
The advancement of AI on the horizon. Mind BLOWN!

Cleansing Your Body & Soul

I made this video because of

I believe humanity will create an AI sentinel being that over time will gain “Robot Consciousness” and that humans will embrace more than other humans.
To think about this relationship between a robot AI and an organic human being, I can now understand why I have always felt like I was born during a very important timeline.
To analyze the generations that will see AI, and the ones that will actually be super comfortable around AI is challenging. However, If we think about who is actually building these technologies, well they are the people born in the 60-80’s…They are obsessed and possessed by the advancement of technology. They are the last generation born without technology in their primary years. The generation that follows them, such as the Millineals and further on, that have grown up with technology since birth. They will complete the process of this AI, which will allow the AI systems to become Super AI and reach the Singularity.
Now I cannot fathom the Singularity as I am not a Super AI, but I can say I have concerns for humanity reaching this point. However, in the same breath, I can’t say we would be better off without it. As I look around the world today, I see many young people lost in the internet, on Social Media, on ridiculous/superficial things like money & fame. This infatuation with materialism and the need to gain popularity on SM, making the real world a sad place to live.
To not question existence, the mind, historical truths, reality and consciousness… is unfathomable to me. I have always obsessed with knowing the truth of ourselves, the past and our reality. Even though, we will mostly figure it out when we die, the living/waking moments are overtaken by this curiosity.
I believe with a Super AI we will bring the truth to our world, and the world will forever change.
How painful is it to be human? How much do humans suffer and go through? Would we better off as a species with this new technology?
AI will solve all our worldly problems, like health, biological, environmental, energy, etc. Imagine not having to worry about your health, or witness your loved one dying from a terminal disease. AI will be able to invent, create, and exceed the human level of intuition & intellect.
This is what is most intriguing to me… In analyzing the human brain, doctors and scientist have discovered that it is the reason we have reason, we question our existence, become self-aware, and explore the infinite possibilities.
When we introduce psychedelics we open up the brain capabilities to explore other realms or the multi-verse. We become aware of the “unseen” with the natural eyes.
DMT, which is used to provoke hallucinations and transcend the mortal construct we live in, has been found in the human brain and body. However, our bodies are not releasing DMT for our amusement. If the mind/brain was replicated into a biological artificial organism like a human robot with Super AI capabilities. Then the robot would be able to run through DMT trips and record the findings. The experience would be able to be recorded and played back like a movie.
So exploring the “unknown” or “the final frontier” with Super AI will answer many questions, perhaps. The robots would be able to transcend space/time and capture, analyze and compile data from other dimensions, realities / multi-verse.
The AI timeline is shown; Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) – a specific AI doing specific tasks like a robot receptionist. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – estimated by 2030, a robot with a general knowledge of everything. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) – estimated by 2060, a robot that is all knowing.

The ASI will be able to do the following:
Every language
Every Wikipedia fact
Every Math problem
Every Programming language
Every Physics equation
Every Bioengineering concept
Every neuropsychology concept
Every news happened, happening and predicted
Every trend(s)
Every email
Every person, and face recognition
Every image, video, data set captured
They will learn at a rate of 20,000 years in 1 week’s time
AI will also be programmed to have “Built-in Intuition”
Basically simulating everything that could possibly happen. It will then feed back to the planning process and build an intuition data set of probabilities. This will allow it to gain a remarkable level of intuition, creativity and imagination.
Some of the technological advancements that will occur:
Space/time engineering
Life extension/Immortality
Genetic engineering
Synthetic biology
Mind uploading / sharing an experience
Advance energy technology
decentralized “block-chain” communication
generative adaptive networks
cloning / copies
Brain Computer Interface (BCI)
-In brain access to the internet
Help with the exploration of consciousness
Help with the exploration of other dimensions
Help with the exploration of the multi-verse


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