
The Science of Psychedelics – with Michael Pollan

The Royal Institution

Is there a role for psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin in healthcare, and can they uncover things about our consciousness?
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How could LSD and psilocybin help with mental health, palliative care and addictive behaviours? What was the point of a psilocybin mushroom evolving the way that it did? Michael Pollan explores the “second wave” of international research and discusses what psychedelic drugs may teach us about the mind, human consciousness and their potential effect on our future lives.

Watch the Q&A:

Michael Pollan is a bestselling author of books on human nature and nutrition, famously the ‘Omnvivore’s Dilemma’. In mid-life, he turned his attention to one of the most intriguing stories of the 20th century; the scientific promise and cultural burial of psychedelic research and its renaissance today in the public conversation around mental health, palliative care, addictive behaviours and a loss of personal meaning and connection in modern societies.

This talk and Q&A session was filmed in the Ri on 11 June 2018.

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22 thoughts on “The Science of Psychedelics – with Michael Pollan
  1. Props to Michael for speaking from his perspective and sharing. He is just personally speaking, to non-spiritual scientists as a way to shift and share perspective. Give yourself a chance to lower YOUR ego and be less judge-mental, jeez your acting like this dude is the freaking devil. Hes just sharing information so if you knew it already then move on. There are older people who could use someone like him, maybe more relatable to understand.

  2. Listen to these artists next time you are on psychedelic.

    Carbon Based Life forms
    Aes Dana
    Ott Sonic
    Connect OHM
    Huwa Network
    Hol Baumann
    Scann TEC
    Solar Fields

  3. Bach's must be the most powerful, soul touching music ever created. And if you want your heart to melt, just look for his Erbarme dich, mein Gott aria, from St. Matthew Passion.

  4. Its quite simple – Research has shown that a wide array of psychedelic substances has theraputic effects with the ability in professional care to kick all habits (even stupidity and narrowmindedness)
    Used by professionals, many of these substances can much help with mental illness.
    One of the strongest consciousness changing medicines, Salvia divinorum, is such a powerfull healer, its not to my knowledge classified, simply because it sure as hell do not encurage promiscuous use. Include Cannabis and and all these medicinal substances, some even synthetic, could replace 99% of all pharmacuticals, so why do you think its illegal ?

  5. Man I know what he is saying about not looking in the mirror. Had the exact same experience. Wonder what it is about that?? Same also with looking around just to make sure reality still existed.

  6. In taking drugs, medical science does not take into account the spiritual world. We have no control in that world. My nephew took mushrooms twice and had a wowie wowie experience. The 3rd time, in the 4th hour, he took his life. When induced into the spiritual dimension, it is unknown what is there. Pollan is irresponsible in giving info. regarding drugs. All of his medical and research companions have no understanding of the power and danger of taking any drugs or plant medicine. Karmic law will follow.

  7. They had to bring time into this discussion. There is a distinct difference between the past, present and the future. Yes, it's true that physical equations don't depend on time being unidirectional but our reality is. As we experience the universe time has a definitive direction. We are born and we die. Everything is governed by entropy. Millions of people are born every day and we all get older. I have yet to hear about people getting younger or staying in the present. Time might feel eternal while using psychedelics, but you will grow older and die nonetheless. Time is nothing like space at our level of the universe. I wish they would stop this bullshit. We can speculate about what it would be like for a hypothetical being experiencing time from a higher dimension, but there is nothing that suggests our consciousness transcends dimensions or exists in a higher dimension. If so, then why would we be stuck in our three dimensional bodies? It makes absolutely no sense. This is exactly the mumbo jumbo we need to keep away from in order to have a rational discussion about expansion of our consciousness.

  8. From watching random videos on various subjects leading onto more,somehow it's lead me to dmt and psychedlics. id never even heard of dmt 3 months this the universe calling me☺ i find it really fascinating and one love to experience it.

  9. Well, my immense respect for Michael Pollan has reached new heights! His curiosity about life is leading him to ask all the right questions and explore truly profound subjects. So impressive.

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