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37 thoughts on “What Is Consciousness? The Scientific & Spiritual Theories – Podcast #95
  1. I'm fascinated with and question how with how , with all the past decades and all the millions of years the earth has existed, how was I fortunate enough to exist and experience this era with all the technology and better conveniences that has existed not very long at all.

  2. "NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS" ugh this is my perspective to my peers who seem to have everything "figured out". I can't with Earthbound blind beings.. which is 95% of people I interact with. I guess I'm crazy.

  3. The thing is nearly all meds have dangerous side effects. I took lyrica for pain. I started on a liw dose to work up to 300 after two weeks i went nearly blind in ine eye and could not remember anything. Stopped taking it. Every thing has side effects. My dr told me water can kill you if you drink too much.

  4. 1:28:28 I personally think the universe is infinite and therefore was never created and will never be destroyed. Also the law of conservation of mass literally says that matter is neither created nor destroyed, and that the total amount of mass and energy in the universe is constant. So the fact that that’s a proven scientific law, not just a theory, really makes me believe that. And it’s hard for humans to understand the concept of infinity because everything in our lives is finite and we don’t have any example or model of something that’s infinite.

  5. Grapes and raisins cause kidney failure in cats but not in humans, so them testing cbd on mice and concluding that mouse livers were damaged DOESNT make sense.

  6. Got emotional when Josh was talking about reincarnation. I believe what you guys believe, I used to go to church. Then I got spiritual and did shroomes and my third eye opened that day..

  7. I would like my boyfriend Valentine's Day to get me CBD oils I have always struggled with depression and anxiety . And I have been watching guys for a very long time end and no Kendall struggles with the same things . Which is why I want to get CBD oil Because it helps you so much! What oil would you recommend for him to get me??? Love you guys! Your videos are so fascinating, I'm an alien believer 👽and I watch the sesh, and lights out! Love all of them..

  8. 25:52 “everything’s chrome in the future” – Spongebob

    Also I completely disagree!!!!! I think it’s completely against human nature to be so dull and clean {unless we have to experience it first to know it’s a problem} cuz even at a microscopic level, bacteria makes us stronger and everything everywhere is full of life and light and color!!! Every spot on Earth is busy and coexists… Going into the Age of Aquarius, it’s both about technology but also about truth. I think Aquarius is a pretty bold and colorful {if that makes sense} I think we will break free from a controlled society and use technology to enhance our environment rather than control or diminish it and maybe we will break away from corporate control or unnatural selfish approaches of our products… technology is ambiguous it can be used for both “good” and “bad” and I think, for example, in Atlantis {the animated movie} they use those kewl rocks for their technology, then there’s our ideas of UFO’s and time travel. Technology is supposed to raise our abilities as a civilization and not control us or make us useless, that’s the thing!!!!!

    I don’t think technology necessarily is cold and robotic I think it’s progress and we will realize that all these ideas like chipping people or linking ur brain to Google in order to not learn or create goes completely against our purpose here, I agree with that!!!!! I believe most technology being publicly pushed aims towards making us immortal and cyborg-like instead of the technology that ✨WE NEED TO ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENT✨ like a car that runs on water, free electricity for all, more efficient space travel {to name a few}

  9. Ewww…..wondering if it's actually a black hole when ppl describe going down the dark tunnel towards the light during an nde!! The light could it be a sun in another universe through the black hole!!??? Hmmmm……

  10. The beam of light is the light from the flare reflecting off of the ice crystals in the air. It happens often when it's really cold – I'm in North Dakota and I see these often in the winter! Not usually that bright, but with a big flare burning, it's totally normal. I can't remember the name of the phenomenon but it's normal lol

  11. #KendallRae

    Ja živim u #Srbija ( #bivšaJugoslavija, #Evropa, #Balkanskopoluostrvo). #BivšaJugoslavija se raspala nakon smrti komunističkog doživotnog predsednika #JosipBrozTito. Od njegove smrti, tokom poslednjih 40 ipo godina su obnovljene samo ginekološke državne klinike. Ostale državne klinike se raspadaju. To znam jer sam celog života morala da idem po mnogim doktorima. Analizama krvi nema kraja. U zemljama bivše Jugoslavije je plaćanje poreza za zdravstveno osiguranje obavezno. Klinike se raspadaju. Lekovi se kupuju i skupi su. Političari su sve rasprodali – hotele, firme, fabrike. Mi smo upali u ekonomsku finansijsku provaliju. Stres je preveliki. Presednik države svaki dan po ceo dan priča kako smo ekonomski najrazvijenija država na planeti Zemlji.

    I live in #Serbia (#formerYugoslavia, #Europe, #BalkanPeninsula). The #formerYugoslavia fell apart after the death of the communist lifelong president #JosipBrozTito. Since his death, only gynecological state clinics have been renovated in the last 40 and a half years. Other state clinics are falling apart. I know that because I had to go to many doctors all my life. There is no end to blood tests. In the countries of the former Yugoslavia, the payment of health insurance taxes is mandatory. Clinics are falling apart. Medicines are bought and expensive. Politicians sold out everything – hotels, companies, factories. We have fallen into an economic financial abyss. The stress is too great. Every day, the President of the country talks all day about how we are the most economically developed country on the planet Earth.

  12. #KendallRae

    Ovog meseca sam napunila 30 godina. Zbog prevelike količine stresa imam problem sa jetrom od 17. godine. Prvi put čujem da biljka može da naškodi jetri. Jetri smetaju: alhohol, veštački sokovi, nezdrave masti, previše soli, previše šećera, luk, lekovi za bolove, lekovi za lečenje anksioznosti i depresije. Lekovi za lečenje anksioznosti i depresije uništavaju i krvna zrnca pored toga što truju jetru. Biljke – prirodni lekovi ne.

    I turned 30 this month. I have had a liver problem since I was 17 due to too much stress. For the first time I hear that the plant can harm the liver. Liver bothers: alcohol, artificial juices, unhealthy fats, too much salt, too much sugar, onions, painkillers, drugs to treat anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression drugs also destroy blood cells in addition to poisoning the liver. Plants – natural remedies do not.

  13. My belief is that everything has a purpose positive and negative when I started looking into dark matter I thought to myself what if it was like car battery cables negative and positive order to make a car work they discovered that they need it negative grounding in order to get the energy to flow correctly hmmthings to make you go hmm

  14. I have heard discussions about how humans used to be a lot more advanced, some religious and spiritual scholars such as Iban Arabi were historically recorded to be in more than one place at once, some (very few left) humans in aboriginal tribes have a natural gps just as birds do where they are able to find their way places with no compass. I think humans have been farmed to de-evolve over the last few hundred years with the introduction of a diet and way of living which harms the pineal gland. A diet of grains, certain meats, methods of cooking which strip away nutrients and potentially make food cancerous, fluoride, technology, medications, etc. It makes sense to me that through group prayer, meditation, chanting, etc there is one big collective conscious which is powerful enough to manifest great things, and that to take away our power we are encouraged to live in a more individual way where we are encouraged to worship celebs, money, have smaller family units, and numb our mind with Netflix and such in order to take away our power

  15. Have you ever thought about doing a Podcast on Near Death Experiences?
    I think the stories about people who were able to recite conversations verbatim that occurred in other rooms at a time they were supposedly dead are really intriguing. Especially since many of them were verified by the doctors, nurses, family members, etc.. that were having those conversations during that time. To me, that is some of the most convincing affirmations of life after death.

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