
The Reality of Human Progress | Steven Pinker | CDI 2010.


El propósito de su conferencia es explicar la evolución que ha tenido la violencia en el mundo que esta en constante cambio

His purpose is to talk about violence and its transformation in an ever-changing world.

La Ciudad de las Ideas es un festival internacional de mentes brillantes con sede en Puebla, México.
Andrés Roemer, presidente de Poder Cívico A.C. es el audaz curador del festival.

Todos los derechos reservados. © Poder Cívico A. C.
Prohibida su copia, su distribución y su venta sin permisos del autor.


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3 thoughts on “The Reality of Human Progress | Steven Pinker | CDI 2010.
  1. 21:27: "If, indeed, despite impressions, the long term trend – though halting and incomplete – is that violence of all kinds is decreasing, I think it calls for a rehabilitation of the concept of modernity and progress, a cause for guarded optimimism and a reason to cherish for the forces of civilization and enlightenment that have made it possible."
    Anyone criticizing modernity, progress and enlightenment (conservatives, postmodernists, John Gray-adepts) needs to return to the drawing board.

  2. Man's inhumanity towards man is depressing beyond comprehension. I can't believe people used to impale other people for any reason; let alone a trivial one. Ugh. Thank goodness we live when we do.

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