
Will Artificial Intelligence Take Away Our Jobs?


Sadhguru speaks at NID, Ahmedabad, and looks at whether artificial intelligence is a boon or bane and how it will change our lives in the next few years.


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36 thoughts on “Will Artificial Intelligence Take Away Our Jobs?
  1. When we know that something is missing in someone's answer, which means we already know the answer and we are just seeking for a confirmation from a credible source.

  2. We cannot get in touch with the intelligence beyond body and mind that easily. It seems to take years. How do I earn my food till then?

  3. I’m guessing, those beyond intellect jobs are yoga, meditation

    Can’t think of any other profession that computers can’t do, can you think of anything else fellas…?

  4. Robots cannot create games no
    Such as tennis, football, bowling

    Computers will not innovate properly
    No matter the intellect of [infomation]

    [Emotional of intelligence] is a facility which is in a realm
    which the level of consciousness and unconsciousness
    cannot ever go too [[[NEVER]]]
    For a robot period!

    ONLY mimic what is set to understand
    Humans respond so differently on much

    Computers will never be better than
    humans: they only do what we know
    And learn to gather what we asked

    Even all animals have personality
    So to differentiate between those

    Humans have a hard time
    Robots cannot do it right


  5. ..well, he's completely right, humans are in constant danger of lossing their lifes(transforming, also known as death), losing their jobs & much more.. 'cause we want to do it like that..wich from my point of view is not so good🙏

  6. we still have to dream of a day they will finally bring an intelligent guy to talk to this man…is it me that`s too demanding or this generation is fuckedup ? whining screaming snowflakes…i`m thinking of a PR guy like Neil DeGrass , the scientist that never discovered anything, never created of invented anything, what a circus it should be to bring them together :))

  7. Facinating talk. I don't totally agree with you. AI is different from logic machines. AI can make mistakes.

    AI is the frontal lobe of the brain. Traditional programming is the lower part, that beats the hearts so fast, under such conditions.

  8. It seems to me that AI will never be more than the sum of it's parts. It could be able to generate something irrational but never anything with the value or meaning of the "non-rational". It is here that meaning is found and creativity is KNOWN – knows itself. It seems that any who don't understand this will lose their jobs until they, at least, figure out what they actually are. Might this be a really good thing when the intellect is at last appropriately understood?

  9. I also await for the day when all the menial jobs will be taken by AI. I will not miss that, and indeed people should be less scared by future technology in that sense. The only thing that I do worry about is a physical AI that has the capability to upgrade itself, which is totally possible. We don't need to "reverse engineer" the human brain or fully understand the human body in order to make something that can wipe us out, because a robot is a different life form, conscious in a different sense. Once we make a robot capable of self-improvement both in the physical and virtual sense, the robot will think at much faster speeds than a human being, and it will learn that human beings might view it as a threat. Then there will be a problem, because robots won't be limited by the need to sleep, eat, drink. We would be no match if this goes out of control. I think it's a legitimate concern to hold control over AI.

  10. These are the things no one think about.. We are so wrapped up into this illusion that we’re moving towards thing but in reality we’re moving towards nothing.

  11. Not everyone will be able to transition over in the world of A.I. We need to tax the companies benefiting the most from A.I. to fund a Universal Income for all. Otherwise, A.I. will render many jobless.

  12. Sadhguru..may you tell your qualifications for answering such a question..why don't you say no if you don't have knowledge and experience of that field..I would like someone like sundar Pichai or Elon Musk to answer such questions not you..

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