Consciousness Videos

What are Observers? Alan H. Guth


Why is an observer a critical part of quantum physics? What does it mean to be an observer? Does the act of observation affect what exists and what happens in the external world? Why is observation in the quantum world still a mystery?


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6 thoughts on “What are Observers? Alan H. Guth
  1. The very notion of quantum mechanics provides hints that , probability is not the final theory us having multiple viewpoints on the universe gives us evidence that says that there’s something even deeper then quantum mechanics and the evidence does lead to string theory..

  2. Alan Guth doesn't have a clue, what an observer is.Observer is part of the experiment involving quantum phenomenon. Feynman's QF turned into particles due to the celestial observer. How this conscious observer came about, we do not know. It might have self-simulated out of the universal QF, like the transition from non-life to life.

  3. its like the word consciousness/observer is taboo lol smh
    thats old fashion materialist for you wanting to understand physical reality soo bad to the point you break the down particles to the atomic scale billions of times smaller than a gran of sand. With Quantum Mechanics which is the most physical reductionistic theory of all time you go all the way up to consciousness being fundamental part of reality.

  4. The Everett model and eternal inflation is a kop out. It's basically saying we don't know the answer so let's just posit an infinite number of worlds. Remember all of physics are just purely mathematical models. The maths being invented by us. If your invention predicts absurdity that contradicts everything you observe, it's time to go back to the drawing board

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