Art Theory

Why Clothes Matter

The School of Life

The clothes we choose to wear constitute some of our most crucial and carefully chosen lines of autobiography. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide):
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“Once, we were all dressed by someone else. Parents picked out a T-shirt; the school dictated what colour our trousers should be. But at some point, we were granted the opportunity to discover who we might be in the world of clothes. We had to decide for ourselves about collars and necklines, fit, colours, patterns, textures and what goes (or doesn’t) with what. We learnt to speak about ourselves in the language of garments. Despite the potential silliness and exaggeration of sections of the fashion industry, assembling a wardrobe is a serious and meaningful exercise.”

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Gemma Rose Green-Hope #TheSchoolOfLife


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25 thoughts on “Why Clothes Matter
  1. It's good to see people who have made an effort with their appearance . They don't have to wear anything expensive of particularly bold but it shows they have some pride in themselves and can reflect individuality. They are more at one with themselves.

  2. my parents never let me choose my own clothes, nowadays they get mad when i make up an outfit and they dont like it 🙁

  3. So, if you dont have money to buy clothes to Express your personality, you will be judge quickly by the people around you by the way you look. What a judgemental world we have.

  4. "Sometimes the clothes do not make the man"…George Michael:) I have only recently come to terms with aspects of my self. Turned my self off in order to parent and try NOT to pass on the crap to the next generation…and so have had in my closet a 2nd date dress I have only worn once and not on a second date 🙁 because if I waited for that to happen well…it hasn't happened yet so…but also came to realize I like certain things styles because of how they make me feel rather than the reception by others. I chose to go to school that had a school uniform because as a child I got hand me downs until I grew too big and then had no access to buying clothes that fit. Left me vulnerable to all sorts of crap. Started covering up. And that disconnection to self. Slowly…Over the past few months have been uncovering and recovering self…might just put on that second date dress sometime this spring and walk about.

  5. I have ligit no fashion sense but this saved me tons of money so don’t spend tons money of useless peices of fabric

  6. To some people clothes are just material that's stitched together. For others like myself, clothes is a way of expression. It's like a second language and it's the first that is used to Communicate with others. Clothes is art and without it a piece of the world would be empty.

  7. 4:19 "untical"? That's sloppy hand-writing for "critical". Not to be too critical.
    Too bad this is 90% women's clothes and 10% men's, instead of closer to 50-50. Women's clothes is the bigger market, but still…

  8. Friend of my changed everything about her self to please and keep her man.
    Especially clothing she’s a master of manipulation lady in street ( sun dresses, tight yoga pants) freak in the sheets (lingerie)to keep him from cheating.
    Clothes master of deception

  9. There are plenty of men in the world who like women that: do not smoke, that do not drink alcohol or have piercings and tattoos, that do not do drugs, that dress appropriately and is not revealing in reality or on social media.
    P.S. your body is your choice, but it is also your brain, learn how to use it😊

  10. I wore hand me downs from my cousins. I was a poor teenage girl with a great physique and good self confidence – expensive new clothing or not I rocked it !

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