
Tower of Babel vs Linguistics – the quest for the first language


Did one original language shatter into many? The Tower of Babel, the evolution of languages and the quest for Proto-World.

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~ For you readers ~

The Tower of Babel is one of humankind’s early attempts to explain the variety of languages spoken across the earth. Thousands of years later, philologists and linguists studied the natural evolution of language. So then, what’s the true story of language history?

In this video, we’ll look at the traditional interpretation of the Tower of Babel story: the Adamic language once split into 72 languages to confuse people. Then we’ll consider how historical linguistics compared cognates, established language families and traced related languages back to a common proto-language.

Right where historical linguistics hits mysteries and dead ends, you’ll meet the “long rangers”. These linguistic mavericks dared to go further back in time. Finally, briefly see why mainstream linguistics dismisses long-range findings as pseudoscientific.


Art, narration and animation by Josh from NativLang.
Some of the music, too.

Sources for my claims and credits for imgs, sfx, music:


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49 thoughts on “Tower of Babel vs Linguistics – the quest for the first language
  1. Close but no cigar. I will give you a hint everyone knows it even if its just a word or two and the last hint is the tower of Babel was successful its just that history has hidden the true story is fairytale bs

  2. What happens if we leave a newborn baby alone and never. Listens to a language.
    Would it develop its own language? What if we leave 2? They will need communication

  3. If we say humans started speaking even about 100,000 years ago, and all the proto-languages we can find are at most 5-7,000 years old, there's absolutely no chance at being able to reconstruct a proto-world. Simply impossible.

  4. You didn’t debunk any of the 4 claims, if there was an original one language then that means all the people had 1 homeland.
    Also just because languages evolve now doesn’t mean the poof didn’t happen and if the poof happened it was because to thwart communication

  5. Dude, I'm supposed to be writing my thesis on sports and integration at the moment. I'm already late with with the submission 😛 Anyway, I don't have any background in linguistics, but I do in history and I have to say watching your videos from a historical perspective is pretty awesome. I loved Thoth's Pill. 😀 Have you do any videos on the English language and how that evolved over the years? Becuase, Old English is just well cool 😀 I'm Irish and hope to go back and learn the language someday. Heard a stat yesterday that if you spend over 1500 hours studying a language that you should be a master at the language. As in you should know everything there is to know about that language. (Not sure how true this is). In Ireland, we study Irish from the age of 4/5 to 18. We apparently spend more than 2100 hours studying Irish in class. Less than 5% of the Irish speak it fluently, probably less than 3% actually I'd imagine. And, those who do speak it as a second language never bother to use it outside of school. It would be a shame to loose such a beautiful language. As in, I lived in Sweden for two years and I can now speak more Swedish than I can Irish, and I studied it for 14 years. I'm not the exception, I'm the rule. That's mental. Thanks for the video's guys. Really interesting stuff. 😀

  6. The idea of macro families is fascinating but currently unprovable. Besides it is easy and sort of convenient creating a macrofamily for each continent, it sounds very much like abstraction.

  7. "People once talked the same language"

    This is complete bullshit. Back then in ancient times the average humans were sub-human with "short foreheads (small skulls , small brains)". They looked like this:

    • Ancient Sumerians:

    • Ancient Indus valley:

    • Ancient Jiroft:

    • Ancient India:

    • Ancient Mayans:

    • Ancient Aztecs:

    The average people of now are very race mixed and have the ability to pronounce almost ALL of the alphabetic characters while the people of the past were less mixed and couldn't pronounce ALL the alphabetic characters. For example Arabians couldn't pronounce "G-CH-P-ZH" and still don't have these characters in their language. So it wasn't possible for the entire planet to speak the "same language" when you think about it.

  8. The main issue the Bible uses to break the one language in to many is not that God did not want the one language.  God saw the peoples (using the one language) becoming arrogant in that they (the peoples) began replacing themselves (the Peoples) with God and their arrogance (because they spoke one language) could then understand each other.  Also "new technology" such as "baked mud" – bricks help build the tower.  It was a combination of many things that caused God to divide the world  linguistically.  God saw the peoples becoming too arrogant.  I do agree with you in the idea of a super language.  ::P Scientific American did an article of the Indian Languages. They said that the North American Indian languages have too many similarities with the Asiatic languages.  The article went on to compare Asiatic languages with Indian Language groups.  they found that indeed startling similarities did exist in sentence structure,  words, and linguistic similarities.  So, the idea of Super Language groups is a valid one.

  9. …One Million BC –
    Ugg: (pointing to self) 'Ugg'.
    Zogg: 'Zogg'
    Ugg: 'Zogg?'
    Zogg: 'Zogg!'
    Ugg: 'Zogg? – Hmm – A pleasure to meet you old fellow'.

  10. I suppose, if genetics are taken in to account, the place to look for an initial language would be among Australian native languages. Apparently, there was only one crossing into Australia about 60,000 years ago and the people who made that crossing would be relatively recent descendants of those who initially crossed from Africa into Asia also some 60,000 years ago or so.

  11. As a Biologist I think figuring out when hominides evolved something like speech would help figuring out if there is indeed one proto-world language or if languages emerged multiple times independent from one another. Vice versa, proving if a proto-world language is a real thing or not could help with studying hominide evolution. Overall this seems to be quite the unique and interesing topic. Would be nice if you could make a new video about this topic as soon as there is new stuff about it

  12. Do you realize that Hebrew was half invented in 19th century AD by Ben-Yehuda, and another half of it is a distorted turkic/uralic vocabulary, impaled onto semitic grammar?

  13. As a Gael I love that you included that story of the proto-Irishman picking up the best bits of other languages. Gaelic mythology is full of stories of how Irish people were about in the ancient past – there’s a story of how the Irish were on their own exodus when they ran into Moses and the Hebrews in the Sinai

  14. No reason to use modern-day Hebrew to explain it. Hebrew is a dialect today …of the Assyrian. that's why they still use Ashuri script. There's no real such language. That's why they call it pseudo…means fake… Canaanite… Hebrew it's just a dialect…. Of West Syrian. Abraham was not Jewish none of his descendants was Jewish makes no sense to use today's Hebrew a to explain a story that predates it known today by the thousands of years. Adam and Eve were not Jewish they all are Mesopotamian/ Assyrian Babylonian culture n story

  15. İ think assuming that huöans once used the same language is a big mistake.
    According to me, they couldnt speak at all, maybe few words for animals and plants.
    But it was not a language with word order

  16. It is often said that the Bible connects the emergence of different languages ​​with the Tower of Babel, but this is not entirely true. Just before the story about it, there is a list of Noah’s descendants: Sima ,Ham and Japheth, and it is already indicated there, that they became the ancestors of different peoples who lived in different countries and spoke different languages . What did then people lose in the history of the Tower of Babel? We(orthodax, have two different looks.) And one of them says that it was  Mutual understanding. It's not bad that we speak different languages ​​( live in different countries, we wear different clothes). It is bad ,when with all this, we cannot understand each other. And the greatness of our ideas contributes to this very much. When people talk about their simple needs, everyone understands everything: everyone wants happiness and well-being for their loved ones. And if we build something big, our tastes and views diverge. One is the heart of the empire, the other is the republic, and the third is the commune. If we begin to build without God  we will not find a common language. The Bible places this building in the largest political, religious sense.
    (but even if we'd literally perceive the separation of languages ,then would it be nice if there would only be 1 language in the whole earth? )

  17. There are various theories that the human species went through a genetic bottleneck event about 70,000 years ago at which time the extant population may have been as low as 10,000 individuals. That event may have been the Toba supervolcano eruption and a subsequent "nuclear" winter. With a population of only 10,000 individuals it would seem possible that they spoke either a single language or a small group of languages of which only one survived. Genetic diversity declined as a result of the bottleneck event, at least outside of Africa, and linguistic diversity may have declined as well.

  18. Those similar words don’t necessarily need to come from the same roots, and can be borrowed then altered

    Second, the proposed timeline of the Babel story disproves it all, which makes it a tall tail, a fairytale

    You got God crazies trying to justify this nonsense, thanks buddy

  19. There is evidence that the species Homo was a family of cousins that interrelated. So, just as European children were raised by the Native American tribes after they had been captured, the various species of Homo, including Neanderthal, Denisova, Sapiens, etc. interrelated with one another. And, just as we have found genetic evidence of this, there may be linguistic evidence that there never was one common language.

  20. Usually your videos are so good! But this one totally mistakes the point of the story and egregiously assumes its exact opposite. The story claims explicitly that there is NOT a single source language but instead multiple unrelated early languages. Thus the story is exactly IN LINE with the evidence. Certainly I understand that you reject the story out of prejudice because most Westerners today still hold relics of the Modernist presuppositions against the supernatural. But when the evidence points to the supernatural–what's a thinking person to do then? I propose: Consider whether the supernatural exists. Categorically rejecting that which the evidence points toward is ignorant, not intellectual. Thanks for the great work though on your other videos!

  21. Like agriculture, it’s likely language evolved multiple times. Our bodies already had the adaptations for our mouth and throat areas likely from singing. Don’t need to understand words to sing and I believe this was a factor that played into sexual selection for a long period in which we see the reduced prognathism and the changes in the throat which made us more vulnerable to choking so there must have been a powerful selection force moving against them. Singing was not only a social activity but also a way to attract a mate.

    Then one day someone realized they could use our new ability to shape our exhalations yo name something. And thus protolanguages were born. It’s likeley Neanderthals and other Asian cousins all had various protolanguage abilities, but the real advance came from brain reorganization adaptions to the use of these protolanguages which occurred in Africa giving H. sapiens the ability to think symbolically and abstractly and convey these ideas through words creating our first complex language. It’s possible this happened in more than one region of Africa as some African languages are that utterly unique to each other. But genetically we know all non-Africans are all descended from one branch of the African gene pool, so that means it’s likely that all non-African languages are likely decendend from a single language, and since many cultures moved back into Africa, it’s possible many of the other unique languages were supplanted.

    I’d estimate this complex adaptation occurred 40-60kya as modern human populations exploded after this development and I believe it’s directly related to symbolic culture and complex language development. So the evidence seems to point to being a non-African proto-language, just going to need to use computers to help us get there, it is at least a 40,000 year old language and all.

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