Consciousness Videos

Bernard Carr – Physics of the Observer

Closer To Truth – Physics of the Observer

Does the concept of observation have deep relevance in fundamental physics? What about in quantum physics where some kind of observation seems to be needed to transform “wave function” probabilities into actual events?

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8 thoughts on “Bernard Carr – Physics of the Observer
  1. If we are scientists does it follow that we must require observation and repeatability as a necessary requirement of a theory? As Gauss pointed out, information requires time of transmission for any observation. This requirement eliminates any possibility for the observer as being the cause of an event to actually be the cause of the observation.

    As an extreme example of this, observing a cosmalogic event plays no role in the cause of a cosmological event. It then follows, no event then can be caused by the observer and preserve the delay of information as scientific requirement for scientific method,

  2. Is there a case where the wave function collapses without hitting the particle with a photon or some other particle as in the case of the double slit experiment?

  3. My theory is the EDWs (Epistemologically Different Worlds) published in 2002-2003. Also, see here a new interpretation of quantum mechanics: in 2006, 2008, 2010 quantum theory is a pseudo-theory! My webpage here there are FIVE books FREE (all English) and many articles. About my EDWs perspective, see SYNTHESE (2005, USA) and SPRINGER (2016, Germany): Illusions of Human Thinking: on concepts of Mind, Reality, and Universe in Psychology, Neuroscience and Physics) in this book: quantum theory is a pseudo-theory, the mind-brain (life-organism) problem is a pseudo-problem, cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science, the ontology of special and general theory of relativity, definition of ‘life’, mental representation, etc.

    (2016) Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu, Dark matter and Dark Energy, Space and Time, and Other pseudo-notions in Cosmology, Datagroup-Int, S.R.L. (

    Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (2017) From Hypernothing to Hyperverse: EDWs, Hypernothing, Wave and Particle, Elementary Particles, Thermodynamics, and Einstein’s Relativity Without “Spacetime”, Datagroup-Int S.R.L. (on Amazon)

    I am Magellan2 who discovered the EDWs! (Magellan1 discovered two Americas). I have changed everything in Physics, Cognitive Science and Philosophy! (moral philosophy excluded)…

    Gabriel Vacariu (July 2018 – 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE similarities between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy at

  4. The Primacy of Consciousness seems awry as it is the Primacy of Existence that governs the creation and operation of neural networks and thus consciousness. Perhaps more importantly, it is the unconscious mind that regulates most of our actions and behaviors so, let's not make the mistake of placing the 'earth' at the center of the universe again. See the documentary Automatic Brain: The Magic of the Unconscious Mind on YouTube or elsewhere. It brings the incredible importance of the unconscious to the conscious.

    Also, an Observer is any interaction that collapses a quantum probability wave function. Photons collapse electron wave functions all over the universe without being observed by anything so-called conscious. Are all those collapses even observable? When did one first observe your heart muscle so it could function? Or the core of the earth so our planet could exist?

    Wave-Particle Duality and other Quantum Myths

    Laura Mersini-Houghton – Physics of the Observer

    Automatic Brain: The Magic of the Unconscious Mind

  5. Professor Carr is very fair in his description of the various opinions on the role of consciousness as ‘observer’. I very much like Wheeler’s ‘Participatory Universe’ idea, but I can see why many Physicists don’t – it introduces an ‘unmeasurable’ mental element into Physics. However, the fact that it creates an added embuggerance factor for physicists doesn’t make it false! Indeed, it is most compatible with James’ “Radical Empiricism” which places ‘experience’ as the central monistic reality, from which the duality of mind and matter are derivative. Does a cat, or a goldfish, or an amoeba or a camera collapse the wave function? James might say… only to the extent that they can experience the world.

  6. Matter theory. The necessary and sufficient unifying physics theory of everything. No observer required. No nonsense to argue about. Pure physics for a much better understanding of everything in our universe. Search keywords: matter theory marostica.

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