Consciousness Videos

A Higher Consciousness & How to Access It – Alan Watts (Full Lecture)

Spiritual Youniverse

Is there a higher state of consciousness? If so, how can we access or transform our state of consciousness? Alan Watts, from the Inevitable Ecstasy Part 1.

The Inevitable Ecstasy Part 1. This is Part 5 of 12 in the Out of Your Mind Lecture Series. View the Playlist for this Series:

Playlists of Speakers are Below! Hit Play, Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy.

Alan Watts Playlist:

Eckhart Tolle Playlist:

Sadhguru Playlist:
#AlanWatts #HigherConsciousness #SelfConsciousness

Copyright Notice: These videos are made with the intention of educating others in philosophy and to stimulate and encourage further analysis, discussion and learning inquiries. Any audio and visuals used are researched and understood be in correlation to Fair Right Use, however given that it is open to interpretation, if any claimed owner of the content clip would like us to remove the video please email us at


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25 thoughts on “A Higher Consciousness & How to Access It – Alan Watts (Full Lecture)
  1. Crazy on acid I ego deathed with not just me but everyone, I could feel through a higher consciousness and experience anything that we’ve experienced as a collective conscious. It was like a aha moment I understood why people have invented music or anything else so we could experience what they wanted to experience It all seemed so obvious and I thought of everything in my past and it all just made sense

  2. Consciousness is in a tree , a tree has no identity we gave it identity by calling it a tree but it grows it’s alive it’s conscious of purpose.
    it does not need to learn it knows , a producer of c02 happily consuming sunlight , through photosynthesis oxygen is the by product.
    We feed off the stuff

    we humans have an identity as a single person individually not a whole.
    also we are 7 trillion single cells and micro bacteria that all have a single purpose that connect to other cells and systems to network individually and collectively as a system. To make a whole , human , we are just identity , identity is what makes us who we are and that information comes from outside beliefs from a systemic education through visual experiences we chose to believe and bring into our bubble of what we believe we see as relevant for the bubble. that disallows us to perceive systematically as a collective . For instance we call a tree a tree but that tree may see it’s self as a Forrest. A collective ,
    that tree is therefore consciousness, which is everywhere. if we saw as prospective as a whole from every possible human angle we would be god.

    Just the bigger picture of our form.

    Remember the tree does not have identity it could feel like every forest everywhere.

    What prospective are you,

    The cloud
    Or the rain
    Or the sea.

    I guess that’s all on how you look at it.


    But more a systematic prospective

  3. I am Soooo Happy to know that im not THE only person who feels and identifies with Spirituality on this level.It becomes more or more lonely feeling like an Alien,and nobody else being woke to the realities of the world

  4. I just now discovered Alan Watts.. His lectures and wise words. I have been having the same thoughts that he is now saying out loud. I’m happy something finally make sense to me and that I’m not the only one to realize or see these things.. I just started the video, but I recently have been thinking.. We are so much more mentally and spiritually more capable of what we think we are.. I’m curious to what he has to say..

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