Consciousness Videos

William Tiller – Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness on Provocative Enlightenment

Eldon Taylor

Dr. Tiller began personal investigations of human consciousness and the potential for inner enlightenment through meditation processes. While on a Guggenheim Fellowship and sabbatical to Oxford University in 1970, Dr. Tiller realized that it was crucial for future science that a competent investigator from the United States make a long-term, serious commitment to both experimental and theoretical investigations of psychoenergetic phenomena, an area that was anathema to the conventions of science at the time. His research and findings are legendary today!


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11 thoughts on “William Tiller – Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness on Provocative Enlightenment
  1. Very inSpirational!! Thank You William for going against and Braving the current to bring this Home for all us hungry Spirits. Much appreciated!!! Thank you Eldon for sharing this Wonderful Treasure!!

  2. This sounds like total bunkum.. I mean, he doesn't tell us the details of the experiments he did. Thousands of people were sent some kind of electric current on his machine? and then one year later, he measured something… something what? he gives us numbers as if they meant something. is he telling us that a thousand people were also given some other receiver to measure the something in their living spaces… and somehow the numbers went up. WTF..! He doesn't tell us anything. nothing at all… we want to know what this energy is, what it does, what's its function…utility. he's just pulling the wool over everyone's head. if he isn't mentally retarded, he's a fraud. like that spiral water guy from heart math who was exposed as a fake. all you need to do to sound technical is to do just that…string together a whole bunch of jargon together. shame on you for interviewing this man. you discredit your radioshow with this.

  3. How many times must humanity "prove" that unnecessary cruelty leads to nothing good. Didn't the Third Reich produce the same result?

  4. This kind of experiments on animals is inexcusable and utterly pointless. I thank you for your enlightening channel but use of animals as test experiments proves humankind has a long way to go toward love and compassion toward all sentient beings

  5. he speaks with difficulty. meridians are nonsense. no histological basis as he said, and if he knew about people that they can cure not even by touching but merely by their attention and will, he would have abandoned this for good. experiments with telepathy and broadcasting are also routine things people can try…he doesnt touch it deep enough.

  6. OMG – this is my first encounter with your vids – yet I almost quit after the first 5 minutes. The depth of cruelty of those experiments is simply barbaric. I don't consider what we supposedly learned from them worth anything. Our mental gain is paltry in the face of such deplorable behavior – regardless of science's general insensitivity to what they're doing – to the ugly price of the outcomes science so eagerly seeks.

    Sorry to go on & on, but until there's more awakening to simple, basic awareness – recognition that all life is conscious, down to the cell & beyond – we're going nowhere I want to go. It's not just science, of course – our meat & food production industries practice unspeakable barbarity as a matter of course.

    It seems a time of awakening is upon us, so may your work, sir, help enlighten & awaken us, pronto. Great guest!

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