
These Google AI experiments are crazy! This is the future.


Google has some insane experimental AI – I figured it was worth exploring to see how close it is to destroying us all.
Check them out yourself:

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39 thoughts on “These Google AI experiments are crazy! This is the future.
  1. Year 2035 the last words someone will hear from a robot killing them is… "Is that a human I see (see see see). So scared they're about to pee (pee pee pee)

  2. I feel like this program just tricked you into adding more information by adding in a song….
    Humanity is doomed if that's all it'll take for us to feed AI information…

  3. on the different language AI it was reffering to the language so for certain words maybe the language wouldnt have the same kind of meaning or word

  4. Dave come back to us, did you really think that the google AI cant access the drawing list you're doing?? Thats kinda sweet …but really??? And that's not a real Al. It's a test to see how we react to an it out,next picture they say to draw, do something different, see if it gets it right or if it still says broom or you know what I mean. AI is very bad for humanity dude, Elon Musk is one of the smartest on earth and wants us to go full stop on anything remotely like an AI, he says it will destroy us. Oh look we can draw for it and we'd be helping the AI as well. Yay let's do it shall we?? Duh.

  5. Can't wait to our imminent doom honestly. We don't do great on our own. I hope AI starts with Saudi Arabia, where they claim to have made it (_oh sure_), and then I welcome it into my homeland, the Earth's Death Star, the one, the only, Russian Federation.

  6. Get a cup of tea? As you wish.

    I got a cup of tea. Proper English tea. Sent out here [to the US] from a friend from the UK. It's much better than the swill we have out here. Cheers.

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