
Why do semantics matter? — #A11ycasts 08

Google Chrome Developers

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It’s easy to overlook the importance of semantics in web development. After all, a div and a section tag all render the same, right? But in the world of accessibility semantics are extremely important. Today on the show we’ll cover how proper semantics let you express the affordances for your UIs, and I’ll explain how those affordances get transformed into the accessibility tree. If you’ve ever wondered HOW a screen reader turns a bunch of HTML into a spoken UI then you’ll definitely enjoy today’s episode 🙂 .


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17 thoughts on “Why do semantics matter? — #A11ycasts 08
  1. Great work on the functionality, by bringing it to the forefront of the Inspector it will make it much harder for developers to be as dismissive about accessibility concerns as we have generally tended to be.

  2. Great video, thanks!. On a side note, the "Experiments" tab comes disabled by default. To activate it, you have to go to chrome://flags/#enable-devtools-experiments and click "enable", then click the "Relaunch Now" button at the bottom of the page.

  3. I noticed that Angular 1.6.x seems to interfere with some of the aria attributes work in Bootstrap 4.0 Alpha. I am guessing that I will need to work on things like UI Bootstrap did since the CSS framework changed hooks.

  4. Great Video, Thanks a lot. I just have a question, is there a way I could possibly override some of the things that get to be said anyway regardless of what I wrote. i.e "You are Currently inside the html element ……." ?

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