
What is cubism ? Art movement – Picasso

This is a project I did for my art class-I hope you like it !
Cubism art movement-Picasso-Braque



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30 thoughts on “What is cubism ? Art movement – Picasso
  1. great presentation! easy to understand and interesting style of presentation! thanks for the info, helped me a lot!

  2. No artist could compete with the photographer in precision and perfect light effect, proportion, perspective, and realism. The artists, in order to stay in business, had to come up with something innovative. Pointalism, cubism. impressionism, expressionism resulted from the eye of the camera. Cubists showing the side views is both childish and pedantic, because children show other views than frontal oftimes, and adults using this technique tend to condescend to those they consider inferior..

  3. you have to adjust your shutter speed and aperture to get the best results……
    Make a play for all the brightest minds and light will shed…..Miss your crop circle reviews!

  4. You know your culture from your trash
    You know your plastic from your cash
    When I lose sight of the track
    You know the way back
    But I know you
    You know your stripper from your paint
    You know your sinner from your saint
    Whenever heaven's doors are shut
    You kick them open but
    I know you
    Give me steam
    And how you feel to make it real
    Real as any place you've been
    Get a life with the dreamer's dream

  5. This was good, I was going to show it to a class- however the end is ruined by the spotlight you shone on the text and it was too far away- it wasn't possible to read the bottom portions at all.

  6. THANK YOU for producing this! this is so well prepared and could be easily understood. You are very considerable! And I like the variety you use in this video!

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