Consciousness Videos

The One Minute of Mindfulness Meditation Learn Mindfulness Meditation & Retreats

You can introduce powerful one minute mini meditations throughout your day to refresh, ground and centre yourself. You can use a clock or timer for this exercise. Simply set the time for one minute. During this time, your task is to focus your entire attention on feeling the sensations of your breathing, and let everything else go for a while.

You can practice with your eyes either open or closed. If you lose touch with breath and become lost in thought during this time, simply let go of the thoughts and gently bring attention back to the breath. Don’t worry if the mind wanders. When it does just gently guide attention back to the breath as many times as you need to. I like to do this 3-5 times a day at my desk or outside in nature. If you don’t have a timer you can also simply count ten breaths….which takes around a minute.

Minute meditations are a an especially powerful ally in times when your start to feel a little stressed or aggravated or overwhelmed. It will bring you back to a calm centre when things get tough.


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