
The Viral Origins of the Placenta

The Royal Institution

During an ancient viral infection, a protein was embedded into the human genome, allowing the placenta to develop as it has.

This animation was produced by Diana Gradinaru, supported by the Genetics Society in celebration of their 100th anniversary in 2019.

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29 thoughts on “The Viral Origins of the Placenta
  1. So, as a follow on question, what is the biological history of the placenta as we understand it now. It looks like it is research time!

  2. Mixed feelings. While Great story telling, the semantics in the narrative,…the virus as some alien sentient organism, "personifies" this marvelous piece of coding, and the role it plays in the biomolecular software architecture of living organisms, distorts the purposed role it plays in the creation of life as we know it.

  3. Chimpanzees and humans share almost all of the same ERVs at the same locations in the genome. Since humans and chimpanzees were created separately from each other and viruses insert themselves into random locations in the genome, if ERVs are from viruses the probability that they would land that way is 0, therefore ERVs are not from viruses. Not only that, many of these ERVs would have had to undergo the exact same mutations in both the human genome and the chimpanzee genome thereby lowering the probability that ERVs are from viruses even further.

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