
World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019 / Tesla CEO Elon talks with Alibaba founder Jack

Jason Yang

Tesla CEO Elon Musk talks with Alibaba founder Jack Ma’s ‘free-wheeling debate’ at the 2019 Aug 29 Shanghai,Is human being at the turning point in technological development? What is the relationship between people and machines, intelligence and employment? How will education, health care, urban governance, travel and even art be presented in an intelligent era?

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I think it is very meaningful to think about the future. I recommended it to everyone.


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31 thoughts on “World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019 / Tesla CEO Elon talks with Alibaba founder Jack
  1. Jack ma is saying that since computers can calculate faster, and remember better, whe should focus on our strengths wich is creativity(art, music, poetry, writing).

  2. Do China intellectuals or rulers agree with what has happened to the Uyghur ethnic minorities who have been threatened and deprived of their cultural and religious rights?

  3. "man can never make another man"
    What a load of shit, how shortsighted.

    I could actually make a huge list of dumb shit he said during this, and all the points he completely missed that elon made.

  4. It is simple the human being is more than intelligence,

    the human being is yearnings, dreams, motivation, fun etc.

    If you put a group of human beings to create civilization their inventiveness will be infinite,

    If you put machines to exist they will only get into balance with the demands of the environment and there they will stagnate,

    If the balance is achieved by extinguishing, then they will be extinguished.

    The machine does not have the impulse of life, and the impulse of life is not an order, because it works with something called free will.

  5. Actually, I think the cultural and lingual barrier was the biggest reason why this conference talk made Jack Ma look so stupid. By listening to it now I realize that what he's trying to convey is that he is more concerned with the here and now (we only have 100 years = basically the max length of a single human's life, which is what I think he meant), whereas Elon Musk's ideas extend way into the future. And quite honestly, I think that focusing on improving the planet we are on here and now is both way more realistic and a lot more important than splurging billions of dollars on some Star Trek fantasy of colonizing Mars. Of course, when it comes to the technicalities of AI, Jack Ma was simply not the guy to invite. It would be like inviting a car salesman to a convention for neuro surgeons; he had no prerequisites to chime in on it in an intelligent way. And some of his analogies probably just sounded stupid in English, like "going to Mars is just like going to the top of a building and taking one step off, you never come back" lol. What he probably meant is that currently, going to Mars is a one-way ticket, which makes it meaningless for most people to even want to go there. So all in all, he was just not the right guy to pair up with Elon Musk for a tech talk on AI.

  6. Now I know why Jack Ma was reject by Harvard 8 times. Selling stuffs on the internet suit him much better. Harvard probably did him a favor. After all he's the richest man in China now.

  7. i wonder what does the comment section of this video on Chinese mainland side. are they in favor of jack ma? and don't think that elon is joking when he said "we have area 59 and its 8 better than area 51"? are perhaps they think elon just mumbling meaningless word to look smart? if they do wew…. just wew

  8. No offense but one of these guys makes some of the most technologically advanced products on earth and for space exploration, and the other guy sells cheap nick knacks and plastic crap to wannabe business people who want to jack the price up on shit products. So who is more qualified to talk about the future of mankind

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