Consciousness Videos

What is My Reality: My Body or Consciousness?

Francis Lucille

Steps of Investigation:
1) Consciousness is what I am;
2) Consciousness is real;
3) There is only one Reality

Summer retreat with Francis Lucille in Temecula, CA Week 2 Day2 4


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8 thoughts on “What is My Reality: My Body or Consciousness?
  1. I am wondering why will God ask such a question?

    The question has choices, suppositions and conditions; if and God etc. and maybe is not a right question.
    I mean, why do I have to break up myself into mind-body and consciousness? Anyway, If there is God and he ask me this question I will say I would like to remain whole until the whole I die.
    So that mean, I am refusing to go back to split consciousness. Which mean as consciousness I am whole and complete choicelessly aware, presence, unconditional love call it whatever and every individual being is that.

    So this wholeness which is consciousness is the common ground of all beings. But there is no I here. So I will not say I am that when all there is nothing Else but that.

  2. I laughed when I heard Francis admit that he has an accomplice in the sense of lack. Good cop, bad cop. Man, this describes my whole life. It gets to the point where I have to welcome them both equally, and be so grateful for both…

  3. A little discouraging to hear students who don't seem to really take this (advaita) seriously. This questioner is looking for a "self-help" seminar. Fantastic answer from Francis, nevertheless.

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