Consciousness Videos

Veda–The Foundation of Yoga, Science & Technology of Consciousness | Dr Nader MD, PhD, MARR

Tony Nader MD, PhD

Dr Tony Nader: Veda–The Foundation of Yoga, Science &Technology of Consciousness

Veda is a term in Sanskrit that means knowledge. Knowledge about what? It’s really a science and technology of consciousness, of awareness.
So what is Veda? It is the dynamics of this infinite field within, a science of consciousness, of the reality of one’s own Being. It is a subjective science, with a technology of consciousness that allows us to dive deep within with the TM technique.

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8 thoughts on “Veda–The Foundation of Yoga, Science & Technology of Consciousness | Dr Nader MD, PhD, MARR
  1. Dr. Nader, if someone is pondering a particularly difficult business or family problem, would it be helpful to do TM meditation for more than 20 minutes twice a day?

  2. This idiot is a pseudoscientist. A shameful to Harvard and MIT:

    How to analyze a seniors Sad guru, Tony Nader and Like BM Hegde’s speech or any guru’s statements as truthful or not: here is how to say a statement or fact is fake news:
    Be a judge and look for the truth
    First whenever some one like Hegde or guru says some a controversial statement or a statement that sounds exaggeration ——— one should subject that statement to following questions and ask for answers:
    1) What is the source, verifiable reference of that statement? Has he published in a journal about it. Ask him to give references.
    2) is there a proof or evidence of that statement? Is it valid proof?
    3) are there any past solid proof for what the statement says?
    4) has anyone done studies on that statement to be a truth or fact ? What kind of study done? Is that study valid ? Did they apply vigorous statistics and math to conclude?
    5) is there a bias in the statement ?
    6) is the statement true and accepted by many or all? Or just one man’s opinion taken as fact/truth?
    7) is that statement a belief or idea or hypothesis only and that it is pseudoscience?
    8)is it just persons personal opinion and not a fact or truth?

    If a statement doesn’t answer any or one of these questions then it is just belief or it is false statement that appear real and that appears truthful but in fact a deceitful lie that can be dangerous.

    Religion mostly deals with beliefs/hypothesis.

    Philosophy has some universal truths and facts but lot of theories that unproven or yet to be proven.

    Science is not alien branch or rival to religion. It is born out of religion and philosophy. Science is a branch of religion and philosophy and is truth seeker and facts checker. It doesn’t hesitate to show its weakness, limitations and mistakes.

    Pseudoscience is false science that misinterprets and misuses facts and truth for esoteric benefits. Pseudoscience tries to take over science without any solid evidence. It behaves like fox in tiger skin. Some educated people can be victim for pseudoscience.

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