Consciousness Videos

The Physics of Consciousness

Stephanie Vigil

Let’s go beneath the surface of physical matter – to the heart of reality and who we are.

Physical matter is only an illusion. Your true nature extends past the limitations of your world.

Reference links:

Observer effect

Brian Greene What is Space (Fabric of the Cosmos part 1 of 4) NOVA HD

Brian Greene The Illusion of Time (Fabric of the Cosmos part 2 of 4) NOVA HD

Brian Greene Quantum mechanics (Fabric of the Cosmos part 3 of 4) NOVA HD -entanglement experiment-

Brian Greene Universe or Multiverse (Fabric of the Cosmos part 4 of 4) NOVA HD

Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max Tegmark at TEDxCambridge 2014

Michio Kaku string theory video

Cymatics video

Cymatics Ted Talks

Quantum entanglement

Entanglement and non-locality

Masaru Emoto – Water is Life

Masaru Emoto’s Rice Experiment

Washington DC crime rate dropped 23.3% after meditation

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) experiment on the effect of intentions on a machine (random number generator)

Harvard’s research into The power of the placebo effect

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s research into telepathy

Rupert Sheldrake interview video

Psychic Dog Experiment video

Mythbusters (plants know when you intend to burn them)

Special theory of relativity

BBC The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics

The Universe May Be Conscious, Say Prominent Scientists

Wired – MIND OVER MATTER Princeton University scientists believe that the human mind can influence machines.

Sir Roger Penrose — The quantum nature of consciousness

The Disclosure Project – National Press Club 2001 (contact testimony for disclosure)

Curiosity Stream lectures:

Robbert Dijkgraaf – Director and Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton – Frontiers of Science Lecture

Brian Greene – Theoretical Physicist, Author, Professor at Columbia University and Co-founder of World Science Festival –

Chasing Quantum Realities Lecture


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6 thoughts on “The Physics of Consciousness
  1. The article is suggesting that it is perhaps the reference frame of the observer that determines whether the ball exhibits quantum or classical properties.
    This was what I was alluding in my earlier comments a week ago..the location of the observer determines the pt of reference and hence the perception of the observed object

  2. MsVigil thank you for a fantastic simple view of a complicated topic ..really nicely said and one of the best explanation of what we know so far in quantum physics ..

    Everything in reality is a matter of perspective is not so much the process of observation or what methods or tools are used for observation but reality changes on the location of the observer..
    Just as you pay for that ocean view room vs the ground floor too the view from the location of the observer changes reality..

    You cannot know the ocean if you stand on the shore ..

    In the double slit experiment ..light is either a particle or a wave is not based on the process or method of observation but on location of the obsever..
    In our case we observe everything from the perspective of the physical self ..
    The mind however is not physical its very much has a subtle constitution..

    The mind is a spectrum of consciousness from physical to subtle..just as white light is a spectrum od various colors..if you view the world through the filter of red light everything would be colored red..likewise the pt of observation within the mindfield colors our perception of reality..

    Because we identify ourselves as real with form we stand as the physical observer and see all as physical entities ..when the observer position is changed the result is case of the detector and the screen they both have as their nature a nonphysical existence and hence see the light as such ie a wave of possibilities..the detector is an extension of our mind as tool of intention to record a measurement ..hence in its presence the photon or electron behaves as if it is still being observed..

    Its not that consciousness is collasping the is the location of the observer that sees light as a particle ..consciousness never changes or gets remain as the facilitator without being active in creating reality..consciousness is a fundamental absolute that never is a constant
    The particle has no inherent consciousness on its own ..the particle has no real existence ..its all in the mind of the one who is observing ..

    The mind existing as a subtle entity has consciousness as its creative energy ..the mind uses that consciousness to create multiple realities at the same time ..where we stand as the observer.. then that is the reality we see..

    So the multidimensional me sees a different reality in dream ..and also in dreamless sleep..because the observer location changes ..
    In dream the observer is not the brain and the senses ..but its the subtle subconscious aspect of the mind thats non physical dimension of observation ..

    Lastly there is no created reality only projected reality from the view pt of where the observer is located..

  3. All existence takes birth and death in consciousness.
    .but consciousness has no birth nor death..and not subject to cause and effect..just as the sun cannot fully be described as heat and light.. matter and energy cannot adequately describe consciousness..
    Consciousness contains the field of the mind and when we say its within and without..its only because we identify with the physicality of nature and believe there is a within and without..there is none..its all because of who does the observing..
    Consciousness is a state of beingness where in its presence existence has birth..
    Existence both physical and subtle arises as a field of possibilities within the mind..the mind itself creates the illusion it operates through the brain when in reality ..the body and brain are projections of the mind ..
    The mind is non local but only has an individuality on account of the location of the observer dream you are in yr bed but you create a dream body in which the dteam is experienced..the mind remains the same but the pt of observation and hence the resultant experiences appears to be different only in state but not space nor time ..

  4. Wonderful video ..
    We are creating our reality as experiences within the mind..
    The mind projects this reality..
    We are multidimensional in nature..
    We are creating our next reality here and hereafter..
    There is no change of space but only change of state..

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