Art Theory

Why Is Modern Art so Bad? With Will Witt


Will Witt heads to the Arts District in downtown Los Angeles to ask people their opinions on his “artwork” and whether they think there should be standards for judging modern art. Check it out!


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33 thoughts on “Why Is Modern Art so Bad? With Will Witt
  1. Conclusion: people are quite nice, actually and didn't want to hurt your feelings

    oh, and you've never heard of good artists and apparently that's everyone else's fault but your own

    MODERN ART DESTROYED BY RATIONALITY explosion sound effect

  2. What type of art? Like music that’s a form of art. Paintings is also an art, video game designs can be considered art. Just saying art is painting such a broad spectrum

  3. Why doesn’t Witt define what Modern Art is? I go to the Getty Museum and I find masterpieces interspersed among mediocre work which only redeeming quality is that has served for 100+ years.

  4. Modern art doesn't impress us because we say "I can do it, meh". But when you see for exemple Michelangelo's art, you say "WOW" you see the hard work that went in to it and the details. But when you see a banana taped to wall than you will not be impressed or inspired.

  5. Yes, when a stranger shows you a piece of art they made and explains what it means people are generally polite and go along with it. Is that a bad thing…?

  6. I think this video actually shows the primary point of modern art– its interpretation based. It can be whatever you see in it; there is no 'correct' or 'incorrect' interpretation. I myself don't particularly care for modern art, but it doesn't bother me if other people like it

  7. 현대미술 볼 때마다 자금 세탁밖에는 떠오르지 않았는데 아주 틀린것도 아니었군요. 사실 현대미술은 거의 대부분이 예술에 대한 모욕이라고 생각합니다.

  8. Okay, so I get the feeling you're trying to say that Modern Art is bad, but you didn't have an actual modern artist's work next to your stuff as a "control," so what does this actually prove about modern art?

  9. I know you guys are just messing around, but that one painting with the smeared brown blotches and marks is not art in a any way. It looks like feces. I mean, you can't even joke or pretend that it is art because it sucks so badly. This is my life's work. The cop laughs. Now that's funny! However, Hitler had standards for art in his society, and a lot of artist had to flee from that country, so there's the other far extreme. I think Hitler put together degenerative art exhibitions to show what is not art.

  10. PragerU , well nowadays there are no more bad art, there will always be someone out there who will want to keep an art made, art discarded, art thrown, etc, even if the art maker desperately wants to create bad art, someone will want it haha. this is avelino from ytc KING COKE AQUA, modern art is not bad, at all, but there are people like you perhaps that says modern art is bad. but hey that is fair.

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