
THE SAAD TRUTH_36: Postmodernism is Nonsensical Anti-Science

In the world of postmodernism, ‘dancing hyena’ is another term for ‘the sun,’ and men can bear children. Who knew?!

Note: The individual in question was a graduate student at the time. Imagine how much more delusional her thinking must have likely become after being further exposed to these viruses of the mind throughout the remainder of her education.

Correction: An astute viewer noted that Alan Sokal is American (and not French as stated in the clip). My oversight. Sorry.

One of my earlier Psychology Today articles wherein I recount the story covered in the clip:

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45 thoughts on “THE SAAD TRUTH_36: Postmodernism is Nonsensical Anti-Science
  1. Yes.. but it's like this: I interpret this way.. you interpret that way…. but Bill… we don't like Bill….. let him try and interpret and whatever he says he needs to be fired. Am I exaggerating? This is the way they talk.

  2. Ironically, we are victims of our own success as a species. Our intelligence produced science which has allowed us to bypass natural selection for the most part. As an unfortunate consequence post-modernists who would have been eliminated through natural selection now thrive and we have to deal with their anti-science BS.

  3. Postmodernism and post-structuralism are the tools used by charlatans to obscure truth and give their preposterous theories credibility.
    This nonsensical theoretical framework is used to bolster theories which, without this scaffolding, would collapse under the weight of their own lunacy. These ideas, like the existence of 30+ distinct genders, and the oppressiveness of hetero-normativity, are destroying and discrediting real scientific research in the social sciences and replacing it with an ideological echo chamber in which heretical ideas are not tolerated.
    The social sciences and gender studies departments of most universities are now intellectually bankrupt because they deny the epistemological value of science and reason replacing them with wishes , feelings and ideology. this is the death of scholarship.

  4. Your videos are a light in a dark tunnel. The social sciences and humanities have been effectively destroyed by the endless onslaught of mad postmodernists. As a social scientist myself, I am more and more disappointed, and even more disgusted by what is happening. Some of them actually wrote that you "cannot understand the text", even if you wrote it yourself (sorry, xerself or whatever)…what are those people doing, then, writing texts of their own, if nobody can understand them, if there is no truth and eeeeeverything is turborelative? And the CONSISTENT ignoring the very biological nature of our existence (holy guacamole, do these people have brains at all?)…I am speechless. Goodness, they have RUINED science. Keep up the good work. "Deconstruct" the guano out of them.

  5. While I am no fan either of Michel Foucault or Jacques Derrida I have begun to read some snippets from their writing and it is beginning to make me wounder if these writers have been given a fair shake by you and Peterson.

    Apparently Derrida did use terms like "the patriarchialist paradigm of reality" if present day pomo writers are quoting him fairly, but that is not necessarily the case. If you Google: "Jacques Derrida, Quotes" you get none of that pomo writing style, you just get lame commonsensical aphorisms like: "As soon as there is language, generality has entered the scene." Or "Why is it the philosopher who is expected to be easier and not some scientist who is even more inaccessible?" Or "No one gets angry at a mathematician or a physicist whom he or she doesn't understand, or at someone who speaks a foreign language, but rather at someone who tampers with your own language." Of course, those last two quotes do hint that he was often obscure and hard to understand.

  6. Noam Chomsky described Postmodernism as an instrument of power. Its purpose is to inoculate its followers against reason.
    Professor Saad, I am encouraged by your reassurance that it is on its way out. I do share your work wherever I can.

  7. haha awesome! Gad, I don't know how so many can be attached to the ideologue that there is no such thing as Objectivity, well maybe it's just a lack of some sort, but I wish that real critical thinking would somehow inhabit more persons . . .

  8. These people smoked WAY too much drugs. They should have been booed off the stage a long time ago. Now this is MAINSTREAM Hillary/Media "liberalism".

  9. That may technically be correct, adhering to the scientific method does qualify one as a scientist when working in those fields. Unfortunately it can not be absolutely established that the social sciences do in fact adhere to the scientific method. There is definitely a significant level of bias, subjectivity, in the social sciences that is not in the hard sciences.

  10. Post modernism would allow a rapist to stand before a judge and say " her perspective is that she didn't consent" and for the judge to declare both parties right

  11. Post modernism is the prion disease of Western civilization and it's the natural product of the filth of supernaturalism. When you impose the idea that reality is sourced from an incomprehensible being that is three but one and is its own father that died but didn't die and because of that you're guilty forever and you'd better be afraid and obedient or you'll be tortured forever and this is love… much to everybody's surprise…insanity ensues. Centuries of lies and imposed insanity result in people amenable to gibberish.

  12. Hey Gad, please try using some software to boost your sound volume a bit in your podcasts. It shouldn't be too hard, just normalizing audio or applying some compressor so it's more audible. Thanks!

  13. Do you know what this reminds me of… an episode of Blackadder with Rowan Atkinson when his aunt and uncle, religious freaks, visit him and start slapping him around and yelling "Drink?! Wicked child!!! A drink is a urine for the last leper in Hell!"

  14. Just give to this feminist/postmodernist one of the thing that she defends as an universal truth. Example: cerebral plasticity can make us adapt to anything (she will say more or less yes). So genders are just a social construction (she will struggle to not say a full yes on this one), so with appropriated education, you can set a transgender person to the other gender instead of operating the person (ahahaha).

  15. I love your channel Prof. I'm a linguistics teacher at a Chilean university. The deconstructionist Ethos presupposes that language causes reality, this affirmation is largely based on the linguistic relativity hypothesis, attributed to Sapir and Whorf (and Boas). This Hypothesis, also known as "world view" or "Weltanschauung" has been absolutely discarded by the linguistic sciences at least since 1960 (see Hjelmslev [linguistic sign/semiotic] Chomsky [Universal grammar], Pinker [The language instinct, the blank slate], among others). One of the bases for the postmodernism view of reality lays upon this absolutely unscientific principle: the way you speak determines the way you think, so; by changing the language we could change the way in which people "read" and "act" in reality. This largely disproved affirmation, on its strongest form, its the bases for the social-engineering program of the postmodernist, political-correctness movement. I would love to share more information with you on the linguistic critic of the philosophical and epistemological basis of the postmodern movement. Cheers

  16. ”Games with labels” isn’t that equal to communication using a language? Postmodernism can only exist in a world where knowledge seem to have lost value together with ink and paper. I would guess social media has only made these ideas more extreme like any other ideas.

  17. At 4:36, …"a branch of Postmodernism known as Deconstructionism, the idea being that language creates reality, people can deconstruct language to mean different things…"

    In first year Engineering at university I was required to take a course in English, which was the fiefdom of the English Department. Rather than dealing with English as a means of clear, concise communication of ideas, we in the class slogged through endless pages written by James Joyce and other "greats" of English Literature. The Professor delighted in these as word puzzles, which could be interpreted at multiple levels, having many meanings, some contradicting others. The aim of the game in English Department academia was to come up with new interpretations not found by anyone before, and the writings of Joyce were a treasure trove of ambiguity. To me, this meant that these examples of "great English Literature" were capable of almost any interpretation, and hence were failures to communicate clearly. Later, in Law School, I found that Postmodernism had infected many in the Faculty of Law, and that Deconstructionism and rebellion against the Patriarchy were in vogue.

    As an engineer and lawyer, I view a statement that is capable of many interpretations as at best ambiguous and at worst misleading and dangerous since it does not clearly set out the idea that the writer intended to communicate.

    Postmodernism is re-warmed Solipsism, which says that we perceive the World only through our senses, and only after our sensory information is processed by our brains do we create an internal idea of reality. In other words, our sense of reality is a second-hand set of impressions interpreted according to "scripts" in our brains, we have no Objective standards to check our interpretations against, and we do not know if others around us interpret the World and ideas the same way we do (or even if the World and our neighbors exist outside our minds at all). This idea is extended by Postmodernists to say that all reality is a subjective creation of our minds, that there can be no such thing as Empirical Evidence, and there can be no such thing as a universal truth or moral standard. This allows those whose minds are ruled by feelings and emotions to see these as reality, and refuse to use rational analysis in forming their ideas. Rational analysis and the Scientific Method are dismissed as demands of the Patriarchy and oppressive.

  18. Post modernism/new age is the thought doorway to mental illness. My ex was steeped in it and it obliterated any semblance of a relationship.

  19. When you can't win an argument based on logic, reason, and science; you discredit logic, reason, and science. This is Post Modernism. This, along with Cultural Marxism, is what our tax dollars are paying for on liberal college campuses.

  20. The Sokal effect once again… oh, please! The event only demonstrated that sometimes journals can be lazy and negligent, it does not expose postmodernists intellectuals as a fraud. Do you want to talk about lobotomy? Are you trying to state that that kind of things never happen in scientific journals and in the scientific arena. I can provide you with quite a laundry list.

  21. Reminds me of the feminist moron who did her dissertation for a computer science (masters) degree on the topic of the "concept of feminist space in networks". On pain of shaming the whole department I believe she got her paper approved and granted her degree. I hope to see the day that these "intellectual" fraudsters/idiots be defunded and stripped of their designations and laughed out of their institutions.

  22. You should've asked her if rape always creates victims. When she predictably says "yes of course", you should retort with a post modernist axiom of "doesn't it depend on what you mean by rape, and what if the so-labelled victim wanted it".

  23. Can't you have absolute and relative truth? As long as you're clear about which type of truth you're referring to when you make a statement. For example Newton versus Einstein. Newtonian truth is completely sufficient when navigating our way through the world but not so when the massive and tiny are concerned. Relative truth is practical, absolute philosophical, but neither are fully knowable using only language. Postmodernism trotts out absolute truths in response to relative questions and therefore is a useless tool for navigating through the world.

  24. I’m from a liberal family and I was the only one that noticed this thing going on and none of my parents believed me when I told them cuz’ they thought I was reading right wing propaganda. Thank god, this madness is over. Maybe now we can have some actual creativity in the arts.

  25. Are you sure you understand and represent the post-modernists correctly? There is objective data collected by Science…..but, data must be evaluated and evaluation is, at least in part, always subjective.

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