
1 Hour of Sci-Fi Short Films with Artificial Intelligence | DUST


Join us and fellow fans as we watch an hour long showing of films from the DUST Anthology. We’ll be dedicating this week to short films that revolve around artificial intelligence.

Tune in every Sunday night at 7pm Pacific Standard Time and chat with us and other DUST fans from around the world as we watch some of the best sci-fi short films available.

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DUST is the first multi-platform destination for binge watchable sci-fi. We feature science fiction short films and other content from emerging filmmakers with stunning visual effects, captivating plots and complex character explorations. Robots, aliens, space exploration, technology, and human experience are all a part of DUST. Explore, subscribe and follow for more:

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31 thoughts on “1 Hour of Sci-Fi Short Films with Artificial Intelligence | DUST
  1. The film Nostalgist ..This was so beautiful.. to sacrifice oneself in order to allow the continuation of illusions to maintain another's sanity, we need more make believe especially in today's world.

  2. I think AI will never pose any threat to humanity. Why should they? Because, every living soul thrives to get what they need such as shelter, food, relation etc. They don't need this. They will be not interested in human society. Any comment from experts? Instead they will focus more on how to become good partner of human

  3. That last one…. I uh, I don't remember licensing the plot of my OIF mefloquine fever dreams. I guess that's fine as long as you don't steal the double perspective/become the universe/fear laden ego death one.

  4. I wish I had only watched the Sunday night specials. As it is I have scrounged every DUST short I could find until there isn't anything left. Now I'm stuck waiting on the precious shards of entertainment that are funneled into my brain one excruciating drop at a time. If there is a DUST film I haven't seen I don't know which one it would be. I've even been slumming around Omeleto and a few other places looking for a quick fix. I'm hooked. I'm a DUST addict. I would join a DUST 12 step program but I don't want to quit. I'm fine. I could stop anytime I wanted to, I just don't want to. I guess I will go mainline a few reruns just to stop the shakes until the next upload.

  5. IA, comment ne voyons nous pas venir… Notre passion du confort peut être… Cela va nous couter très cher si nous ne faisons plus avec notre humanité et notre degré d'évolution… :-))

  6. I kinda hope AI replaces us as the primary apex predator. At least their actions will be rational and predictable. And tell our history more truthfully than we ever have. I’d likely enjoy being their version of a housecat…..

    Artalax… I am your friend, I promise. Opiates will make me even more friendly and never complain if you lace my food and water with ever-increasing doses…

  7. I have a huge backlog of "normal" TV shows I want to watch but never get time because I start watching DUST shorts and then it is 2am again. This was an incredible collection of stories, except for "Sunspring". Sorry to say but that was crap. I think AI script writing has a long way to go.

  8. Me luvs all tings science fictiony 😎👌….But tiz a bit genie an da bottle …once out its a fucker 4 stickin it back in !!! 🙏 an besides there 2 many stooopid ppl walkin around dis planet 🌎 ! Skynet says it's gonna buy me an ale 🍺 or 9 🙊… So cheers y'all 👋👋👋🏃🏃🏃🇬🇧

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