

Topaz and Aquamarine hype! Anyways I didn’t see too many people talk about all this stuff so I decided to just make a video on it hahaha, granted I’m slow sometimes so you may have already seen this. What diamond do you want to see Topaz belong to? White, Blue, Yellow, or Pink Diamond? What do you think as a whole? Enjoy!
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46 thoughts on “TOPAZ’ DESIGN REVEALED, JASPER’S REUSED CONCEPT ART?! [Steven Universe Theory / Discussion]
  1. I don't really imagine Topaze with a visor tbh, but the other day I was thinking about all the visor thing: why do some gems have one?
    I mean, it looks kinda useless, they don't use it as a weapon, and it's not like they have glasses (or is it?). Do you think it's just for the design?
    (I'd really like to know what other people think! Don't hesitate to share your thoughts if you have any idea)

  2. I wanted topaz to be this
    Her gem is on her leg
    Imagine lapis body shape
    And normal topaz color
    And her gem weapon is a really cool sword
    That's what I wanted from her!??

  3. I'd rather have tongues for teeth.
    But I kinda hope that Topaz has a ponytail. We haven't seen a quartz soldier without loads of hair, but we also haven't seen one who wore it in a ponytail, and that would explain the lack of fluffiness in the shadow, y'know?

  4. Every time I see Topaz's silhouette I can't help but imagine a dude rather than a chick, given the blocky design. And though I'm guessing that the head shape might just come from Topaz wearing a helmet, part of me can't help but wonder if it's possible that Topaz is actually a male gem. If that were the case, I imagine Topaz would look like one of those buff military men, with a crew cut and everything.

    I'm well aware that this is probably not the case at all. I do however like to consider the possibility 🙂

  5. This Jasper is my artstyle, I never draw wrists, the hands are huge, my feet are really blocky and her eyes are how I draw eyes but bigger.

  6. After some deep contemplation

    I'd go for the bony tounge because it'd be hard to eat steak and other hard/chewy foods with tounges for teeth.

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