
Yuval Noah Harari & Steven Pinker in conversation

Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari and Steven Pinker in conversation, moderated by Dr. Maksym Yakovlyev in September 2019.


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22 thoughts on “Yuval Noah Harari & Steven Pinker in conversation
  1. I can't fathom how intelligent men, cognizant of climate change for 4.5 billion years, think CO2 is so consequential and threatening. Yuval had a telling comment. He doesn't want any more climate change. So, after 4.5 billion years, stop the world, because Yuval says so. That is delusional.

  2. Of course, to be fair, we do need to manipulate variables, sufficient to maintain a habitable planet. That is probably doable. So I should talk past Yuval. We do want the same thing; survival.

  3. PINKER! No! My hero! You can't say things like that the psychological manipulation is not so fast to come (17:30), while it has already come!

    And there's no need to be chipped – just the way the websites, tv, and information streams are designed makes you desire what they want you to desire.

  4. 26:19
    > …there is tremendous amount of surveillance, even in a country like the US, but it's not being done by the government…

    NSA employees laughed really hard on this one.

  5. Pinker claims that the human brain is little more than a mechanical organ yet downplays the power that machines may have to override our decision-making. Strange logic.

  6. It is not that there is camera in every house, there is a microphone on every phone and when you sign up for social media you give permission for them to access the microphone which has access to everything you say whether you are recording or not. This is exactly as 1984 predicted.

  7. Did Harari just equate the importance of gender studies to the hard sciences?
    …Stick around until the end, folks. That nugget was worth the wait.

  8. This pinker guy is just so irrelevant next to Harari…his speech is so pale and boring. He puts me to sleep. Harari is a superhuman genius with unique conclusions. Clearly Pinker is feeling a bit insecure here with his overlong intro speech…Pinker is just soo unoriginal . A true Harvard lecturer…

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