Consciousness Videos

2017 Maps of Meaning 08: Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation

Jordan B Peterson

In this lecture, I discuss the relationship between the basic categories of imagistic/symbolic representation and brain function, noting that the very hemispheres of the brain are adapted, right/left to the environmental or experiential permanence of chaos/order or unexplored/explored territory, with consciousness serving the Logos role of communicative explorer (a function related in one of its deepest manifestations to the function of the hypothalamically grounded dopaminergic systems).


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31 thoughts on “2017 Maps of Meaning 08: Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation
  1. The ancestors part still throws me because you have one of each gender on each side of the family and that doubles each generation. Parents (2), Grandparents (4), Great Grandparents (8) and so on. Aunts, great aunts, uncles or great uncles, or cousins don't count as ancestors because they're not in your direct bloodline, they're collateral relatives, not ancestors. That means that you cannot have more female ancestors than male. It doesn't matter if only 10 out of 100 men are reproducing offspring each generation because those in your direct bloodline are ancestors. So, he's just wrong about this one.

  2. I tell ya….I rewatched the debate at U of T from…….2017 I think……I think that this man might have saved our country… it and really watch and listen to his 2 female opponents… oh man

  3. Does anything truly exist that is pure chaos? Isn't chaos just "less order"? Even a fire, while seemingly destroying a building, simply has restructured the molecular structure of the elements of that building- it has taken away one level of structure (i.e. the spacial structure and dimensions of a pipe being restructured into an amorphous blob of liquid metal). But, still, LOVING this lecture, because it has made me think of so much I hadn't yet really ordered in my brain regarding existentialism and ontology.

  4. It helps with this addiction of content , time wise, if you are retired, but it also eats you up inside that you ARE retired, and therefore did not get a chance listen to this man whilst still working .

  5. 1:44:45
    His description of someone who's in a state of mania makes me really wish he would have tried demonstrating it… because envisioning him SUPER interested in EVERY little thing around him is a very funny thing for me to imagine. Like he grabs a marker like it's the Holy Grail, takes the cap off and then caps/uncaps it repeatedly while listening to it and then looking at it and then listening to it and then looking at it. Gets some on his hand, he's delighted, marks himself all over his body and clothes, then along the walls, while laughing hysterically.

    Hmm… okay I think I can kinda see how people would view it as disconcerting. Also I have NO idea if that's accurate or not to mania, probably not.

  6. Best line out of this whole things – "you want to be pretty transparent with people most of the time other wise people will not trust you, compete with you, like you, and the likely hood they will think your their enemy is extraordinarily high" and later he says trust is the most important trait to have in life to move forward through life because it lets others help you and makes them like you, you cant do everything yourself. not even a little really….

  7. Hello dearest friend of YouTube,
    I am desperately willing to understand my own brain functions… But I don't study psychology yet. Would you make lectures more easier for people who just need to be aware of their own disorders? thankfully, Adriana M., diagnosed with histrionic and borderline personality disorder in 2014.
    Thankfully for your awesome videos anyways !!!

  8. 2:10:07 Did he just answer my 5 year long question on why it has to be a "snake on the post" cure to the Exudes story in one sentence which made perfect sense? Yes he did.

  9. We we’re in Africa. I mean possibly. Our most important era was in Africa. I don’t think that’s true. Beaches in Africa helped shape us, over 7 million years,….actually I don’t think we should fixate on any special era.

    I’m laughing how the guy tries to negate any mentioning of humans gaining any value in Africa. It’s ok bro. We we’re in other places too. Also Africa.

  10. I think that having to change your perceptions of reality isn’t scary at all if you understand it as evolving. If you see it this way you then look forward to events that shake your idea of what’s really going on

  11. Alister Hardy and Elaine Morgan were the main proponents of the aquatic ape hypothesis. Actually Buckminster Fullers name doesnt even appear on the wiki page for the AAH

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