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Your Brain on Psilocybin

SciShow Psych

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Humans have been taking psilocybin-containing mushrooms for centuries, but there has been recent research into the therapeutic possibilities of this molecule.

Hosted by: Anthony Brown
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43 thoughts on “Your Brain on Psilocybin
  1. Anybody who has undergone intensive psilocybin therapy will understand that trying to get life-changing therapeutic benefits of psychedelics WITHOUT the trip is laughable. You don't get the life-changing insights that actually alter your perceptions of yourself and the world around you without the trip. That's what rattles you out of the depression. It's like packing years of intensive cognitive behavioral therapy into five hours while clearing the mind's RAM cache. It's not an intervention to be undertaken lightly, but it's the trip itself that provides the benefit.

    There's a horrifying puritanism in our culture against altering consciousness, while having this obscene blind spot towards substances like alcohol, tobacco and coffee. It leads to this concept that never altering your consciousness is somehow the "ideal" without ever stopping to interrogate WHY that became a cultural taboo.

  2. Look up 👆that handle who grows and sells the
    Strains of psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, Acid, Xanax, shrooms, Acid, Gummies, psych meds, dmt trips, psychedelic stuffs also ship's to different places

  3. Just had my first experience. It was amazing. I could see the face of my consciousness and it was really cool. I knew that this extra dimensional entity was a spiritual reflection of myself. It was my soul, with some limitations, but I automatically knew it was me. Very eye opening experience

  4. Psychedelics are just an amazing discovery. It's quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress disorders. Saved my life

  5. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like trying to manufacture the benefits without the trip is a little bit like asking for a degree without taking a class?

  6. I can refer you to this dude who I met online who guided me through my first ever dmt experience he's got mushrooms LSD MDMA and other psychedelic he ships discreetly

  7. Until last night it had been like 15 years since I took these things. I went further than I bargained for. All I took was a very tiny pinch and it sent me down the rabbit hole.

  8. As a Teen. I would explain it as i didn't feel straight to smoke weed or drink. Like i didn;t need it. Didn't realize till later it helped with my Depression an Anxiety. We would do it once a year on The Simpsons Halloween. All it took. Good all year.

  9. I'll refer☝🏻☝🏻 that handle who grows and sells the best
    Strains of psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, Acid, Xanax, shrooms, Acid, Gummies, psych meds, dmt trips, psychedelic stuffs also ship's to different places

  10. Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction. Imagine carrying heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.

  11. The trip is the point. I would be dead without psychedelics. Mushrooms, ayahuasca (and analogs) and ketamine have been the only drugs that have worked. I've had addiction issues, intractable depression and anxiety. All of which were increased and intensified by a TBI… which was getting better until COVID brought back the symptoms and amplified them.
    I know which medicine works, I just need an infrastructure. I can keep a doctors appointment, but keeping an appointment with myself, to take a large dose of psychedelics is extremely difficult, especially through the murk and dread of deep depression.
    Thanks for the video. It's nice to see honest reporting on the subject.

  12. I've been microdosing for several weeks now, and I feel way better than when taking any sort of antidepressants I've ever been prescribed. If you're on the fence, just try it. And don't fall for the scammers in these comment sections selling it, they'll just take your money. Grow them yourself if you have to.

  13. Everyone in the comments having life changing experiences but for me it made me start hating wearing layers of clothes 😭 like I don’t feel comfortable wearing a jacket anymore

  14. Psilocybin, LSD, shrooms and ketamine are absolutely life changing substances that have so much potential to help people with mental health issues.

  15. It is NEVER a good idea to take a large dose of psilocybin when you are extremely depressed no matter what psychologist you’re with (that would actually almost definitely make it worse) is there something positive to be gained in treatment of depression with a really bad trip? Potentially yes it may make you confront thoughts you neglect or are in denial about but there’s no way to go into a mushroom trip in a miserable mood and have a “good trip” there’s probably more potential in micro dosing/infusion or non or less psychoactive altery like 5HT-2 although I’ve heard that’s pretty similar to SS/SNRIs or something even mdma

  16. I used to have un aliving thoughts ever since i was 11. Like non stop. The only reason i never actually did it it’s because i could feel how much it would hurt those who loved me and I didn’t want to be selfish. I wanted to break the cycle and not transfer my suffering to someone else. I felt stuck because i had already tried multiple ways to un alive but the fear would literally freeze me. I knew it in my bones I wasn’t going to go through with it. At the same time, there was not a single reason for me to stay. I thought independence was going to make me happy. I’ve lived by myself since i was 19 (I’m 25) and I still wouldn’t even enjoy the simplest things in life like eating. My stomach would close and i would abuse drugs just to numb the pain or to go after a high. I would do tabs and watch pr0n 7 hours straight. At the same time i was reading spiritual books like the power of now, a new earth, the 4 agreements, and Ram Dass. All great books but it didn’t give me the answers I needed. I was reading with my brain but I needed to transfer that knowledge to my heart. I just didn’t know how. It felt like I didn’t have a heart. I resented life. I went to rehab, stayed “clean” but still abused weed. I started to have “episodes” which I don’t know what to call because I’m not going to self diagnose myself plus figuring out what to called my condition was not important, what is important is to find the roots and heal from within. But anyways, within those episodes i would go days at a time barely eating and then i would have a couple of days where i felt unstoppable and on top of the world and i would do everything that i had postponed up to that point. And then the cycle repeated: I wouldn’t be able to get of bed. One of those days where i I felt euphoric i got shrooms and I did them the next day, i was just feeling grateful and optimistic. I had asked god (even though i had no faith, it was just a gut feeling that a higher power existed because the government hides this freeing power that religions call “god” from us. I just knew that the soul had to exist and that scientists knew that but they choose to not share that power because “if it can’t be measured, then the scientific process can’t be applied” but it’s all bs. It’s all about control. Anyways I don’t know who i was talking to before the trip but i knew “it” was listening to me. So I asked for mercy and guidance because my life depended on it. I asked to be taught how to live, how to love. I asked to be guided into healing (which is still happening, but now I don’t need to trip to continue the process.) and that’s what happened my hand was held by life itself and i felt caressed in my soul. I was born anew and given “new eyes”. Now I don’t have to “believe” that the world is a magic and beautiful place: I KNOW IT

  17. I have treatment resistant depression and chronic anxiety. I have tried Esketamine and had a horrible experience with it. If I were to try Magic Mushroom in a clinical environment, will it be better tolerated by me? I desperately want to relieve this mental illness.

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