
The world’s first AI legal assistant | Andrew Arruda | TED Institute

TED Institute

As a lawyer, Andrew Arruda too often saw the scales of justice tip in favor of the wealthy and partnered with a computer scientist to create the world’s first artificially intelligent legal assistant, ROSS. By speeding up legal research, Arruda wants ROSS to make the practice of law cheaper and fulfill the original promise of “justice for all.”

TED@IBM was a TED-curated event produced in partnership with IBM. The third installment of TED@IBM brought a diverse collection of speakers and performers who recognize that ingenuity starts with one thing: a spark. And regardless of where the spark takes hold, inspiration demands action to reach its greatest potential.

About the TED Institute: We know that innovative ideas and fresh approaches to challenging problems can be discovered inside visionary companies around the world. The TED Institute helps surface and share these insights. Every year, TED works with a group of select companies and foundations to identify internal ideators, inventors, connectors, and creators. Drawing on the same rigorous regimen that has prepared speakers for the TED main stage, TED Institute works closely with each partner, overseeing curation and providing intensive one-on-one talk development to sharpen and fine tune ideas.

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23 thoughts on “The world’s first AI legal assistant | Andrew Arruda | TED Institute
  1. It is not only the high costs for lawyers than ban people from accessing justice but simply the fact that many people do not know how to approach it or have prejudices against lawyers and therefore do not employ one.
    I like the idea of ROSS very much, but maybe there simpler solutions to begin with.

    In our podcast we featured a tech-entrepreneur, who came up with the idea of a consumer protection chatbot. Not an AI-lawyer, but a simple tool that guides and advices you on your first steps on how to approach consumer claim.

  2. I am very much impressed by this video. I belong to a downtrodden community of more than 500 people. Who have been suffering under the tyrannical land lordship of a most influential l entity able to buy the justice system with its economic, political and religious powers. Do you take cases from India?

  3. would not need the legal if people knew how the law language works took me 6 months to get it . legal does not mean "lawful" .. google it . they are separate systems . one observes law .. one is the lawful . take a fat fucking guess witch one does what . might be a problem if you legal people hold monopoly and TITLE from common law – lore man like i .. its not Oh i can interpret it as this is what the legal society says . ah so the convoluted language of legal is going to properly define an act ? From being created From "Pig Latin" , or is it going to let cops get away with murder .. let insurance companies pay nothing for donor organs on state ids nation wide . none the less allow a Fake person id as Dejure and then allow creation of certificate without verification or authentication by CHARTER stands as authoritve,, oh your just seeing the Fraud of the BAR , oh not to mention .. the legal society's are removing Anything that pertains to legitimate law . say like .. Canon law .. or castle doctrine , hell even Corpus delicti .. no mens rea .. then going on to forms .. Irs Form56 then Ucc 308-1 ect, kinda funny how the legal society .. REGISTERS AS PRIVATE same with the ABA so are YOU LEGAL PEOPLE REALLY HELPING or just tearing America apart by "DIVISION PRACTICE" like it or not .. your dividing people with this system in play .. by suggestion is simply .. go back to the law ROOTS and tree of law go back to your 3rd grade understanding in the manor it was written for childern to understand . but .. its never seen or heard about in schools why you have an elected sheriff and then you have police .. 2 agency one fed one state . kids dont know .. why .. your legal society controls the editorial departments . so the kids will never actually know the law .

  4. Enable a computer to adjudicate international law. The computer will be open source. When international conflict occurs, The computer will amalgamate all the peace proposals from around the world and provide for conflict resolution. All those implementing the computer’s amalgamation will wear the latest lie detector and mind reading devices so as to ensure the best choice of personnel. The computer will use the data from the amalgamated peace proposals to expand the law and or provide avenues by which rogue states such as the US can participate.

  5. Fascinating talk! YouTube CC is aweful with names so here are two corrections for those who care.
    4:04 Jimoh Ovbiagele is the friend Andrew talks about here and co-founder of ROSS.
    4:42 Pargles Dall`Oglio is another co-founder of ROSS.

  6. I don’t know which law he is talking about because in personal injury you don’t pay. The problem is that people keep thinking they know everything and can go over the system.

  7. Andrew believed he would make a shit ton more money with AI than slogging it as an attorney. LOL Oh, but he sleeps better hugging the platitude he's trying to help those who have no access to the expensive legal system. You be the judge……..

  8. Andrew, we started the same jorney at Brazil. Our focus is the development of new tools to empower small companyes and give them acess of good legal practices.

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