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42 thoughts on “Tom Campbell & Anthony Peake – Consciousness Creates Reality
  1. 1:08:00 it's not a problem for the computer monitor to go back into coherence (for the wave function to "de-collapse") when you look away from it because all you ever collapsed in the first place was the individual photons given off by it at the moment of your observation

    In other words; looking at a star through a telescope, you are not collapsing the start itself, only the photons that hit your eye at the moment you see them.

    Furthermore – in just the same manner that you are seeing into the distant past when looking at stars, you are looking into the recent past when viewing an object across the room – even if only a few nanoseconds into the past – you are never viewing a precise version of "now" and, thus, the de-collapse of the wave function upon looking away is not a contradiction in the slightest.

  2. The reasons that this "higher consciousness" has created our reality are many: Emotions each one of us "experience" directly for "Him"(?), is one reason. Another includes the miraculous experiences we will feel once we've united. The song that'll be composed by the masses, will be experienced as universally rehabilitating, this in addition to being the evolutionary step that this musical entropy represents! Belief in the power of music, will create a virtual mob mentality, coalesced to have positive outcomes!! Groovism is the belief system.

  3. Music is the spiritual reality that makes experiencing the actual entrainment in music equal to quantum realization of a particle. When billions are entrained with The One, Groovists believe that miracles are possible, probable & potentially salvational!

  4. The reality we need to set-up for entropy (evolution), is to increase the common instincts humans have, to a global level. Our "group consciousness" will be quite an enjoyable Grooving experience that will take on a "100th monkey effect" of being in the band!!! Everyone experiencing musical entrainment, will instigate miracles. Groovism is the belief in the power of The One Groove!!

  5. I had a NDE as a child and electrical beings talked to me. I felt them and sometimes saw them. Now I think like this:

    'magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons' These words come from the book "The Quantum World" written by the physicist Kenneth Ford. Spinning and bursting forth means electrical magnetic energy field vibrations, which is what physicists call atoms.

    The physicist, Barbara Brennan, whom wrote the book "Hands of Light" and published it in 1987, calls us projected, eternal, holographic, electromagnetic energy and light beings. Protons spinning as positive charges and electrons spinning as negative charges means we are like batteries, with a flow of energy entering these bodies and then leaving these bodies which are images with a continual charge of energy given while on the way out. Several pictures of this continual charge is shown in the "Hands of Light" book.

    The Seth books say that our images are refreshed millions of times a second. I also found the words "creation is constant" in these books.

    In the book "The Hidden Messages in Water" by Emoto I found the number 570 trillion times a second we are pulsating. Since Brennan wrote that we consist of 12 dimensions, then this number must reflect the faster dimension called the 12th or the Christ level from which the concept of us is first derived, AND which vibrates as us continually.

    So at the core of everything is light, the constant bursting forth of light which is consciousness. Our blood and flesh and the concrete we walk on constantly bursts forth as light and consciousness. We are continually being created with a very strong purpose or we literally would not be here. Because here is being constantly created as evidenced by the speed of the light of consciousness millions and billions and trillions of times a second.

  6. My altered reality happens during waking hours. I cant remember dreams. Trauma and complicated bereavement issues is in my life and that of my family. As mum I am struggling.My daughter shifted. Distressing circumstances. I have file loads of digital aerial phenomena. in my life everyday. Orbs and possibly remote viewers or spirit? It doesnt worry me. I am comforted. The trouble is I am fixated on the skies and possibly have a compulsive disorder to make contact . Felt sense is good. Feel connected. What if I said my daughters name was written in the skies in lights among many other craft. The gamet is alive and kicking. Subtle…not too intrusive. I like it.Sustains me. However doesnt ground me really, but is the only influence that relieves my pain a little. Interdemensional phenomena appearing and I photograph it. File loads now. Fascinating. I suppose you just tap into my datastream for you to see if interested.Emails not required then.??

  7. a waking dream life why is this so beautiful an idea for me. I will wake up then? My difficult waking dream beyond measure. I shall wring every ounce of usefulness out of it, I will I will I will.

  8. Love this! My mind goes to these places all the time but your ideas are new perspectives to contemplate! So quick question, as each person “expires” whom we’re close to/love, do we get recycled back into lifetimes together? Or could they randomly be send down another timeline depending on their own choices and thoughts as they exist in their new “physical lives”?

  9. i searched, exmined, counter checked, and mostly been open to think without fear nor Rigid believes…. and still find Tom as the most accurate and logic visionary nowadays.
    thank you Tom you are a true entropy reductionist 🙂
    much love and respect

  10. Every single animal is concious; intelligent sentiment beings; this includes rats- which scientists experiment on for things like this. It is ignorant of man to think that some animal species do not have a concious, and anyone who hurts them- intentionally, is an evil, cold blooded beast.

  11. Dreams do not feel physical. I have always believed in Jesus Christ; I am spiritual, and I get the free will thing, but what about the victims of murder- and I'm talking about people and animals. Animals in the food industry, and other appalling situations; they should all have free will, but maybe the enormous changes, and rescues are working towards their free will for the future… So should the poor victims of 9/11, and other horrors etc etc. Where was their free will! It is wrong that evil seems to have the free will, which affects then innocent. On the other hand, all these tragedies may happen to teach the authorities to be more vigilant. We are all here to learn. This physical plane is a learning process. Education for animal welfare is happening big time around the world too, so maybe things are moving towards more love. A bigger picture.

  12. Oh yeah the Hindus called it "The Akashic Records" not some white people. Not especially a bigoted and unscientific hack like HP Blavatsky. Stop butchering other people's culture. You havn't the data to see into the "server room" you said it yourself so why are you making conclusions about it. There very well could be a bunch of people in a room playing the consciousness game. When anyone starts making statements that contradict what they just said, and they don't make a lot of sense from a scientific point of view smart people start turning off the program. You lose your audience and this is how hacks become regarded as hacks, and all that they have left as an audience is a bunch of people who are willing to jump to conclusions.

  13. Peake is fascinating, but Campbell just doesn't know how to stop talking – he spouts and spouts, and very little of it makes any sense.

  14. Very interesting information. I am actually in a whole new place as a result of these gentlemen's work. And I intend to continue from here. Thank you.

  15. Sincere questions from some of my issues with Peake: If what Peake explains is really the case, how do you account for past peoples? What happens with people that were 'here' 50k years ago, as well as us when compared to people 50k years from now?

    Are they living in another of the "many-worlds" which would be replicating that same time period that they lived here on our earth — the way the earth looked during their individual lives, their technology, etc.? Also, is it always the same earth as it was whenever each of us was alive? And since their are infinite possibilities that your current 'life' can take, is each of the many-worlds differently evolved — both culturally and physically?

    Lastly, if it is just models of this earth being recreated/reincarnated, I guess whichever point in 'time' you were first (originally born/created) you re-live over and over. That sucks for things like people born into slavery and stone-age, etc. But, also consider that this might mean there are only a small sample of original people or person, like the common ancestor in evolution, and this people/person has/have promulgated forward, thus accounting for every generation of people since people started. !?!? I wish I could ask these guys what they have to say.

  16. Brilliant theories and logic. Being stranded on a deserted island with a supermodel might be entertaining for a few days but if you'd like to get off the island you might want to alter your choice of island mates.

  17. I've got both of Anthony's books and they were very engaging reads. I must get hold of Tom's now to compare view points. This was a great interview by the way Red Ice Creations so much much respect for it..

  18. i found the discussion interesting but i couldnt help but see extreme similarities between the explanations given and the idea of the christian god. in fact the nature of their 'uber daemon' or super consciousness or mainframe or whatever you want to call it and the non-existence/ existence of the christian god and as also explained to me by kabaalists, jews, muslims, and many other abrahamic religious concept followers. thought i dont mean to discount anything being said, it does still appear to me to be just a modern way of explaining pre-existing concepts. just a note-worthy observation

  19. The zero point you talk about is true but it does not have zero energy, it has total energy and zero matter. The theory of everything taken from a Latin translated book that I suspect was translated from Arabic from over six hundred years ago and the formula pluged in as is into Steve Hopkins research computer gave them a sufficient but not complete answer to what they called an eleven dimensional universe justifying the vibrating thing particles. There work states that there at the start of the universe were gray matter, a light, and a sound which targeted an ever expanding universe. Will as I said this has some truth in it but not the whole truth. I was so amassed with this that since I read the student paper all the logic and information I had were realigned to run around this truth, but no matter how I tried I did not belive it the prime truth since it did not explain the gray matter, the sound or the light. I will not tell the complete truth here in public since this truth can be used for opening the whole scientific society to a new frame of existence to a more rapid expansion than finding the warp drive being tested now. The big winner is war before peace. Without gaining a bigger hint may Tom understand there is exactly eight frames of the mind one can prove this. I do not know them since my explanation came from not a near death experience but of a true death at which all my knowledge was melded to one, and my thoughts using what comes to my mind from a certain exiter is logical but does no longer require me to think of the truth. I had a dream, a vision about a geometric figure that I was trying to draw for over a month. I found in an ancient drawing that explanation two theories put together will explain the gray matter, the sound, the light and one more thing that is as primary as the light that is not explained in the current theory. It will also explain the neotrin decay, the back wholes and what I believe the positron star or what is the opposite of a black hole. I did was not able to hear your movie except until the point you mentioned the zero point. Hope we can have a chance to help each other in getting to the prime truth. Unplugging from the matrix is easy, living outside it is very hard. We are all computational entities to the singularity those that succeed are enlightened to help their soul plus the knowledge from their mind to add to the collective of uniting souls moving towards the light = knowledge of the singularity to perfect what is perfect.

  20. And your logical mind must come to the conclusion that Jesus was a liar when he said "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" or maybe it was just big scam by a bunch of con artists who conjured up all this Jewish history and the real miracle is that so many contributed to the farce that spanned thousands of years, working really hard to make those prophesies come true. Or maybe logic itself is an illusion so that truth does not exist which implies that untruth does not exist and therefore this post makes no sense at all because logic itself does not exist?

  21. Am i a figment of my own imagination as viewed from an other reality frame … I recently met  a friend  on the street, sez  i..,   "i am"   .a few seconds later he said–  "Are you the mind reader?"       In the words of the poet  …  "The Universe may be as Great as They say,   But it Wouldnt be Missed if it Didnt Exist!!? "

  22. Self aware information is in any large enough energy field.  Pretend it's a shape.  You don't have to know the shape or make it at all.  I't is there for itself because it's very shape IS self awareness. (the subjective principle)  So whether there was a big bang or not, I believe this universe is a process (something akin to a dream) on the unconscious side of a vast super-intelligence.  It's the only view that fits everything.

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