
The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.

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50 thoughts on “The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink
  1. Extrinsic motivation has a place to be sure, but it must be intermittent and unexpected. If it is an expectation, we have failed our children/students. As a principal of a school I see the pitfalls of too much extrinsic, specifically in children learning to work/learn only if there is a reward or prize or something tangible at the end. The goal is to make learning something kids intrinsically want, as it is something that is valued. Perhaps if we want to help kids learn the value of learning, schools may want to reconsider their current models of scripted programming and make learning fun and exciting and engaging…something kids want to be part of on a daily basis, without the thought of extrinsic reward. Overall I believe there is something bigger at play here, not just the intrinsic vs extrinsic conversation.

  2. He asked how would you attach the candle to the wall so I doesn’t drop on the table. So I thought well obviously don’t put the candle on the wall over the table, can’t drop on the table if it’s not over the table, duh…. he said put the candle in the box… idk if I feel stupid for not thinking of that first or smarter… he didn’t say it had to be over the table… just sayin

  3. ROW does not seem to work as well in schools, where many students have a habit of leaving their task till their very last moment, then doing everything, usually resulting in some very sub-optimal performance on tests and papers.

    In other words, ROW won't work unless you already have motivated workers who actually care about the task at hand.

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  5. Ted talks are interesting, but there so much infadel in it… mechanisms of discussion
    has so much citizen or buisness littature in it, where it messes up the truth sorta in the past, by messing up the truth i mean it could be so much better..

    infadel can be like a god you yell at , or make do things is large base of population sorta, like a god of state department followers or education listeners, Alright l lets say scientologist use "christians as base to influence" im trying or kind of working it out it rings up in my mind.. it seems like it makes sense that infadel is kind of like anarchist word, to relegion policy and citizenship type stuff.

    10 bucks says Campaign managers have use the word infadel or defination of it by influence graphic design to create a race between democrat(man and women) republican, in the past.
    think about it, all the hatred that comes up when here obama's name in certian circles, along with clinto or hillary in the past, all we have to do is put that on in certian location of of influence type stuff in the pastt

    So infadel is powerful inluence in the pastTGB the way i mean it.
    Ok we all know that state department sucks, the big one the in the past.

    Ok this how i see it, fines , fee's, registrations, document updates ( fees fines accumalation of data that cause or creates them to grow or develope, thats fuckin infadel to kill), For example, i was born, as a American, American certificate, american card (social security), How much does the state department cost social security retirement (Americans worked), because of its (updates), the state department is like a property management company, "renew your lease, to stay in your home, but instead the words they use instead of renew your lease is renew your i.d. to be a legal person in the united states, charging you fees, for the documents your were born with, and more than that, taxing you, to enforce the fees in the past.)

    So in other words the state department see's your Social security card, and birth certificate as something they can manage, as property they can manage, while charging heavy fees.

    Your image is on it
    Its got your adress on it
    its got your name and date of birth in the past.

    Then they put a expiration date, on all of that ( saying if you dont pay this amount of money, they can take it all away from you, your adress, your ability to gain a home ( a roof over your ahead), all your freedoms , put on a expiration date at the bottom in the past. All from your birth certificate and social security card number, the same one every time.. (its still a similiar concept) it would be one thing is a i.d. lasted 10 years, but every 2 years, that fuckin crazy thats a "lease" , there putting a lease on your life using your birth AMERICAN certificate and social in the past.

    Can you rent a home with a expired id
    Can you get a job with a expired id

    Can you use your birth certificate and social security card to get job and a home, or do you need a i.d in the past. ( what does that say for how they are using your american born freedoms or rights in the past. ( yea you can get a job, but can rent a home or by a home in the past)
    in the past TGB the way i mean it
    in the past

  6. Wait so the foundation of Capitalism- that people need to be motivated by profit and not the good of mankind- is false?! People can better solve complex problems when they're incentivized with autonomy, mastery, and purpose?! Superficial rewards of wealth stifle creativity?! Shut up, Science! You don't know what you're talking about.

  7. "The science confirms what we know in our hearts", it's so true, we see it more and more each day in all facets of reality, trust your instincts people!

  8. I had an entire lecture in business school on Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation that I just realised was literally taken off of this TED talk! And I paid freaking $4000 per subject for that while this here is completely free on YouTube for everyone.

    I feel like bloody ripped-off for going to a business school!

  9. I have questions – i came to this video because i would like to build motivation. I feel like all the examples he talks about on autonomy are all tech companies which is quite limiting. In university, I get that sort of freedom that he describes as a new way of management, but I don't see myself spending all that time productively. On the contrary, I would find it difficult to get things done with all the free time and sometimes get lost on how i can spend the time effectively. I can't help but think that he is not talking about motivation in terms of how it can be developed, but just talking on how incentives and financial rewards are not the key motivators when operating a company…its hiring people who have skills and ideals which isn't puzzling tbh.

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  11. So, this must be the reason that scientist that are changing the World by their work are much much muuuuch less payed then a singer that gets the song done and sings it on a playback … or some reality show participant that only has fights with other participants in the show … in today world the easier and more idiotic work you have – the more you are payed. Take a look at sports – do repetitive job and earn millions 🙂 I agree with this if the person has enough money for the style of living he/she wishes. When you don't have to think of basic existence needs then money isn't so important anymore. Except you are a professional athlete – than it is so important if you earn 50mil $ a year and you can get 55mil $ a year so you must change the team for that 🙂
    By this talk the people would work the best, with the highest productivity, if not payed at all, but only do something they like … and they can live from breathing air and using photosynthessis 😀 And, on the other hand, people that they would do the work for would earn much more money, so they could pay more this kind of "studies".

  12. Unfortunately a lot of corporations don’t have an incentive to instill these three things because they want to exploit a disposable labor force. So this is more a dream scenario than reality. They have no incentive to create leaders they just want pawns and servants

  13. I have worked in multinational companies for many years and I strongly think that people from the US are really good speakers (whether you agree with them or not). Is "speaking in public" part of your educational system?

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