
Tyler James Bennett. ideology as semiotic closure. Tartu University. Department of Semiotics

Seccion Ameril

The lecture is given at the Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2017. Ideology has lost favor in post modernism for two primary reasons. Among the sixteen definitions of ideology given by Terry Eagleton, it is the fourteenth which is of interest to this lecture: semiotic closure. Semiotic closure is described in the terms of Charles Peirce’s semiotics rather than those of Saussure in order to refute Eagelton’s claim that semiotics as such necessarily brings with it an epistemological or moral relativism. Peircean semiotic realism has the commitments necessary to preserve the realism crucial to the pejorative definition of ideology. The value of the semiotic approach to critique of ideology is defended on these grounds. .


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