and existence. The implication being that if there is "conscious" then there must also be the "unconscious" aspect as well which could mean that it's a "dream simulation." In other words, there was no intent, or intelligible creator, but that the universe evolved from both aspects. It would mean there there was a "creator," but more in the way that we "create" dreams. It's why there seems to be "truth but no logic." The fact that anything exists at all really doesn't make sense unless existence itself is an absolute, which I believe must be the case. We are the awareness aspect of the consciousness, "the universe aware of itself" or the consciousness observing itself in some strange way. It's bizarre any way you look at it really.

  3. I don't know about a movie, but it would seem like facing more fears would lower entropy because it would establish more confidence and therefor more courage to do things even if you feel that sense of fear. You have those reference experiences of "feeling the fear and doing it anyway" which teaches the subconscious that you are courageous and overcome obstacles. If you're just doing it to be frightened, like for fun, then maybe I could see that. Otherwise it doesn't make much sense to say "don't do things that frighten you because it'll make you more fearful." That one doesn't add up.

  4. the voice that happening when your head is moving up and down[shaking], evita, is opening my consciousness so much.. like hypnosis

  5. This is good information. Not to be a wise ass, but Tom reminds me of the architect from the Matrix lol, another coincidence I guess. 

  6. I highly respect Tom, and I listen to him often and re-read his book MBT over and over (certain sections) trying to grasp certain things.  At the same time I'm highly skeptical of some of his ideas.  Now I understand he is able to "visit" other reality frames/dimensions, but…so what?  I'm willing to bet that if 100 other individuals learned to visit like Tom does, there would possibly be another 100 My Big Toes. Perhaps not, but it wouldn't surprise me.  Sometimes Tom sounds like a preachy theologian, "ego! ego! ego!"  To have in interest in an idea…it's ego.  To want to explore something out of curiosity…ego!  To have an expectation, say, an author who is quite poor at many things except for writing, and she/he is trying to succeed in order to better his family–especially if certain people in his family suffer from psychological conditions, and providing care proves difficult because of finances, but yet…if that author is hoping on making it as a full time author, oh well that's ego.  Maybe so, but I honestly don't give a shit.  You know nothing of walking in someone else's shoes.  At least with people having NDEs they can often feel other people's pain from the torment others have caused, and vice/versa and grow from that.

  7. Fortunately, being witness to pain, horror, trials and tribulations can help one to grow. It's how it will influence you. Will you get bogged down by it? Perhaps, but if you can learn from it…grow from it and push forward then I say that is good. If one is always walking in a beautiful meadow of wildflowers and green grass, and never sees the dark elements of life, one will never learn, never be around to help others in need, or her/himself in growing. The key to witnessing negativity is to not to get bogged down and remain in that mindset. Sometimes we will get bogged down. No one is perfect. But the key is to push forward at your own pace.  I'm an author, and a few of my characters in my Guardian Series face A LOT of darkness, but they push through and learn from it. It's a reflection of my own past life, and something many others can relate to.

  8. Thank you for the feedback about the video and the audio, and I completely understand….sometimes there are better audio days, and sometimes worse, and unfortunately I cannot hear it on my end, until after I listen to the recording. But the good news is I got a new headset finally, so all the new videos are, and will be "scratch" free 🙂

  9. Great interview… Thanks to both of you… On another note, and I do not mean any disrespect but.. Evita, can you put foam or something on your mic to keep it from rubbing against your collar the whole interview. Its very difficult to listen to it the whole time. Thanks =D

  10. Thank you, Evita, and thank you, Tom. Wonderful words of wisdom and love, and all from the heart. Truly inspiring and life-changing.

  11. hi evita ive watched all toms lectures and q&a and this is by far the best talk along with the hawai lectures, this should give us tremendous strength, it does me, thanks

  12. You are so welcome, it is such a pleasure to share Tom's amazing work 🙂 Thank you for your feedback and awesome comment additions!

  13. Wow Most awesome interview! Thanks so much for sharing this 🙂 Blessings and love to you and Tom. Learned a lot from this and especially the expectations aspect, or fear based and ego intentions that I pretty much denied that I was living this way. Even though my intentions were for "saving the world" as you say and trying to align my thoughts and dreams in that direction. So nice to know that just focusing on myself and everything will flow, that seems really easy. Thanks again, Love Tina

  14. Thank you so much,it was beautiful!!!Great interviewer:))
    I feel growth right now and more love than 3 hours ago.
    I discovered mr Tom yesterday and you beloved Evita today.I am so happy and grateful.and i truly love You-tube.Thank you You-tube!!!
    So it seems to me we are doing great,each of us doing are part focusing on love.
    Thank you again,please accept my love and gratitude!!!!

  15. The history of man kind has been an endless chain of ideas that imprison us. We move from one prison to another. Each time thinking we are now free and saved. Box to box to box has only created and sustained suffering. Looking back we say " How small was that old box." Even Buddha said " All life is suffering" Now with Tom Campbell we will finally step outside of our prison box and be free. His words offer liberation and salvation. Evita Ochel is great. Wonderful Campbell TOE ! !

  16. right around 25:50 she was asking what should people do about their frustrations. i heard expectations in my mind, and then he said it. lol

  17. "My Big TOE" is great, it really explained me most of what I have felt and dreamed of, and now I have much stronger feeling that I am on the right way and I am not alone. Thanks, guys, you are great!

  18. @EvitaOchel I have developed this world view throughout my entire life , unifying all information into one understanding while dealing with the fustrations of the materialistic that i found there is others that have arrived at the same conclusion it fills me with excitement and joy , knowing there are individuals like me out there! thnx

  19. All three parts are brilliant but this is my favourite. After listening to this part I think Tom would make a great Agony Aunt. 29:37 is one case in point. 🙂

    Thank you very much for this series of interviews Evita they have made a great difference to me.

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