Art Theory

What's wrong with contemporary art: Jane Deeth at TEDxHobart

TEDx Talks

Jane Deeth is an arts writer, curator and educator. Over 20 years of emersion in the visual arts across the gamut of roles, Jane has established New Audiences for Art, a consultancy that works with art educators and museums to build resilient and fearless viewers of art. Her PhD thesis, entitled “Extracting Meaning from Strangeness” (2009), underpins this practice and advocates for a radical rethink of the way contemporary art is presented and interpreted.

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47 thoughts on “What's wrong with contemporary art: Jane Deeth at TEDxHobart
  1. Contemporary art is basically saying "everything is a social construct".
    We can't go anywhere from there.
    Contemporary art should become irrelevant as they are to our society.
    Let's turn our attention to the latest finding of neuroscience, anthropology, and genetics.

  2. I have seen the philosophy become myopic, superficial and turned the appreciation of things, in a wide range, into a closely held program of narrow taste, that aggressively fights everything else. Not good to say the least. To me the result is also quite sterile looking, besides the fact there's no variety. Art has become about one way of thinking and doing things, and it excludes and ignores seemingly everything else. In the worst individuals, aggressively and damagingly so.

  3. I agree with the many people in this comments' section who have expressed their continued disdain for contemporary "art" better than I ever could. Beauty is subjective, but skill is pretty objective, and something which lacks skill or meaning cannot be called art.

  4. I don't want to be rude, but this presentation is a bit hard to listen too, a bit more humor and passion in talking could help and real images of the artworks, why not?

  5. The unmade bed shows the contributor being a very slovenly individual who should not be venerated. What kind of person lives like that? It is not an unmade bed but a neglected child who had no parents. It is just a conversation piece to no purpose. If a person lives like that they have real issues.

  6. Contemporary Art is dead because it's been turned into a mass commodity by corporations who use it to tax evade and launder money and whilever it's being bought in ridiculous volumes for ridiculous sums of money, the art world will never care about what the general public thinks of it. Why would it? So why insult us by telling us it's you, not us? At least be honest about what you're doing! You're pimping out whores and you don't care who knows it because… cha-ching, money!

  7. I can't sing at all but by what you're telling me lady, the problem is with the audience not listening properly. Excellent! I get it now… so, I've recorded a song. It's of me burping. These are the best burps anyone has ever heard. I've called it 'A little bit of indigestion' by me, the artist known as 'Ava Burpsing'. I'll get my coat. I'm off to Sony!

  8. It is difficult to "Listen" to something
    that is not worth looking at. I'm a
    bit tired of people trying to justify
    what is presented as Art by filling
    the obvious void with words.

  9. When looking at art, reflect on these words: "beauty", "inspirational", "impressive", "awe", "skill". If it doesn't hit at least one of those then it does nothing to you and is simply not art.
    If I wanted to reflect on philosophy, religion, politics etc. I would rather read a book.

  10. Contemporary art is more about gimmicks and the artist statement than the actual art work. The only thing separating a junk art piece and actual junk is the artist statement. Your art should speak for itself. If you have to explain it it's not art.

  11. First off, why is she showing drawings of the pieces she’s discussing about, instead of pictures of the actual artwork? It’s incomprehensible to talk about art when you’re not showing what you want to discuss about. Second, this sounds more like a criticism about the viewer rather than the art.

  12. In other words: if you don’t get it you’re not trying hard enough.

    Give all art a try but it’s ok to NOT like some art.

    Like the unmade bed. If your daughters messy bedroom doesn’t trigger philosophical thoughts, why should a messy bed in a art gallery do it? Oh yeah because it’s in an art gallery so you know what you’re supposed to do. Or you’re just don’t find a messy bed interesting. It’s like a religious person that only thinks about god when they are in a church.

  13. a arte contemporanea é uma arte frouxa. os artistas americanos de western são mais autênticos, viris e fazem uma arte de muita beleza. esses contemporâneos vivem numa bolha de vaidades e glamour.

  14. I would love to take a dump in a plastic jar 🏺 and sell it for a hundred million dollars 💵

  15. I always find it fascinating when certain conservatives criticize modern and contemporary art.

    Because one of the most common critiques conservatives have of a lot of modern art is that the amount of Labor that it takes to produce it does not match the object that has been produced.

    This critique is found in Karl Marx. It is called the labor theory of value.

    Many conservatives call this art „Cultural Marxism“. And yet the entire contemporary art game is an expression of and result of „Cultural Capitalism.“

    It boils down to conservatives complaining that there is not enough Marxism in the art world.

  16. These comments are just sad. Most of you have probably never made art in your life but you're the experts of course

  17. I love how much people hate it. I think if we all loved this art it would lose its appeal. But the entire comment section is saying its bad it needs to go. I disagree. Beauty is subjective and should not conform to your expectations.

  18. When I listen to Mozart, I don't need to know the meaning. I like it because its beautiful.The piece is worth studying for people concerned with the subject i.e. music,but even people who don't know what a chord is will appreciate the music. That's art

  19. Not a fan of contemporary art, bit of a joke to me. Like when someone left a pineapple 🍍 as a prank in the art gallery and it gets encased in glass. A large piece of foil hanging from the ceiling 🤦‍♂️ considered art

    Neo/ Classicalism is art

  20. Hmm… If your analysis of the exchange between contemporary art and visitors is correct, it leaves me with the question: why does the responsibility for bridging the communication gap lie with the visitor? Why doesn't the professional attempt to give the (casual) viewer enough of a guide to their work so they can understand it, or make the work more accessible? It reminds me a bit of bad teachers who blame their students not using their classes right. Well, students won't use everything the way you want them to, but it is up to you to reach out and talk to them in a way that can reach them.

    That being said, it can be helpful for the individual visitor to do as you suggested, but I hope you will also speak to the artists in the equation and point their part in the exchange out to them.
    By the way, I do not think this is as new as the '60s. If you look at the public response to impressionism, the general public was outraged and sure it wasn't real art too, at the time (now of course we love that period). So perhaps in a few decades people will love our contemporary art and think us foolish for judging art by yesterday's standards.

  21. What happened to 'a picture paints a thousand words'? With modern art, a thousand words seems to be required to paint a picture. Art should stand on it's own merit- it shouldn't need an essay to convince us that it is art.

  22. So, the idea is to utilize arbitrary artifacts in order to create discussions, instead of having people just get in and get out of the gallery.
    I'd say, art is indeed oversaturated… People are already used to seeing high quality stuff, and unless they examine the pictures, they won't really bother trying to look for messages or content, because they don't really appreciate the art.

    Placing randomness makes people raise an eyebrow, and start discussing what they are seeing, because it's weird and odd… Soon enough, they start articulating random meanings, in order to attempt to figure out what the picture is about… Instead of the more "refined art" that tells you rather clear visuals that display clear messages through their sight.

    In the past, people reacted loudly when something abnormal entered a gallery… When someone dared to bring the light to the commoner instead of the noble, when another brought simple drawings instead of complex ones… When someone pretty much drew highly insane visions, and broke everything that is real… Yeah, these were points of conversation, because they were weird…

    It seems like contemporary art is more trying to mimic that enthusiasm of shock, of interest, and of attempt to interpret what's behind this… Pretty much, puzzle the audience.
    So, it's all a ploy to generate response, spread the response, and eventually, manage to sell total rubbish… To show in large how people would rather discuss total nonsense, instead of actually seeing the fine works.

    And I agree with that… People ceased to actually appreciate art, due to having too much of it… Being spoiled to a point of just passing right by it, having a glance, moving on.
    I myself am blame for it… Because I'm already am used to it all.
    Yet, the mighty issue with contemporary art… Is that we end up bringing everything down, just to critique ourselves… We end up degrading what we gained so far, just for the sake of raising debates… That's detrimental for progress, let alone, if everyone are supposed to appreciate the most mundane stuff as art, do you think it'll make people conscious of their world?

    It's more likely that it'll bring people to feel rather devoid, even further… Like with all trends, this one will eventually turn normal, because people get used to things… And then what?
    You'd still try to bring reactions, whatever the costs?

    Because people aren't being inspired in a positive manner by things that idolize the bottom of the barrel… In a philosophical manner, you can deal with what you have, you can accept your lives as they are… Or, as you say, try to understand what we pay attention for most of our lives… We do spend most of them either doing something in the toilet or sleeping.
    Yet, I don't think contemporary art makes people question their lives as much as you'd expect…
    Let alone, what does it inspire new creators to do?

    Aspire higher, or… Just teach people to accept everything, and be done with it?
    The medium is the message, and the message by the foul, is to focus on everything we don't like about our lives, and keep our attentions there… Instead of trying to explore the great things we can do, the history we lived through, the potential outcomes of events, or anything ells.

    It's good to criticize everything… of course.
    Contemporary art is all about trying to criticize what people consider as art, the meaning of placing things in places… And allot of fake nihilism.

  23. It is destroying our brain
    And we are moving towards fundamental aspects….
    Towards realism ,towards less complicated turns….
    Towards perfection. ……
    Towards future ……
    We are destroying everything

  24. This woman is crazy! The relationship she has with art is like the relationship with her child? Why not like the relationship with her dog? Or her cat?Art is not a children's play! It is not a joke! It is a serious matter. You know, if I want to make a movie, but I do not have the opportunity to record the image and the sound, I do not expect to win an Oscar. Essentially, every category of artwork is its own medium. Painting is painting (with colors and stuff), sculpture is sculpture, and so on. I think they have lowered the quality standards of art so low, where there is no standard anymore… Now, let's everyone to take their bed to the nearest museums, see if they will exhibited…

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