
A course in Cognitive Linguistics: Frame Semantics

Martin Hilpert

This is episode number eight in a course in Cognitive Linguistics. This episode presents frame semantics as an approach to word meaning that differs substantially from feature-based semantic theories. Frames are mental schemas of recurrent situations that people use to make sense of the world, word meanings denote parts of those frames. .(tagsToTranslate)Linguistics (Film Genre)(t)Semantics (Field Of Study)(t)Frame Semantics(t)Cognitive Linguistics(t)Philosophy (Field Of Study)(t)meaning


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11 thoughts on “A course in Cognitive Linguistics: Frame Semantics
  1. I realize I leave a lot of comments, but they do help me wrap my hand around a lot of these concepts that are all new to me. Maybe "the shore" and "the coast" don't really have the same meaning – one refers to the place where water ends the land begins, the other – where the land ends and water begins. I'm not sure if this comments adds anything interesting to what the video says.

  2. for the word "smuggle" I came up with the following:


    looking at your results, I didn't change my option about the "border frame". for me it makes more sense to use border. because it includes authority, 2 sides ( source, destination ) and a direct path ( across the border ).

    how does it effect me if I refuse to accept your frame, or any frame for the matter of fact ?

    And what benefits do I gain if I can see some one Else's frame ?

  3. Thanks for making these. This series is seriously great. After four years of university in the traditional generative tradition, the field of CL provides such a refreshingly different and interesting perspective. Since reading Metaphors We Live By and Women,Fire and Dangerous things I've been itching to learn more about CL and this is a perfect overview from which to choose my future reading.

  4. Could you go further and discuss Script theory semantics? Frame semantics on first glance seem to be declarative knowledge but in a more convenient form for making deductions, etc. Script theory is a development of frames where the frame is in the form of a sequence of events.

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