
2018 BBC TWO Documentary — Picasso’s Last Stand — HD 720p.

Picasso’s Last Stand reveals the untold story of the last decade of the great artist’s life, through the testimony of family and close friends – many of them the people he allowed into his private world in the 1960s. As his health declined in these final years, Picasso faced damaging criticism of his work and intimate revelations about his bohemian lifestyle for the first time. And yet, in the midst of disaster, he rediscovered his revolutionary spirit with a creative surge that produced some of his most sexually frank and comic work. Exhibitions of the new style horrified and disappointed contemporaries. But now his biographer Sir John Richardson and granddaughter Diana Widmaier Picasso argue that this last enormous effort produced some of his greatest and most profound art: the stunning counter-attack of a protean genius coming to terms with old age.

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10 thoughts on “2018 BBC TWO Documentary — Picasso’s Last Stand — HD 720p.
  1. Great film on the Late works of Picasso, works which were declared worthless by a lot of idiots at the time….when in fact they were fantastic. This is back when I really had just discovered Picasso around 1969).The author Berger here was a complete fool, writing one of the worst books on Picasso (good that he's only on for a few seconds, the charlatan art critic), but the biographer Richardson here sheds some light, and there's quite a few painting even I haven't seen before….and I am always looking at Picasso.

  2. Today's Abstract Expressionism has it's early roots in the last 10 years of Picasso's work. People at the time didn't know it however, but it (abstract expressionism) was in these paintings he did.

  3. Overrated Twat. He was the early 20th century version of a Meme going viral. He art was shit and he was shit too. Just because rich people were interested in his vomit on canvas doesn't make him great. Books on him? LOL. I could write a book about the intricacies of memes but no one would consider the "art" because no one PAYS for them. Glad he suffered in the last decade, it partially made up for how much of a fucked up person he was in life.

  4. Picasso was quite simply what he was, he doesn't really seem to hide this…love, lust, passion, mortality…the human condition and an obvious confusion as to how to deal with and live in this condition. That he produced a number of masterpieces that will live on forever is without question, much of the art he produced is timeless which means even if you were born 300 yrs from now you could relate to his works unless human beings evolved dramatically in this time (outwardly maybe, inwardly – questionable). He could be harsh, brut, spiky, even devilish yet in the next work delicate, senesative, compassionate or whimsical and this is really his strenghth. Picasso produced in his life time what most people would struggle to produce in three, was he a messed up individual, Probably – but aren't we all? Is he overrated? In the grand scheme of things, probably not, what he painted at 17 years of age most people could only dream of, picasso created cubism and without cubism there's no Duchamp and without Duchamp there's no conceptualism and so on…Art is as much about presentation as anything else, we all have un-made beds at home but we do not present them in galleries as art and nor did we intend them to be so, in which case they are not viewed as art. If you want a 'meme' to be considered as art then you would have to present it as such, otherwise such things just get lost as do so many other things as free content and entertainment…

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