
YOLO Object Detection (TensorFlow tutorial)

Siraj Raval

You Only Look Once – this object detection algorithm is currently the state of the art, outperforming R-CNN and it’s variants. I’ll go into some different object detection algorithm improvements over the years, then dive into YOLO theory and a programmatic implementation using Tensorflow!

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44 thoughts on “YOLO Object Detection (TensorFlow tutorial)
  1. Cool thank you for the informative video. However, at the end you are not training it on your own video.. but you are only executing the neural network on your own video. Am I correct? You are only doing inference and not training…

  2. Hi siraj,

    I want to know, is there a way to use object or image recognition on internet or website like on Amazon or Walmart to product images recognition, etc, rather than using real-time object detection via webcam. please reply

  3. I just wanted to say thank you for the great video I have been watching your videos for a little while now and I really enjoy the pacing of this one some of your other videos are a little fast and everything goes over my head but I think this was a good balance

  4. Great video @Siraj Raval !
    Is there a web version of the document you are going through in this video by any chance?

  5. Good video. awesome presentation. Tune your mike echo. it echo's at a considerable level, thereby muffling the sound clarity to a significant level. Use loud key statement phrases with a different tone, every so often, as headings for different elements of your great talk. Clear text uses paragraphs for different phases of a narrative. Your narrative is not loudly organized, it's quite fast and sonically uneventful. I am 40 and foreign, loud summary statements to orient and punctuate, and logical paragraphing, would make this clearer. awesome presentation though. I managed to follow at least 8 minutes until my potato sausages destracted me and when I picked up again i was lost.

  6. Nice video tutorial. I was hoping if you could give an advise a new method on how to detect rules of thirds on a photograph using OpenCV? Thanks in advance.

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