Consciousness Videos

Where Do Mind and Matter Merge?

Artificially Aware

Dive into the forgotten world of Marco Todeschini’s PsicoBioFisica, a groundbreaking theory that challenges everything you thought you knew about the universe. In this video, we explore how mind and matter merge in a cosmic sea of swirling ether, a concept that could change the way we see physics, consciousness, and even medicine. From Todeschini’s revolutionary ideas about fluid space and planetary motion to his daring claim that the human soul can influence physical health, we unravel the mysteries of this overlooked scientific giant. Is the ether truly gone, or is it the key to the future of science?

#PsicoBioFisica #MarcoTodeschini #MindAndMatter #EtherTheory #QuantumConsciousness

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20 thoughts on “Where Do Mind and Matter Merge?
  1. Our own thoughts are not necessarily merged for example my autistic thoughts and my adhd thoughts are separate they are only partially merged l. Each separate thoughts seeking different stimuli to maintain regulation of my central nervous system. If I'm hiking in nature my thoughts feel closest to being one only at this time do i feel this but it's a mental illusion only because the full spectrum of stimulation I am getting leave my mind content. I also have 2 thought to speech pathways, stuttering and not stuttering. So in my opinion mind never merges with matter but have a relationship of coexistence. My thoughts on the matter of the minds!!👻🤪🌶🤘😎♾️

  2. 10:22 when you are always moving the world appears stuck in a rut never changing when you are still for a long time the world appears to move and flow around you …we are all propelled forward time waits for no one

  3. wow you are right how I didnt knew about this? a true tragedy this was buried by the old establishment physicists at the time

    its crazy

    Today someone crashed me on my motorcycle, and I swear I knew it was a dangerous day, a distractful day etc.

    All the way I was hearing in my mind "be careful, I can smell it" and I drove very carefully and it was all ok, until a person threw their car at me and that got me pissed off, so I wanted to say something.

    I began going after this insane person and I caught up to them and say you know "you almost killed me why are you so reckless with your vehicle etc etc"

    After I was done, I turned back, but still distracted by the whole event, I didnt see a car that jumped the stop sign and it hit me. If my ego didnt had the best of me, I would have just returned home. And I knew.

    I swear I heard the voice of God sort of speak, and it warned me, but at the last second my ego sensibility got the best of me.

    Thank God that this lesson was "cheap" I didnt break any bones or had any major injuries, just a swollen ancle and my shoulder, but nothing compared to what could had been.

    I totally believe in an ether universe and in God being the sum of all mind in the universe + its external eternal incomprehensible existence. (God the father and God the son, this universe is the son but I believe in an "external" father which choose to create this universe out of a chunk of itself)

  4. Scince the universe is magnelectric Mind, it all merges in us.
    Phisics gave up its phiosophical foundation when it rejected the aether.
    How could they? Same reason for religion – they don't realize that the Source of our being is in us, and in fact Is us.
    In the dream of life, there can be only one and you're It.
    The question you have to ask yourself is what is your intention?
    As the world awakens to itself, this is when and how it ends – in glorious new beginnings.

  5. I'm very curious as to what the mans voice was saying. I couldnt quite make it out. Im talking about The part in the video where these three shapes appear in order and a man's voice chad doesn't sound like it's from AI says something. It might sound ignorant of me to say this but it sounded French or something. Can you tell me what that was? It starts at about the middle of the 7:39 and 7:40 minute and second counter and lasts for about 2 seconds. I'm very curious

  6. Do you know what's funny? I came up with a very similar theory before ever diving deep into this stuff or even knowing anything about anything on the subject.. I still kinda don't lol but I do martial arts and was working with making proper fascia linking for optimum performance and thought "what if everything is connected like our body's " like what if just like our head is connected to our foot and if I move one side of the body it affects the other side even though they're opposite sides and if I do things properly I can create a beautiful balance and dance and flow what if everything in the universe is connected by an invincible fascia and if everything we do ripples and affects every other part of the body ..I called it the " universal fascia theory " this is beyond syncronistic for me .. thank you for this beautiful channel .. I have no idea what to even do with this information but It's okay I will find the proper flow

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