
World Amazing Modern Agriculture Heavy Equipment Mega Machines Intelligent Technology Construction

Intelligent Technology

World amazing modern Agriculture Heavy Equipment and mega machines, tractor, harvester, ditcher, trencher, rammer, mower, automatic greenhouse construction, cultivation, reaper, automatic hay bales collector, loader, Sod Installer, excavator, device for collecting and planting rice, gathering etc. Agriculture equipment, latest farming technology machines, modern tube irrigation, planting, Mechanical Engineering. USA, Germany, China and other countries of Europe and Asia.

Удивительные современные мега машины и сельское хозяйство: трактор, комбайн, траншеекопатель, трамбовщик, газоноукладчик, косилка, автоматическое создание теплиц, культивация, погрузчик, экскаватор, жатка, приспособление для риса и многое другое. США, Германия и другие страны Европы и Азии.


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47 thoughts on “World Amazing Modern Agriculture Heavy Equipment Mega Machines Intelligent Technology Construction
  1. Tens of thousands of tons off plastic film that will not be recycled, but just thrown away. I'll laugh when there will be no more oil to power up these beautiful machines. This kind of agriculture is doomed to fail.

  2. each of vegetable need it sensor or either alot species research over for low cost and big deal of world economic …. when it cheaper it could be competitions in the world markets

  3. very good !!! fantastic!!! there is only one problam! with the present level of technology the agrocultural job of the whole world could be make by 500 person..because you have to take care only the softwares…what does it mean? it means that all the people who worked in agriculture in the world is unnecesary..except 500!the rest loose job and as unemployed loose the chance to have family…and this way slowly disappear!..and who ownes the technology can live and multiply only! do you think the owners give food for everybody?no..they will make disappear everybody because their kids need the place on the earth!
    why its good the robots do everything? why? is that good to sit and watch robots working??the job made the body and soul healthy!now with the technology you can be a lazy cocksucker with fat as and X legs

  4. We see more plastic than vegetables? Is this normal?
    Fortunately, permaculture is present and some prefer to eat healthy and organic.
    Heureusement que certains sont pour la permaculture … on voit plus de plastique de que légumes est-ce normal ?

  5. And what do they do at the end of the day with that huge used up plastics? Feed them to the pigs?? With so much plastics already floating in our oceans and now this kilometers of never ending plastics, we might just put the last nail in the coffin!! Congratulations humanity!!!

  6. can't find any World Amazing Modern Agriculture Heavy Equipment Mega Machines Intelligent Technology Construction those are machines from the 1990/ early 2000

  7. Hi there! Can You tell me please the source of the video sequence which is shown at 1:502:26 (the worker is planting strawberry on plastic mulch) and the video sequence starting at 4:07 to 4:37 (with three people on the transplanting machine)? Thank You in advance!

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