Consciousness Videos

What Does The Existence Of Consciousness Say About God? [4K] | Science Vs God | Spark


Human consciousness is the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe. Not only does it exist; it is sophisticated beyond understanding. The big issue: does the immaterial reality of human consciousness point to an immaterial mind behind the universe?

In three fast-moving episodes, “Science vs God?” offers an intriguing new approach to the most enigmatic question of all time.

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43 thoughts on “What Does The Existence Of Consciousness Say About God? [4K] | Science Vs God | Spark
  1. The Honest will search & Find The Truth

    Do not expects some one else to find and prove the Truth to you.

    It is your responsibility. The task is simple and Easy.

    Truth Is Existence

    Truth is All That Truly Exists.

    Other Than Truth there is Just The understood Concept of An Absence.

    Lies with intent to deceive or not is fantasy. Lies remain in the nonexistent realm.

    Creation is only the rearrangement of Matter. As Existence and Matter does not evolve from nothing.

    The Great Designer and Creator, The Spirit Energy Source, Matter, Knowledge, Energy, Time, and Space Has Always Existed.

    All Without Beginning or end.

    Beginning and End only reveals an absence.

    The Great Creator is far more Massive and complex than the God worshipers realize and understand.

    The Great Creator is not a being somewhere in space.

    The Great Creator is a huge mass of spirits in perfect unity. And with the same care for each another.

    The Basic Principles of All Creation Is A Huge complex Mass Of Smaller Particles.

    Nothing Can Survive Singular

    It is only in a huge Complex Mass can anything survive and succeed.

    The Great Creator and the Spirit Energy Source,

    Its Is Science, it is not Religion. Religion is Fantasy.

    The Basic Of Justice

    It is do unto others as you would like to be done unto you.

    The Basic Principle Of Christianity

    It is Corrupt and far from Justice.

    To sentence and executing an innocent man for the crime of all humanity. What Honest person would let your neighbor be executed for your own crime? Evidently a Christian would.

    However, you all will face your own consequences, for your corruption and crime. You will not pin it on an innocent man. You all will harvest what you plant.

    consequences for corrupt behavior is How the spirits of human learn.

    And Christianity also promote Cannibalism by a ritual that they pretend they are eating Jesus's flesh and drinking his blood.

    The Great Creator performs Justice. You all will face your own consequences for your corruption and crimes. You will not pin them an innocent Man.

    How is it that you Christian's successfully deceive those in other nations to worship your Imaginary Mythical Fantasy Gods? And then go to war for the nation you worship. And kill those members of your own churches?

    The Universe was the first Intelligent design That we are aware of. The Universe was specially designed for life on this Planet Earth. it is powered and controlled by the 'The Spirit Energy Source.'

    True Science and Truth are the same, both are the understanding of the Great Creator that Created all that exists, and the Understanding of the Great Creator's Creation.

    Words to the honest and wise: honesty and understanding is the only true belief. Without honesty and understanding we do not know what to believe.

    To accept other’s opinion of the truth without proving it to yourself; it is being deceived it is not believing.

    We must understand to believe.

    Until Next time: Sweet Dreams: Truth will solve all our problems before we create them; and ignore or reject the truth; problems will multiply all by themselves; those problems will need no help.

    Have a great and a meaningful life if it is at all possible.

    Just whispers, of the Spirit of Reality.

  2. You are kinda kool. Just came across your channel. As a kid raised southern Baptist USA. I always thought "IF" there's one God and U GONNA leave 10 rules for your peeps. So, you call up your homie, Moses, and give him 10 rules. Moses says okay. So 3-4 outta the 10 commandments are about only worshiping him!.Wtf. Thou thus protest too much. There is no one of anything Ever. I'm no expert but I do know 1 thing! THERE ARE MANY,MANY, MANY GODDESSES AND GODS! Some of their energy comes from ppl worshiping or working with them! There's a classic scene from a movie with Liam Nesom about the Greek Gods. Towards the end of the movie, Appollo is talking to Aphrodite, and she says let's get outta here for now. They are not worshiping us anymore,so that's draining our energy,we can come back in the future. I'm paraphrasing,but the Christian God is not omnipotent, not close! I'm A Devotee of Goddess Lilith and she hasn't told me to not worship other Goddesses Gods. Although She ain't crazy about the Christian god. The freaking concept of a higher being saying I'm the only one is like pre schoolers saying I'm the only champion of tagg you are it game. It's freaking ludicrous!

  3. Consciousness is the creator of the universe living through us. At birth and before the formation of our Ego, we experience life only through the consciousness of God. We are like TV antennas receiving the one conscious of the creator of the universe. We become a "self" through the creation of our Ego due to the biological body we inhabit, and through all of the experiences we endure as we age. In that sense I am you and you are me. Death is only the death of your ego, we continue to live on through every human being that is still alive and through those who have not yet been born. You and everyone around you are inhabited by the same consciousness, we are all one.

  4. There are certain emotions and feelings that humans have, that go against evolution.
    Falling in love for example is most definitely unnecessary to our existence. Firstly by staying monogamous, humans do not reproduce as many siblings as they could have if they spread their seed around. Secondly, love kills. You can die of a broken heart or when older, from missing your long life partner to the point you no longer want to exist. Some people even kill themselves for it. Quite frankly, we would be better off without the feeling of falling in love and evolution will never be able to explain why we fall in love.

    I also agree with certain ideas mentioned in this video. We, as humans like to see justice done. We believe in right and wrong. We are moral beings.
    We think Russia was wrong in invading Ukraine. Don't we Professor Atkins? If there was a fight between 2 chimpanzees in the jungle, we would say 'well, that's nature" but not for humans. We intervened and tried to punish Russia financially and so on. Why is that?
    Professor Atkins telling people God is a lie is the most arrogant thing I have ever heard.
    The Brits worshipped the Queen. A useless woman who offered nothing to the nation and was living an extravagant life for no reason at all. That is while poverty in rich countries is on the rise. That is morally wrong Professor, you monkey like creature. The UK is the most soulless nation I have come across.
    Why do some people rather believe everything came from nothing and that "we die and that's it" than the idea of a creator is beyond me.
    Lastly, spirituality as mentioned here is a fine example. There is something ugly about people like Professor Atkins who are not interested in pursuing a meaning for their existence.
    My search for meaning in life cannot be a product of evolution because it's making me unhappy. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Why do I have to go through this and that?
    Quite frankly if I have no purpose, I would have rather not existed AT ALL.

  5. It's the placebo effect.. people believe so it happens, they attribute it to a force outside themselves, and Christians attribute it to Jesus gods kid, like the rest of us.. the reality is God is within and you can connect in many ways but the belief is the most powerful part..

  6. Religions have had a "grip" on man's consciousness for 1000s of years. I try to separate The religious fact from The religious Truth. I can exercise "religiously" but the Truth is in The exercise!

  7. Some folks need to feel as if something is with them while alone in the dark, some don't. Even a non believer can pray for God when death is beating down the door, at the end day nobody cares what you believe but you.
    If you find one day god is asking you why didn't you believe, you ask him why he made you a non believer.

  8. Human arrogance is blocking our mind
    Descarte was right. But we made him look ridiculous. A "thinking mind" is not restricted to humans. Ravens "think" how to open a walnut and wait until traffic allows them to pick up the soft interior after a tire smashed it into pieces. Consciousness is nothing but awareness of surroundings and the will to manipulate them. To say "the human mind" is the only thinking and conscious entity just points to an incredible arrogance. Brains are the "thinkers" but not only in humans – in all creatures. I cannot answer how developed an animal needs to be to have self consciousness. But many forms of "communication" show clearly – they have. The ant communicates via chemicals, an elephant and a whale by making sounds and therefore sending messages to be heard over miles. Here I am and I think. Now – they didn't say "I think – therefore I am", and did not write it down on paper, but just because humans can do that, does not mean we are the only "thinking" species. We need to stop this anthropocentric attitude. We are not the center of it all, we have have finally found that thousands of years of geocentric and heliocentric view was wrong, but we stubbornly maintain our ethnocentrism and anthropocentrism. This shows, we are not as smart as we think we are. Infinite mindless, random processes is what constitutes evolution and the delusion of design. Professor Keith Ward (12:31) is right on the point and the only one who uses the word "arrogance". I side with people who feel that spirituality is in all of us, but religion is a delusion. And I side with all of them who respect and see that animals have feelings and consciousness as we all do. I am certain that we all will come to this revelation without delusions.

  9. God is consciousness. The more you dive into your consciousness you will begin to connect. Spiritual awakenings which ate quite painful often referring to as the dark night of the soul one is forced to get conscious. The end result is a deep connection peace and self love. It's interesting why some ppl get conscious and others don't. In the spiritual community they say it's a choice and they call it free will. Most humans have very little consciousness they are run by their sub conscious and of course the ego. Nothing wrong with it just a different way to experience life

  10. Heisenberg uncertainty works off probability right a particle doesn't exist until in order to exist there must be a conscious observing..interesting does the universe exist because of consciousness and from where are we being observed, are we ourselves the observers as having consciousness or is there another place outside of our human perception we can be observed from?

  11. Everyone has a belief system, even scientists, otherwise how can we continue our work or mission in the life that must be honestly shared with others in Truth & Integrity. It's not the scriptures but Religion that has become the Demigod Tyrant set on motion by those who cower👀instead of trust the G👁️D particle within the Inner World 🌎 so we can view the Science of the Universe outside of our Selves. Trust don't rust!

  12. I called bullshit because nobody did a real challenge give each one of those guys in jail $1 million a Lamborghini and a mansion and see if they turn to church the next day I bet you they won’t go to church the next day it’s circumstances

  13. Religions separate man from God. They are in fact social constructs, as much as that concept has been driven into the ground by the woke of the present day. All one needs to believe, nay, to know there is a God, is to have had the incredible good luck of having experienced in the here and now gross violations of natural laws, like gravity flaunted and translocating objects. If one is mentally competent and experiences one of these phenomena, since they have zero explanation by our current scientific beliefs, there is an overwhelming understanding that God is not to be explained by man made religion. And that he is indeed all powerful and ever present.

  14. The Rabbi at 27.10 strongly suggests you need to believe in God to be a morally good person. Oh dear, dear, dear, how some theists have so distanced themselves from reality. I have many atheist friends who DO NOT act in any way like he suggests at all. However, the reality is that religion itself has caused so much pain, sorrow and death throughout history[by the millions]. People have been blinded into the world of religion so wouldn't the world be a far better place to get rid of it all and just live our lives naturally ?

  15. Religions are conflicting with each other.
    Spirituality is based on scientific inquiry into cosmic origin of life.
    Cosmic radiations , many at different frequencies plus light is so called super intelligence called God of which scientists are too humble to talk, even don't use the word God .
    So many invisible cosmic radiations infuse entire universe that science is becoming slowly aware of it's complexity & frequency modulation which are foundation of all visible & dark mater & energy.
    Nobody even tries to describe that life force.

  16. Mind, thought and consciousness. Mind is the universe; consciousness is our (and every other living thing) awareness of the universe, and thought is how we deal with it. Nothing to do with supernatural. WE are part of nature, whatever we do is natural. Thought is how we deal with it.

  17. @23:45 The Chinese CCP did a pretty successful hit job on god. The Russians are a much more insecure nation thanks in part to their oppressive regime hence the security religion affords. But for the most part religion's primary incitement is in procuring a free pass to immortality. In short it's all about self preservation

  18. I can easily see Danny Dennett sticking his finger in a person's eye to get his point across. Clearly, the man has never experienced anything mystical beyond a Netflix movie.

  19. Whether you are experiencing goodness and peace and empathy from God or just a delusion of God who cares? it brings a better world, better people. NOW, when "religion" or atheism brings darkness or discrimination or hatred…well thats wrong and not useful to humans living peacefully together..

  20. When I see two ears, two eyes one mouth, I see design. When I see compassion or love, when I hear certain music, I feel a greater something drawing me higher. when I see evil I feel sad.. don't be so wise to be dumb.

  21. Nothing. Consciousness is real and god is its imaginary product. We just twist consciousness into excuses and irrational belief in order to maintain the idea of god alive at our unfortunate expense.

    Religion is the source and justification for most of humanities worst injustices, hatreds and oppressions to this day. It is behind American racism, misogyny and and homophobia, not to mention the only insurrection promoted by a sitting president. And nobody cares because god is “ok” with racism etc. Obviously.

  22. if u wanna no if gods real its very simple all u gotta do is just ask him/her youll be very suprised at the answer just ask him out loud or quietly in a prayer or both either way you wont be dissapointed and youll get your answer very soon try it….or dont complain …

  23. they still belive that consciousness is in the centerd in the brain lol that simlar to saying that there are little people playing music in the TV set and if u open the TV set youll find the actors and musicians inside there lol

  24. Is it mentioned anywhere in the Bible that we are to believe in a certain religion to have to believe in god . For example , where are all these religious holidays and many church ceremonies mandated in the Bible? It doesn’t take a so called religion for me to believe in god but I do believe in god and the Bible and it’s written word and all god’s beautiful balanced creations convinces me and that we are created in his image.

  25. People misconstrue what speaking in tongues and always want to mystifies things. All that was was God when he anointed them at different times allowed them to speak different languages so that they could take the good news to different people, so speaking in tongues was just that!

  26. The gospel I would say is the main message of the Bible, it is the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and what He did on the cross for all of humanity.   
      But, before talking about Jesus and the cross, we need to look at the problem of humanity, the problem every one of us is faced with. Despite the efforts of any person, we cannot earn our way to heaven. Romans 3:23 says: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,". Anyone can examine themselves and know that even though, yes, sometimes we can do good, we also do evil at times. We commit moral crimes, and we rebel against God, which the Bible calls sin. We lie, we steal, we blaspheme God, and we can lust and have hate for our brother in our hearts. These are just some of the sins more than likely every person on earth has committed. God is loving, holy and merciful among other attributes but He is also just, perfectly just. Like any crime, sin has to be punished. If God did not punish sin, then He would be unjust. He would be corrupt. Someone has to take the punishment. Romans 6:23 says: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.". This is talking about spiritual death, not physical death; if you die in your sins then you go to hell. There is good evidence that humans have souls. Near-death experiences are one of those evidences. There is a part of you that lives on past your physical body.  

         God sent His only Son to earth about 2000 years ago, His Son is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the promised Savior of the world. He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies by coming to and being in our world. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and was crucified on the cross as a payment for our sins. God poured out His wrath on Jesus in our place, meaning the justice of God is satisfied and sin is punished. While we were still at enmity with God, God still wants to save us, Romans 5:8 says: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.". Three days after Jesus was crucified, He rose again proving that His payment was enough and that He was who He said He was, the Son of God. There is real-world evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is not just a nice story.

            Scripture tells us to repent, to put our trust in Jesus, and to follow Him as Lord. Repentance means a change of mind which means to turn from a life following sin to a life following Christ. Salvation is a free gift and it cannot be earned. No one can be perfectly moral on their own, it is impossible. This is the only way to be in the presence of God in heaven. It is important to reiterate that we cannot save ourselves; it is the gift of God for one to be saved. God is rich in mercy and ready to forgive, cry out to Him, be sincere when coming to God, this is not a flippant thing. Repent and place your trust in Jesus Christ alone, today is the day of salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 says: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.". Salvation is a gift. 
          There is no other way, Jesus Himself said that He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus is not just a way, a truth or a life. Romans 10:9 says: "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;"

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