Consciousness Videos

The Science of Consciousness – Helané Wahbeh

Institute of Noetic Sciences

While our materialistic paradigm would have us believe that our consciousness is housed in our physical brain and does not extend beyond it, there is growing evidence that this is actually not true.

This is a presentation that was given in February 2016 to the Chinmaya Mission in Princeton, New Jersey.


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6 thoughts on “The Science of Consciousness – Helané Wahbeh
  1. I have seen this experiment for random event generators based on the dual split experiment and quantum random generators. The evidence does not support the ability of human thought to affect them from a distance. The affect that observation has on them is not limited to the observer being a conscious entity, it is simply something that collapses the wave function of probability.

  2. Having people tell you that they feel out of body type experiences is only evidence of how they feel not what is actually happening in the physical world.
    I never heard any hypothesis on how this consciousness exists, what particles are involved in its makeup what bosons are used in its transmission of energy and so on.

  3. You should be way more careful about what you claim.
    For global consciousness: no, P<0.05 is not highly significant.. if you have thousand of events, you can expect 50 of them to be p<=0.05
    What is significant is the aggregate compared to randomly generated control events, not any single of events!
    Regarding mediums and afterlife stuff .. you just make wild assumptions, even if mediums do get information about deceased people, it does not imply anything about survival of consciousness.
    Just some non-standard way to get information about the past/present, which is well documented in PSI research.
    You could probably ask them to tell you information from the past of currently living people with similar success.

  4. Thanks for sharing. People are starving for this info. In regards to your use of the globe image and terminology I am curious if you are familiar with the Michelson-Morley experiments or the Bedford Levels experiment or  Airy’s failure and similar experiments? Sort of hard to convince viewers we are on the cutting edge of science if we still believe Earth is a spinning sphere when all the research data suggest otherwise. Best wishes.

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