
This Week In No Man's Sky – Old Aesthetic, Cobra TV Returns And More

Hello everyone! Today I’m finally back to bring you a new episode of “This week in NMS” where I talk about some current events or debates in the community. Today’s episode focuses on the colour debate, Cobra finally returning to YouTube and some real life stuff that will effect the channel.

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30 thoughts on “This Week In No Man's Sky – Old Aesthetic, Cobra TV Returns And More
  1. People like me were talking about the aesthetics of NMS for a while, how its not as nice to look at. I do believe that pre release style SHOULD be THE aim for the game, I've been saying it for ages.

    NEXT's is just….uncharacteristic, uninspired, its not what NMS should look like, Pre Release IS what it should look like, nothing less, trying to make the game grounded is pointless when you're also trying to make people feel unfamiliar in an alien universe

  2. We need the old color palettes for the terrain back.

    I remember blue and green fungal worlds. Now it's all brownish mush. We need more colors of water too. I remember red waters on icy planets. Now it's all blue all the time. I remember all the different colors of grass which included white, purple and yellow. Now it's down to just three: red, orange and blue. The purple/black grass people are finding is just one of those three through a mega-exotic planet's color filter.

    They went safe with the color palettes for Next and what we've discovered is safe is quickly predictable and boring for any long term play.

  3. We must go back to the old artistic style with current HD textures and then it be perfect. Adding on to improvements to variation, new biomes, planetary mechanics, etc will add even more to the game. Variation must improve. Also MZK bro the views are affecting everyone it seems related to NMS content. The game just isn't a what we were hoping it would be when NEXT was released. I'm hoping HG release a massive variation update that fully fleshes out the exploration aspect of the game. Also MZK my friend your a smart guy and I wish your well in your studies. I'm old now and my time has gone for that but I went Uni and loved the experience (WOMEN) lol. Thanks for another video bro.

  4. Well if you want, aesthetic wise, let people know what your ideas for what planets you want or anything in NMS that would help HG create better planets for the community. Many say they want better planets but never go too much into detail about what exactly would be exciting to see besides the old colors. I'd love to see miscellaneous items added to planets. If it's hot add like a sauna type planet or a magma type planet or fire. I just want things we haven't witnessed in real life before like a planet made if light or darkness, things that aren't even physically possible. This is a game and there are a myraid of possibilities that can be done to make this exploration game a game to remember.

  5. I preferred the old colors in the sky, in space and in the water; maybe plants. And that cartoonish style too. But in the soil (stones, dust, dirty) I prefer the new colors. Dunno … I remember landing on planets where the soil looked like cotton candy or chewing gum, with a pink, green, or artificial and nauseating yellow color. It did not even look like dirt.

  6. I am making a playlist of ideas…
    First video is ideas to improve the hot planets, like how The Abyss inproved the oceans. Totally agree with the colours and liked your last vids.

    I call this one INFERNO… ideas vid I made, sorry to advertise on your comments… just hope you watch it.

    Hope you like it… hope to do each of the biomes.

  7. What I want most is the open universe that allegedly existed in the early trailers. I want the planets to really be circling a central sun. I want them to be further apart. I want to organically travel to solar systems by targeting a star in space without needing to use the galaxy map or loading screen. I also want to do the same with planets that are far enough away to look like stars, as is the case in our solar system.

    The problem with the closed, recycled solar systems with close planets is it sacrifices the feeling of being small, limited, and lost. It sacrifices the feeling of accomplishment by traveling, exploring space, and finding. It basically sacrifices all the feelings you should have when exploring outer space. And all this sacrifice just to be able to enjoy the aesthetic of large planets looming over the horizon? It would be much better if finding planets with that kind of aesthetic were more rare. Limiting this to planets with moons is sufficient. I don't need or want to see planets from the surface of every other planet. I want to see a sky with no planets, too, for the feeling of remoteness.

    I do hope they vastly improve variety, but the game NEEDS everything I just stated above, too.

  8. As a post – NEXT player, as much as I love the look of the game now it needs a colour and variation update soon. I feel it's coming due to Hello Games being silent because of the recent updates this sudden fortnight of silence feels like an eternity.

  9. i want them to get rid of the colour filters on some planets, space stations and freighters. some reasons are:
    1. it makes me not want to explore the planet because its filter is lets just say a grey colour, it makes the planet look ugly.
    2.the colour filters make my eyes feel uncomfortable.

  10. Yes ,we need the Old stuff back , please Hello Games, and planetary Rotation!!! motorbike??? Really HG!!! 🙂 I’m an Explorer i need variety!!!!!! not planets like Earth ? i need mysteries and wonders!!!!!!!! No Man’s Sky Best Game Ever!!! but…

  11. I am an odd bird when it comes to NMS. I have been following NMS since it was vanilla. At the time "everyone" seemed mad at NMS and "they" said hate it don't look at it. So LOL I started watching DM21 way back when he was on Beam… I mean YouTube. I was going through a horrid time. This chill game with silly colors was so fun. Hell, I stayed for the upbeat community. At the haters were proved wrong. I then "found" all the other streamers out there, updates stated to come in. And here we are years later. But, I haven't played one second of NMS. I didn't have a pc only old borrowed laptop. So I am hoping for Santa to bring me a Gaming PC from the North Pole {or MircoCenter}. I want to play that NMS "its Dope!"

  12. That secondary school analogy is one of the reasons I love these videos haha. The random tangents are very good.

    For the colours: My favourite colours and aesthetic is the e3 trailers. I would love it if the game looked like that. But the way people are saying the 1.0 is better than after NEXT I don’t really agree with it. I really like the looks of NEXT and I enjoy the looks better. I would like them to change the aesthetic of e3 but if they do I’d like them to keep some of the darker things in the game. I’ve been really enjoying it since they started doing some more darker eerie stuff for NEXT. So I’d like the wonder and alien variety of pre release but still keeping some small traces of the darker NEXT stuff. It would be good for variety if we have crazy alien planets and still have an earth like planet every so often or a dark creepy planet that catches you off guard.

  13. We don't only need the old color palette back, we also need the old ''sharp'' textures, and colorful fog. I am sure Hello Games CAN bring it back, but they are probably worried that it will hurt the community. Maybe they should create a poll to see where the majority of the community stands, in regards to that..I still play the 1.0 on the PS, and the foundation, and Atlas Rises with the Rayrod Overhaul on the PC. Next is simply not for me, it's good you still can play the older versions on the PC, if you look hard enough. Honestly I feel like the 1.0 version got more variety than Next. Love the vids MZK, these debates are so important, do not stop

  14. For months I have been planning on buying this game after I finish my current game. Now I will wait until Hello Games confirms they will not go back to the original colors.

  15. Kicked the GF out so you could do a video? Talk about the ultimate sacrifice. Dang!
    And damn those are some long work hours.
    Nice you have some time off from the work grind. We all need that. My last vacation… I can’t remember.
    Best of luck with the university acceptance.
    About the colors. What if there were galaxies that had all the old colors and only the old colors?
    It would be like a huge discovery in a strange solar system. If you really like it you plop your base there.
    Best of both worlds…err… Galaxies I guess.
    I like these seat of your pants videos. Great job, brother.

  16. I get what you're saying here, and I totally agree. I think that 'Space' is too bright in a lot of systems. Orange, Green etc. Because of this, that feeling of isolation and foreboding is lost IMHO. Space should be a lot darker, so when you find that Oasis planet it's more of a 'wow' moment. Id love to chat to InnesMcK to find out how they did this – I'd be interested to find out how the light in the game is generated. A system is given a star colour according to the seed, what other factors at this stage are taken into account? Luminosity for example. The brightness, contrast, colour ranges (RGB) available all would affect what is generated when the game is run. Is light in the game generated according to physical laws, or is is just an arbitrary setting? Food for thought. Great as always mate.

  17. Mzk everything you said was great but you also forgot something, with the colors should come the generation too. We used to have planets with weird rock formations following some kind of pattern in a flat area, and it made the game feel desolated, lonely, what it is meant to feel like.

    The generation plays a big role too and i hope you talk about the weird generation too so hello games can take notes. The generation is great now but is just too average, beautiful big mountains in the distance, the generation is great but there are a few algoritms that could be added (sorry i forgot how to write that in english). Planet generation is more eye candy but it has no soul in many aspects.

  18. Old aesthetic??? why? why go backwards? That makes no sense for the old color pallet, some of you complained about it, HG tried making it more realistic looking and you're asking for the old pallet back? come on. Let them continue to grow the game not go back. Let them focus on improving mechanics and implementing new ones. After NEXT was release the community changed alot, before we were content with what we got, not complained about changes that we had previously asked for. Thats just my opinion, I've only been playing since the launch of the game, and have been involved in one way or another way before that….but be my guess and ask for the old aesthetics.

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