Consciousness Videos

Tom Campbell: The Logic of Consciousness and Free Will and Details of the Experiments

Tom Campbell

“The physics experiments will take the Double Slit experiment a step further.”

Tom Campbell discusses the logical necessity of consciousness, free will, and time, in addition to giving us an update and some insight into his variations on the Double Slit experiment, the results of which may move us towards an explanation of Quantum Mechanics.

Tom gives some examples of what the experiments he has designed will show if the results are as he predicts.

What will be discovered?

The plan is to have the experiments conducted through a live feed, in real time.

Now that should be exciting!

Please note: The ideas represented in this video are examples of Tom’s research and experience only. This should not in any way take away from your own research and experiences. Your own experience is the most powerful thing you own.

If anyone would like to know more about the experiments, please contact for more information. The Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness (also on Facebook) Tom’s website Tom’s events, programs, and appearances

interview and comments by Donna Aveni
editing: Keith Warner


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27 thoughts on “Tom Campbell: The Logic of Consciousness and Free Will and Details of the Experiments
  1. My question would be, we’re conscious or semi conscious in our dreams (not lucid) but do we really have free will here? Maybe consciousness can exist without free will

  2. Which way did he go? Backwards ! What??! The which way data"! What about him!?. He went there! Where? There. Erehw ereht tnew eH which way? Catch 22 much?.

  3. It seems that the concept of time (history) can be rewritten within the program. For example, I remember Nelson Mandela died in the 80's, however he now seems to be alive. Perhaps the program of reality can be rewritten? So, does time actually exist?

  4. you exist as a whole, but it does not stop being, and says that materialism does not mix with the conscience … how is it that you arrived at that conclusion if you are not aware that you exist … that is, you have a body with mixed consciousness and denying itself.

  5. There are postulates of physical laws, and there are deterministic mathematical axioms … (The Matrix)
    But my conscience … No … exists or is determined by formulas or trivial criteria. Consciousness is part of the (original source) We are not creators, we are dependent on the created, we can choose to be co-creators and reach a point of critical mass to exist forever free of the material matrix … or we can become independent as gods and die with the cyclic matrix of the universe.

  6. Evolution is a conscious choice to change.

    After trying on determinism, materialism and atheism for a number of years, it just stopped making any sense to me.Science is a useful tool when it comes to measuring and manipulating finite things, but much less useful when it comes to comprehending the fundamentals of creation and the vastness of infinity and eternity.
    Infinity is the only thing that makes any sense to me now. The way I see it, creation has no beginning and no end but is an ever changing ever moving experiment experiencing itself.

    It’s a whole lot of fun once you learn to stop taking everything so friggin seriously all the time.

    “Anything that can happen will happen, this just happens to be what is happening right now” -me

  7. 1. It seems pretty logical to me that STABLE part of the Simulation is pre-determined (Rule set). Otherwise it would not be stable, but chaotic and always changing. So the boundaries would be 1 part of the WHOLE, 1 polarity.
    The other is CHANGEBLE, so the Awereness could evolve on that side. And the Choice may have the both options for growth – to change and to fix his work, to use chaos and order altogetger. The Law is made to be broken, they say)
    2. Where is that Mind-of-a-Player exitsts after all? Or its like: Consciousness is everywhere thing)

  8. I like how this guy thinks. I don't agree with everything he says but I can follow the logic of what he is saying. I can sum up or simplify his thoughts and express them in a way that you can understand. 👍 well said!😃

  9. The whole thing resemble to a dream. If you realize that its a dream it becomes a lucid dream and you can control it as you wish thru your thoughts, imagination and feelings.

  10. Perhaps consciousness created a deterministic world for entertainment only – not for evolution. It could be one big Rube Goldberg contraption set in motion with a given set of initial conditions, and driven by cause and effect. Only consciousness has free will – not the individual dream characters in the dream world. The individual dream characters only appear to have free will, like actors in a play. I hope Tom is right, however.

  11. Einstein said that thoughts suffer from an optical illusion of consciousness. This illusion that there is a separate person inside an environment, when in reality there’s just energy in motion, everywhere. Just like an ocean is water in motion – we can call a certain part of that ocean a wave but that gives us the illusion that the wave is a separate entity in the ocean. A wave is not in the ocean, a wave is the ocean. Similarly we might not be waves, maybe we’re the ocean. Maybe all of us are energy and we can realize that directly.

  12. I used to think there should be a source living outside time and space! because with time that being should have started from something else and would die eventually! that is the time loop paradox, therefor that being couldn't be a source of everything cause it's inside a simulation!
    But I think Tom is right! without time that being can't do anything, there could be no change, so there is no choice and no free will! so in order to fix this paradox there should be a reality that some kind of time exists, maybe as only "Now" time without space and separation! without any past or future memory! a being living in now forever! aware of everything there is! if there would be no past then there should be no separation, no different variables to save (maybe only 2 status because of time cycle), a loop cycle of just now in order to observe and being aware of now to being alive! with no history of past or pre-calculation of future! and that would explain how there could be no start and no end!
    Time without space! idk if we could understand it in our reality or how that works but that reality outside duality should works like that to have free will, and being alive and aware, behind all our consciousness!

  13. If it were possible to exist in a condition without time, there would be no instance at all, not even one. And it is very difficult, if not impossible, for the 3D-based human mind to conceive of this timelessness. Now, time in the non-physical realms exists, but not linearly. People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey… stuff. From the metaphysical realms, timelines in the physical universes can be accessed much like when a person gets into an elevator and presses whichever button will take them to whichever floor they desire to go to. Time portals exist and are as common as doorways are in your common household.

  14. I was under the impression that the "delayed choice quantum eraser" experiment was the control for the "which way" data collection, which is mistakenly blamed for the particle vs wave outcome .

    Didn't it already include recorders on both, while erasing the results of one before looking at the "pattern", showing an interference pattern just by erasing the data before looking at the result?

    I got that impression from a previous lecture from Tom. I even followed a link from Tom's comments to that experiment.

    Has it never been done at all? Or is it that we are not trusting the validity of the execution these old experiments?

    Did I totally misunderstand all that? Anybody?

  15. Hey Tom, at 20.10 "a wrench in the "monkey works" of materialism ! lol, I'm pretty sure that came out wrong, yet it couldn't have been stated any better ! also its very important to realize(as I'm sure you do) that even if the experiments don't go as you predict, That is NOT evidence against VR in ANY way. It would just mean that(for whatever reason(s)) the system simply values maintaining the "entanglement chain" over rendering efficiency. imo the simple concept of VR/rendering is the ONLY sensible QM interpretation. Yet you'll still never even see it listed as a valid option, & theories KNOWN to be incompatible with GR & QFR are, just as are 100% non-falsifiable infinite # of imaginary universes, because at least they are "physical" or would be if you could ever measure them lol. & as well as a solid QM interpretation VR/rendering is also what provides the deepest & most useful understanding(some "why" reasons not just how's) of classical physics as well as many of the paradox's that exist in both. & just as you claim, it imo already unites physics/metaphysics/philosophy/theology/PSI etc., which is virtually(no pun) everything, all under a single, sensible & dogma-free paradigm. MBT is a Monster model, even just as it stands. & Though I'm quite skeptical, I really do hope the experiments turn up something/anything new.

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