Consciousness Videos

Why Do We DREAM? What Do DREAMS Mean? What Can We Learn From DREAMS?

Open Your Reality

Have you ever wondered, Why do we dream? What do dreams mean? And what can we learn from dreams? Well, I’m going to answer those questions today from the perspective of someone who’s studied Tom Campbell’s MBT, simulation theory, and many of the great spiritual works and teachers of the last generation.

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What is the dream world? If you want to know about dreams and simulation theory, watch this video. I answer the questions of are dreams reality or imagination. If you want to know how do dreams work and are dreams symbolic, I have the answers. Are dreams connected to reality? Actually, they are. They’re just a different data stream. Are dreams spiritual? Again, stay tuned and please subscribe for more great content like this.

Alright, so why do we dream? To answer that question we need to understand that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are essentially nothing more than pure consciousness playing an avatar on this earth world. When we’re awake, our five senses feed us a data stream that’s shared. We pretty much all sense the same things, which is what makes our world stable and feel solid. But when we sleep, that data stream is turned off and another one is turned on, that of the dream state.

This dream state is individual to you and is created by your mind. Being pure consciousness, you can create fantastic worlds, as we all have the same abilities as the creator. Afterall, our entire universe may be just a single dream in the mind of God. So just because your body is asleep does not mean your consciousness stops. It continues working and does so in your dreams. This allows you to continue making free will choices where you can continue to learn and evolve.

There are several notable differences between the dream state and everyday tick-tock reality. By the way, they are both virtual realities, and neither are fundamentally real. But because our consciousness experiences them as real, we consider them to be so. And actually, whichever data stream your consciousness is logged into, that’s the reality you consider to be real. So when you’re dreaming, you often believe it real. Anyway, as I said before, the main difference between dreams and tick-tock reality, as I’ll call it, is that dreams are personalized reality frames and tick-tock is shared.

The second difference is that the dream world is a much more fluid and loosely constructed world, where tick-tock reality is much stabler. Both worlds are virtual realities, but the dream state has a rule set much less defined than tick-tock.

The third major difference is that in the dream state, you act entirely out of your being level. This means you make free-will choices directly from the quality of your consciousness and not your intellect. In tick-tock reality, however, you make choices from both your intellect and your being level.

Let me give you an example. In the dream state, you don’t think about how a consequence will turn out or logically ponder it, you just do what is natural to you. For example, if you have a fairly low quality of consciousness and have the chance to steal something in your dream, you’ll probably do it. But in tick-tock reality, you think before you act. How will I look if I do this? What will others think of me? Can I get away with this? So in everyday life, you will think twice before trying to steal. There’s no difference in the quality of your consciousness in both realities, but in tick-tock you think much more before you act.

Now for the question of why do we dream? There are three main reasons we dream. One is like I said, to continue learning and evolving the quality of your consciousness. As Tom Campbell has said, we’re here to work and whether it’s in the waking state or in sleep, consciousness is active. There is one exception to that though. Tom says sometimes our consciousness just needs a break. When we do need a rest, it happens when we sleep. Instead of creating a dream reality, we’ll just float in the void so to speak – kind of like zero point consciousness. We’re still consciousness but there’s no data stream.

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29 thoughts on “Why Do We DREAM? What Do DREAMS Mean? What Can We Learn From DREAMS?
  1. I love dreaming. I especially love lucid dreaming. What a powerful feeling to take control of your dreams. I also would like to comment on seeing the numbers. 1111, 222, 333, 444, etc I have read up and watched videos on this but still wish I knew for sure what this phenomenon is truly about. I see the numbers all the time. These experiences uplift me however solid answers would be nice. Keep up the good videos Chad. 👍

  2. I think what when we are in the waking state we believe what this is the true reality, and when we are dreaming we believe what these is the true reality, and so with all our different reality what we can experience We are educated by believing what the single true reality is the waking state, but for the consciousness it´s not like that, for her all our reality we experience are true because the important is the experience or the fact.

  3. I've recently heard a few accounts of people who live a complete alternate reality in their dream state. They go to sleep and have another entire life. If the accounts are true that is really interesting.

  4. I lucid dream. And talk to people in dreams. This one time I was explaining about Lord Krishna to another devotee. Can you make a video on lucid dreaming?

  5. I'm burning through your play list. Holly Shit! Wish I had enough money to sponsor a tour instead of my cheap ass $5/month. So as it turns out, I may not just be a high functioning schizophrenic as my daughter believes, because I tried to explain this to her. So glad I found this channel.

  6. Could you do a video about what you see when you close your eyes? I see shapes and patterns all the time, not too dissimilar to taking shrooms.

  7. I love your writing, content and delivery. Great video and thank you for sharing with us. Sending much love and gratitude to all here watching and reading comments. 🙂

  8. Hey Chad do you think humans will evolve into godlike beings who can do countless abilities like
    manifest physical reality instantly
    Bilocation teleportation
    Anything you think of
    Could break the laws of physical reality
    To make as fluid as a dream

  9. My question is why do we have to physically sleep? Is it about an energy connection? If we are conscious energy basically projecting the body within this world construct, there has to be some sort of energy transfer within the field. Is that why we need to sleep to recharge, so to speak, on both levels? Or is it just a element of the program, but then again I would ask why was this element added to the program. Maybe to limit our superhuman capabilities!

  10. I am a patreon subscriber, I'm saying that hoping that you'll read this comment.I have scoured the internet looking for a subliminal audio program to run in the background while I'm listening to videos and my audiobooks. I can't find one. also I would like to have one to place in the stream on the television in my house for my wife and children to watch. Do either of these exist? I intentionally do not own a laptop, i very seldom actually look at a video screen including YouTube videos. I am essentially audio only. Thanks for your help! Also another great video! love your shit brother you make the world a better place for me!

  11. Read the Torah, get back on track and be sure that God will punish for own good if you don't. The spectrum of crime and punishment has been in our face for thousands of years. Do not mess with God's plan. If you do, you might find yourself in way more trouble than you ever thought possible. God, Creator of Heaven and Earth will not be mocked. Our Father in Heaven does not subscribe to your channel so I warn you and everybody else who makes these wild speculations to just stop it, you really don't know what you're talking about, but talk is cheap and there's no shortage of it. You don't know if there's a higher self, so why would you make that a priority? Seek and ye shall find, and I don't mean new age thought. Yeah, the idea of being gods, that ship has already sailed, but the mystery of exactly why God tolerates us, you haven't started to understand yet.

  12. 100% agree brother. Thank you Chad, when I'm abit more financially stable I will donate to you on patreon. I truly appreciate your help and your advice, all my love x

  13. I never dream. I have had many broken bones, " I am the idiiot on a fast motorcycle" and because of pain in my legs I never sleep more than 45 minutes. I used to dream and I miss

  14. Can you please do a video about if there is a literal Lucifer and if they were a fulling angel and why that happend. I'm not religious but I know apparently in every religion there is a similar story to this and I'm just curious to know what really happened.

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