
Will robots have immortal souls? Daniel Dennett vs Keith Ward



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High profile atheist philosopher Daniel C Dennett goes head to head with Christian theologian Keith Ward in this extract from their debate on mind, consciousness and freewill.

In this excerpt Dennett and Ward debate whether robots could be programmed with immortal ‘souls’.

The Big Conversation is a unique video series from Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the Christian and atheist community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human.

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6 thoughts on “Will robots have immortal souls? Daniel Dennett vs Keith Ward
  1. According to Jn 1, Jesus was god. But Jesus says later on [or John put words in his mouth] that he also had a father and it is him who sent Jesus to Earth to only save the lost tribes of Israel. But both Jesus and his father just about utterly failed in convincing Yudeans not only that Jesus was god, but also that he was 'prophesied' Messiah; whom the descendants of the Hebrews are still waiting for. To them, the Messiah is still to come and rule the world from Yerusalem even tho it had been a Jebusitic or a Shemitic and not Hebraic town; until, say, just, a century or less ago. How to, then make any sense out of the the fairy tale that Jesus was god, son, of god, fully human [He 2:17], born of a virgin [Lk, Mt], and born of a woman [Gal 4:4]? Anybody can? No, of course, not. After Hebrew god-who loved, cared for, and 'taught' only Hebrews- utterly failed to obtain what he desired the most; only, then, Paul invents the story that the Hebrew god told him from thence to preach only to goyim.

  2. Only a soul can be an immortal soul. Any form of digitalization of a human is a merging with death. Sin is similarly dead and "robotic", but digitization lacks the potential to be raised from the dead. Any bio-psycho integration with digitality is a drastically dangerous mistake which, even at a fairly minimal level, will result in mental death. When the soul is dysfunctional to the point of incompatibility with the body, the body will become an animate thing with no witness within; and this will happen far sooner than when it will be externally detectable. It will be internally detectable to a non-observing mind that it is non-observant; but artificial observance may blind the mind to it's own deadness.

    Much love ♥️.

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