Consciousness Videos

Unlock Your Brain And Access Quantum Reality – Brainwave Entrainment

John de Ruiter

What would it be like to have the ability to truly unlock your brain potential? In this dialogue, John reveals that the human brain’s true purpose is to make real, in our bodies, what we believe. The unlocked brain has the potential to open and move in endless levels that access quantum reality, without restriction or limitation due to false belief, thereby making real what was once unseen. The video also covers the topic of brainwave entrainment synapsing. If you’ve ever pondered your brain’s true capacity, this video is for you.

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(All music contained in this clip was purchased and licensed for use on YouTube.)

New Interview with John de Ruiter from India! Watch here:


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13 thoughts on “Unlock Your Brain And Access Quantum Reality – Brainwave Entrainment
  1. so you dont make sentences but have pauses in between… and the woman mirrors this? for what reason? to sound wise or mystical?? this is too slow for me to follow

  2. My daughter identifies as non binary she is 13, very clear, awareness seems fluid and to be free to identify as either gender or none at times, I'm opening to this, and at times trying to keep up, I'm loosening my fears and insecurities and protectionism of how she may be received in a world which seems a mixed bag of how openly this knowledge and way of being is received. I have had realisations of the non dual, the fluidity and freedom and fluidity of awareness to move in no polarity, either polarity, duality and non duality seems to be what is unfolding.

  3. I use méditation, mantras to Access my zone of limitless possibilities. It takes practice to quiet the mental and activate cohérence of the whole brain. So worth it!

  4. Long Time no see John. Last time we crossed paths was during your trips to Maui in the late 90's. Being with you saw the end and the beginning of realization. Your reflection is within me always. Mahalo for Being the Whole of Truth.

  5. This is one to explore for a lifetime. The meaning is significant and deserving of attention and softening into.

    This is beautiful on so many levels!!!

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