The Virtual Linguistics Campus
The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “Linguistics 102 – Speech Science” discusses all aspects of human speech: speech production, speech perception and the physics of speech (including the computer-based analysis of speech sounds).
Registration started on 1 June 2014, Class Start: 1 August 2014, 9 am CEST! .(tagsToTranslate)Linguistics(t)Phonetics(t)Speech(t)Consonants(t)Vowels(t)Perception(t)Production(t)Physics(t)MOOC(t)Online Couirse(t)Jürgen Handke(t)Linguistics Online(t)VLC(t)Virtual Linguistics Campus(t)E-Lecture(t)University(t)College(t)Student(t)Education(t)Community(t)educational(t)mobile device(t)Marburg(t)University of Marburg
The VLC MOOCs Linguistics 101 (Fundamentals) and 102 (Speech Science) are ready to start. 8 more days time to register, start on 1 August, 9 am CEST.
Be part of it.