
Where did the first geometrical shape come from?

Where did the information for the first geometrical shape come from? We live in a three dimensional universe with the potential for three dimensional shapes, but where did the information come from for the first geometrical shape?

Holographic Principle within the physical Universe

Hyperbolic Geometry within the dynamics of space and time

The Universe as the square root of the irrational number pi

Kepler’s undiscovered symmetry of space and time

The Spherical 4π Electron of the Monopole Charge Distribution

Sacred geometry explained as a process of symmetry forming and breaking

Golden ratio and Fibonacci spiral in a new atomic theory.

The symmetry of life where does it all come from?

A reason for the Fibonacci Spiral in Nature

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Link to: Theoretical Physics (Independent of government funding)

Link to: A new interpretation of Quantum Mechanics on Facebook

Quantum Atom Theory on facebook with diagrams and scientific experimental videos:

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Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of ‘Time’


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7 thoughts on “Where did the first geometrical shape come from?
  1. ???Wow. Stop you at 3 dimensions. Bullshit. Fake voice. Edited words all stitched together to make sentences. Computer generated, but WHY?? I do know. Im finding this type of channel everywhere. Fake channel, fake voice, total bullshit and untrustworthy.
    What are you dyslexic????

  2. The Great Mathematician, the Creator of all things made it so all things would make sense. Our limited 3 D minds have only begun to understand that which the Creator made. Geometrical shapes are in all things. Chaos eventually will become a pattern. Fractals are parts of that geometry. If you love the way things work together, you will have to believe in the Creator of all things.

  3. there is only one mechanism at play. delta scale . in non color ? it would be 1% white , 98% gray , 1% black . put water container in vacuum , then put vacuum in water . yep . in both case :nothing ought to be reified by something , something ought to reify nothing. everything in the universe work in this manner . it is simple and elegant. but not intuitive. like light or photon ? it has no movment component .

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