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What was the Roman Republic Really Like?


Stanford Classics Professor Scheidel presented “City-State, Republic, Empire: What Was the Roman Republic Really Like?” during the Humanities West 2014 Roman Republic program.


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13 thoughts on “What was the Roman Republic Really Like?
  1. Interesting point is…How is it that many of the US great universities which were founded by Christian organisations are now run by Jews?.
    For example…the introductory speaker is Jewish as is the man giving the speech.
    At this point the smear "Nazi" is bandied about but this same smear is used when people raise the persecution of Palestinians by Jews in Israel.While the Diary of Anne Frank is distributed widely no mention is made of Palestinian families having their houses blown up and their children being deliberately shot and maimed by Jewish snipers ….
    The answer to all this is complicated but first you have to understand "crypto jews".That is Jews who conceal their ethnicity….this fact was well documented by the Catholic church 500 years ago.
    Example….Franco the Spanish fascist dictator curiously had a sephardic Jewish surname….there is a Hollywood Jewish movie actor with this name.
    Franco the nationalist fascist was protected by a bodyguard of Moroccans. …which is very odd indeed unless you assume the Moroccans were actually Moroccan crypto Jews.
    Other things which dont add up was the fact that a close relative of Himmler married an Israeli.Or to top Nazi on the Eastern Front WW2 had a recognisable Jewish surname ROSENBERG.
    Today Trumps and Clinton's daughters both married Jews.. ..a coincidence?….or this would make sense IF you assumed that their parents are actually crypto Jews and the supposed conflict between Trump and Clinton is pure theatre.So whomever wins the next election,one thing is for sure. …the billions of dollars of American taxpayers money will continue to flow into Israeli coffers…….whoever is in power.
    So domination of formerly Christian based universities in the US could be explained by the power and influence of Jews in America.This leads to distortions of democracy where uber rich Jews like Nancy Pelosi buy their way into the US govt….etc etc.
    One thing is for sure is……it is not acceptable for one ethnic group to dominate others based on their collective wealth and influence… is disguised racism……which surprisingly is the whole premise of the state of Israel…….racial exclusivity.

  2. There is good and bad in everything and the Roman Republic is no exception but this professor likes to concentrate on the bad and exaggerate it.

  3. Way to assert a mythical deity like the narrative of jesus. It is hard to take someone seriously who is supposedly trying to expose the reality of the Roman empire when said person uses their own sophistry and rhetoric to seemingly form yet another straw man narrative. And if you have a hierarchy that is not based purely on merit where all have equal rights and access to the same resources, and are expected to make use of them, you do not have a democracy, you have either a republic, or an ochlochracy. There has never been a pure democracy, ever, any more than anarchy or so called communism has ever taken place. Now how about those biological underpinnings that prevent such a wonderful scenario…

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